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Everything posted by fleabaag

  1. reposting in the recreated thread. You UI programmers need to be taken behind the cafeteria and get shot in the back of their heads.
  2. Nice patch, I really appreciate the Company's effort to respond to user input and try to improve the game. UNFORTUNATELY they DON'T KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT MMO"s ?? or they are just blind and ignorant?? Just make the damn thing a spiral like so many other games or add a timer on the icon. :confused:THIS FAILS BIG TIME:confused:, it fails, you fail the game will fail if you keep pushing us to leave Do you even test this things? do you have a department that are gamers and also developers who play your game? Do you have quality assurance do you have anything at all even a clue. Unplayable annoying tedious disturbing utter garbage, recruit people that can deliver or stop the servers really...utterly disgusted and tired of this joke of a development team.
  3. What is it with bounty hunters getting mails from Bioware and other classes don't
  4. Yes, AND Do NOT overwrite the original group with the warzone group, wow does this for ages so can you, help us build a friend list and community on the closed servers since you don allow cross server pvp nough said
  5. First off this is not a rant post. Second , I can't really know if it's been brought up before since i can't search these forums. We are trying to build a community and a friend list on our serer that participate in PvP so we try and create a group of 5-6 people and queue . The problem begins after the warzone ends and since the group in the warzone overwrites our own premade group we have to do all the invites again and again! This is tedious and annoying and simply put a flawed mechanic, I'm not sure how many of you would like this to be addressed and I'm not sure if any dev will take a note of that, but at least for me its a 'game breaker' so to speak and makes my own game experience way less fun than it should be.
  6. try alt_32 and let us know if it works
  7. swtor - wow comparison normal mode =lfr hard mode = normal mode nightmare = hard mode double /golfclap for finishing hard mode
  8. i log wow clear all in an evening also, then log back here and have some fun
  9. The whole UI is atrocious and seems like the output of a junior programmer that has nothing to do with MMO gaming altogether. Just because they tried to make it different does not mean it is actually practical or better it is bad design from scratch. Starting with toolbar positioning and overlapping with your companion toolbar to player and target frames stuck in place on the center screen toolbars, different yes better no..by a long shot. UI customization is coming but if i can only make the frames (char/target) smaller and are still glued to the toolbar i gain nothing at all, only making the already hard to spot buffs/debufs smaller and harfer to interpret. Dont try to reinvent the wheel its already there, please don't shoot your self in the foot releasing a UI customization that lacks the functionality already there but all triple A MMO's.
  10. Your boredom has nothing to do with this game trust me, it is you who is the problem. If you have nothing to do then don't log or don't play 24/7 go out have a beer or if you are a sociopath play another game, just don't come here and QQ about clearing everything and how awesome you are. Deal with it ALL MMO's or games for that part are the SAME if you play too much, adding content atm is the worst thing the devs could possibly do they actually need to hurry up and fix the dozens of bugs and imbalances to keep the 99% of the player base intact.
  11. Yes SWTOR has bugs and yes they are annoying and yes they are fixing them slowly:(. More end game will come but most importantly it has to be playable i agree. But for the love of god! stop comparing stuff like Molten core and all that into raiding jazz from other games with this game, someone said ragnaros was killed 5 months after release, you know why? have you been there ? rag was buggy as it can get at start, then he was impossible to kill with 40 players in the best gear possible, then he was more buggy and i wont even try to mention the rest of the bosses before him and the grinding it took to douse the fires.. I am not particularly super happy with swtor been buggy and having practically no customer support , but i can tell you its a breath of fresh air after so many years of playing you know what. I'd rather have fun playing this game which i would really love to see become better than have to stomach 5-6 months of dragon soul and the hilarious nerfing it will get to keep guilds 'interested'
  12. Since we are debating the camera issue.. The camera zoon in/out percentage % is directly linked to the max camera distance..so the larger you set it the bigger chunks each scroll gets, making it really annoying to adjust it close to your char. Bug or feature I don't know but it sure fails big time, also upon enter a warzone if you scroll to or away from your char it simply defaults to some predetermined distance which makes you play around with it all the time making it even more frustrating.
  13. Add to that list better nameplate support , separate enemies from friendly players make them thicker and clickable and please don't let them appear in front of my avatar.. This list is basically a compilation of what most veteran raiders/MMO players are looking for in a contemporary game. I think Bioware is going the right way but might have to speed things up to keep 'serious/hardcore' players interested.
  14. Someone said the bounty hunter get a complementary email at level 10, i got one as well after trying one out....i mean what? why? I never got anything on my rep classes so you bioware
  15. Just gonna state the obvious and say if this game was developed by a company starting with B also , it would have been released XMass 2012 and not 2011.
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