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Posts posted by dnoisette

  1. I think it would be best to leave them ambiguous, imo. Have them react to each player character on an individual basis.


    I'm conlicted about this: I'd like to be able to determine which kind of romance I'm looking for on a specific companion but at the same time I enjoy discovering them IG through various talks. Who said women are hard to content? :D


    As a side note:


    They are, actually! I read the original call to arms from one of the Florida based letter campaigns and they even had links to this thread and everything XD We're internet famous :p


    What saddens me is that those letter campaigns still exist. I might be living in some ideal world in my mind but I fail at understanding the reason for them to be. :(

  2. ^I second this and I also just skipped through so don't know if this have been posted yet but: http://th08.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/f/2010/269/b/3/darth_revan_presentation_by_digitalinkrod-d2zkoa2.jpg looks just plain awesome.


    Also, the mara robe that drops in BT normal, that one though re-colour it black and give it a hood, how could the armor from there just drop dead? I use my PvP-chest when I PvE just because the PvE chest just look terrible for marauders. I tend to re-mod the Centurion or Battlemaster one after 1.2 if we don't get better gear soon.


    1. The designers at Bioware don't get paid enough and strike through creating horrible gear.

    2. The designers just don't have a clue how the gear should look and don't listen to the players and should get less paid for their horrible designs, hell, you listened to the people and nerfed Operatives/Smugglers, why don't you just give us our hooded, dark robes. It don't seem that hard?


    Also, anyone who got any info about the marauder/sentinel vendors that are being released? They should give those vendors a low-level modable black robe with the hood up and a similar one with the hood down, so that we can choose how to look from the start = Everybody is happy.


    As far as the new items available at the vendor are concerned, they are only boots and gloves. :(

    But I absolutely love the pic you posted! :D

  3. Marauder/Sentinel:


    Dual wielding yellow lightsabers on both Marauder and Sentinel. :D

    - The first one because it makes it stand out and emphasizes the feeling of a character working alone and for its own interests, leaning towards light or dark side and being loyal or not to the Empire depending only on its own will.

    - The second one because Yellow is the color I associate with Sentinels in my mind, a symbol of balance between combat and scholarly pursuits.




    Red lightsaber. IMO, red looks great on a single lightsaber but is a bit too much when dual wielding. Plus, my Jugg has this type of nice sociopathic personality that red suits perfectly. :p




    Red lightsaber as well. See above.




    Purple lightsaber, it just perfectly matches my lightning. :D Seriously though, it offers some nice alternative for a character that is not a melee fighter and has this feeling of mystery I wanted for it.

  4. Yeah, you'd think they would get the hint that the majority of Marauders want to have more hooded armor with pants. I would PvP to get that hooded armor, but I'm just no good at PvP on this game and it would totally make me feel like crap for being bad at PvP. So they need to offer other alternatives to getting hooded armor, not just PvP.


    Not to mention it is only available to Juggernauts. :cool:

  5. Jaesa has to many mood swings


    That's part of what I like the most about her part in the story since it reminds me of her actual behavior IG when you either turn her darkside (with my Jugg) or lightside (with my Mara). :)

  6. /signed


    I've seen so many incarnations of this thread over the months...Hell, I'm even advertising the fact in my signature hoping for a dev to actullay pay attention since they've been silent on the matter since someone mentionned it for the first time just after release. The "Hood Up" thread in the Marauder section of the forum has been running for months with no answer, no sign the fact was being acknowledged...


    Wich lead me to the following conclusion: Bioware do not care. The devs seem to have a clear idea what they want Maras to look like and they do not intend to change that. Even though most (little emphasis here, since there seems to be some people happy with it out there) of the community has expressed great dislikes for those looks we are being imposed. :mad:

  7. Something along that line, just recolour it black. Looks great on my sentinel and is the closest thing I could find IG to the idea I have in my mind of what Maras should look like. It's already in game Bioware, just sayin'. No need to redesign something completely different. :)


    (I'm trying to base my suggestions on armor sets already in game that would just need some tweaking since the devs said it was difficult to abruptly shift direction in designs.)




    http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature...Uva-XUrY#t=85s - I believe that this is actually the closest that I would think of when hearing about Sith Marauder concept. Dark clothes with freely flowing pieces of fabric. Hood is down but honestly, I prefer it this way especially with costume covering the entire neck.


    This one is great! :D

  8. Wow, I'm SO glad to know it's going to be fixed in 1.2! It was irritating on my assassin, sorcerer and juggernaut but I could try looking at something else. On my marauder and sentinel however, with dual wield lightsabers I just couldn't stop noticing it. It was so obvious with two blades that it really started to get on my nerves. :mad: Thank you for the fix Bioware! :)
  9. While I can see where you're coming from with this, a simpler option is to simply stick with the one that's already in the game: the player's choices during conversations with companions determines whether the player pursues relationships with those companions.


    What I was suggesting but worded in a clearer and better way. :D

  10. Whatever the answer to that may be (I hope to never find out) I'm all for a choice you have to make at the creation of the character or after the patch obviously. I dont see any harm in a choice. One answer may even still be to be offered all available content.


    I can see a flaw in your design: what if I want both male and female romance available for my character? Because, to be honest, that's what i'm looking forward to. Solves the old straight or not debate I would have when creating a character. Unless you wanna add another option to make bisexuality available but then the choice in itself would be uselss because you would just have to ignore the content that you don't want for your character's relationships while talking to an NPC. :) Freedom of choice is never a bad thing. :D

  11. There's just one problem, I can't find the vendors. At most they added gear to lightside and dark side vendors but no chest pieces with hoods. As it stands, there's still nothing with a hood up for marauders til 50.


    Please, if I'm wrong, someone from the PTS post screen shots and where you got it. So far though, I haven't found anything.


    Because they only added gloves and boots items to alignment vendors, no chestpieces. At this point I'm even wondering if any dev saw this thread once. :cool:

  12. I actually founf something for a few creds on the auction house: Bladestorm's Greaves. They look pretty decent and are dark pants. Well, actually they are leggins, but by now no one wonders about that trend in any mmo, eh? :D


    I'm curious about "the Taris Chest"?


    And the Boots. Are there ANY boots from Level 25-49 that do not look like... well... rubber-boots / wellies?


    Modding them through the levelling part with Black Talon Marauder's Vest was the best option I could come up with to keep the feeling I wanted for my Marauder. :cool:

  13. A lot of classes did not get what was in their trailers but the thing with marauders is that they went a completely different way with little warnings. The chestpiece with cape+ skirt combo from lvl 30 to the end, that I wasn't expecting. :eek:


    Don't know exactly where this is from but recolour it in darker shades and it makes for a pretty cool look for marauders:


    Potential gear for Maras


    Alternative view


    I love that the chestpiece is simple and seems to be adapted to some sort of acrobatic combat style and still have the cape which adds a lot to the overall feeling of the set. I would maybe add a hood though. Plus apparently, the armor is in the game or was at some point. Couldn't find it so I assume it's beta gear. Damn, beta gear was so cool, maybe the devs should just bring it back. :rolleyes:




    Two more things to add.


    Can't say why but there's something in that pic that really appeals to me, looks like some sort of sorcerer and marauder armor mix and I just can't get it off my mind :D:




    Finally, when I hear Marauder out of a Star Wars context, this is what I see:


    Mara (okay yes there's a lightsaber in that pic and I said "out of the Star Wars context"...but still you got the point :D)


    In my mind, it's the kind of thing a real Marauder would wear, there's a reason why Obi-Wan and Anakin always take their robes off in the movies when fighting: it' easier to be quick and agile in melee when you can move freely.


    ps: I'm not a big fan of the Force Unleashed but the armor design is just too good to be ignored, which is why I often link it. :)

  14. You make a very good suggestion within a suggestion. There's no reason not to have player-organized contests of this nature. The community is filled with creative folks who like to get their artistic expression on.


    Exactly, we could have a dedicated thread in the community section of this forum for artists to show their designs and then hold a poll on a third party website where we'd be referencing them. We could provide a direct link to the poll in the thread as well as in our signature (we could advertize the thread in our signature as well so that people get to hear about this contest. I'm currently studying in a business school and what I've learned from project management is that the hardest part of it is to keep people aware of what's going on).


    Each participant would only be allowed one design per session and that one would be given a unique reference related to the username so that it doesn't get too much complicated to remember which one you wanted to vote for. As far as the time limit for the contest is concerned I don't really now which duration would be ideal. Two or three weeks, maybe a month...not quite sure how much time it takes to make those designs, I'm everything but skilled at being creative. :D


    First thing however is do determine how many people would be interested in taking part in those contests.

    Questions to those who already replied in favor of this competition and to those who haven't yet:


    Would you like to have armor design contests? Would you only be voting or would you be a designer as well ?


    For my part, I'd only be voting since I'm really bad at drawing and have like zero imagination. :D

  15. We should have those contests anyways, even if Bioware does not intend to participate at first. If it turns out to be something popular then that could inspire them and they could eventually be interested in taking part in the competition. :)
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