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Everything posted by MikeFL

  1. Huh, I just played that mission and thats not what happened for me.
  2. Hey all, I recently got back into this game, and I'd like to get my level 41 Sorc (my main and highest level character) to level 50 before I start leveling my alts. I am currently using this build for him: http://www.swtor.com/community/showt...eling+sorcerer Its a hybrid build, currently most of my points are in the damage trees but starting at 40 I begin to grab more healing talents. I will probably switch to full healer at 50 but for the interim this hybrid playstyle is what I'm looking for. I just have two questions: 1. What is a general good, effective rotation for a Sorc at this level? I logged in and immediately died from regular mobs on Belsavis. 2. Khem and I are both geared well, should my focus be on healing Khem, doing damage on the side? It seems no matter what I try, I get aggro, we get swarmed and die. Thanks, I really appreciate the help! Just struggling to get back into the swing of it on my Sorc.
  3. Hey all, I recently got back into this game, and I'd like to get my level 41 Sorc (my main and highest level character) to level 50 before I start leveling my alts. I am currently using this build for him: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=196605&highlight=leveling+sorcerer Its a hybrid build, currently most of my points are in the damage trees but starting at 40 I begin to grab more healing talents. I will probably switch to full healer at 50 but for the interim this hybrid playstyle is what I'm looking for. I just have two questions: 1. What is a general good, effective rotation for a Sorc at this level? I logged in and immediately died from regular mobs on Belsavis. 2. Khem and I are both geared well, should my focus be on healing Khem, doing damage on the side? It seems no matter what I try, I get aggro, we get swarmed and die. Thanks, I really appreciate the help! Just struggling to get back into the swing of it on my Sorc.
  4. Hey all, I am leveling an Operative. Although I will put some talen points into damage abilities, my primary focus is on healing. Which companion would be best for leveling a healer Operative?
  5. Yeah, I know the Powertech starts with a healing companion, and that its very sturdy leveling compared to the others. They way I heard them described was the Ptech is the easiest to play as since there is less active things to do while tanking, and the difference between how good Ptech and a bad one is pretty minimal. On the other hand, I heard that the Assassin is not as hard initially as the Guardian/Jugg is (in the sense that Juggs/Guards have a more demanding rotation and resource) but that Sin's are more "active" in their tanking with procs, self heals, etc. Honestly the idea of a BH tank seems fun and the little I played felt like a wrecking ball with the healer companion. On the other hand, Assassin seems unique in its style and involves more thought.
  6. Hey all, I have been trying to figure out something and I am hoping you all can help! My dilemma is that I don't like having a ton of alts, and this game heavily tempts me to do so! I don't have a ton of time to play, so I like to narrow it down and decide on what characters I will have, and plan it out so I know which to start next once I finish with one. On the Empire side, I'd like to have one of each role, plus a "wild card" (my Sorc, he is my main and since it has great utility and both heals and run ranged DPS I can't just stick with one role on him ) On Republic side, I have a Guardian to play through the JK story with, which is why I omitted the Juggernaut here. So far I'm thinking, Mara for DPS, Operative for healing. But I cant decide on a tank between Ptech or Assassin. I know they are all good, and I greatly enjoy my Guardian tank, hoping to enjoy an Empire tank too. I know all the differences between the tanks, how they have numerical strengths/weaknesses in comparison to the others. Really my question boils down to: between the Powertech or the Assassin, which one do you like better and why? Which did you have more fun with overall (gameplay, story, etc.) As far as playing the Inquisitor story twice, I would do a different race, gender and Force alignment if I went with Assassin.
  7. I know the basics of what distinguishes the tanks. I'm asking for preferences...which tank do you like better and why? Both tanks have good styles and their own strengths/weaknesses, but which is more *fun* to play in your opinion?
  8. Hello all, I'd like to level an Empire tank. On the Republic side I have a Jedi Guardian, so I'm thinking either Powertech or Assassin for Empire. I have a level 24 Powertech from launch, its fun and having a healing companion early is very nice. But there is something to the Assassin playstyle that just seems cool. Which one would you pick, and why? Also, story would help sway this decision! Which story did you prefer -- BH or Inq?
  9. My main character is a level 41 Sorc. I have recently gotten back into SWTOR and was hoping someone could comment on where Sorcs are at for endgame PvE. How is the damage and will a DPS-specced Sorc be "wanted" in groups? I know we are very good healers so no worries there!
  10. I looked in the Cartel Market, the only HK-51 related item was unlocking Section X. But this is free to subscribers, isn't it? If I don't have a level 50 character, must I first get to level 50 on a character and complete Section X, or is there a way to get HK before level 50?
  11. Thanks for the advice! What is the hybrid spec exactly?
  12. This my sounds like a dumb question but...how do you get HK as a follower? Just started playing again last week.
  13. ...I'll be leveling a new character with my cousin and possibly a friend. Cousin wants to play as an Assassin tank (other friend would most likely play as a Marauder). I made an Agent to level along side him, but I can't decide which AC to take. I feel like whatever choice I make, I will regret not picking the other one. I just got my Agent to level 10, and am sitting in the fleet just not able to decide. On the one hand, I loved the sniper stuff while getting to level 10. I really enjoyed rolling into cover and setting up shots. The sniping felt really powerful and I felt as though it would be fun to adopt a play style of putting out massive ranged damage before enemies can close in. My cousin will be leveling as a tank, so this will help us kill things quicker. The downside is that its a DPS-only AC, which makes Sniper a one trick pony. But since its fantastic DPS, its a REALLY good trick... On the other hand, operative would also be a good pick. Going with op means we can both use stealth which could come in handy. Although ops aren't in the best place damage wise right now (or so I am told), having the ability to heal would compliment the assassin tank very well. Although we will not spend 100% of our leveling together, it will certainly help us be pretty unstoppable when we do level together. At this point I'm just not sure which way to go...what would you recommend? For those of you who have played Agents, which did you prefer and why? We will only be doing PvE for leveling and engame, only dabbling into PvP occasionally, so the focus is on PvE.
  14. Ok, seems like Agent would be my best bet. Earlier today I started an Agent and got him to level 7. The story is great so far and I like the gameplay...what the Agent lacks in "beefy survivability" like BH it makes up for in damage output. My question is...what AC should I chose? It seems the most powerful attack I have is still snipe, and the cover mechanic is pretty neat. However, as my cousin will be an assassin tank, I can see the appeal of having two stealth characters, in addition to the operative's heals. It still might be too early to say for sure which I like better...the stun and shiv are really cool attacks and I can imagine those would be doubly effective with stealth, but I feel like the sniper could more reliably do heavy damage from range. What would you suggest?
  15. Hey all, I will be leveling a character with my cousin soon, he wants to play as an Assassin tank. On the Empire side, I have a level 45 Sorc ( my main) and a level 24 Powertech I started a while ago and stopped to finish my Sorc. My question is, I'm not sure whether to wait for him to get to 24 then continue with my Powertech, or to roll an Agent or Sith Warrior to play as and level with him? What do you think is more fun, story and gameplay wise? Thanks!
  16. Hey all, just returned to the game and am leveling my guardian, currently at level 20. I have searched many topics and I'm struggling to find a good build. I want to tank eventually but I have heard that leveling as DPS (at least for quests) is better. What do you recommend, vigilance or focus, or a hybrid? I really appreciate the help!
  17. Thanks for the advice! I think I might level as a tank just because that is the role I would want to fill for FPs and whatnot, but I'll try out the hybrid spec too! I started playing again yesterday and although I am only level 19 I found myself confused and not remembering at all a good rotation haha. What would be a typical rotation for normal mobs, and how might I change it against Golds or bosses?
  18. Hey all, its been a while since I played SWTOR. My comp was a mess for a while and I just got it back up and running. My highest level character before I had to stop playing was my 41 Sorc, I'm looking to jump back in and get him to 50. I'm using this as a guide for my leveling build: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=196605&highlight=leveling+sorcerer My question, I have completely forgotten most of the skills and abilities. What is a good general rotation for DPS if I'm having Khem tank? Any tips on keeping him up and not drawing aggro? Also, as far as healing in FPs, I know this build is mostly concerned with DPS but for leveling flashpoints, should I be o.k. to heal?
  19. I am planning to use my guardian to tank. I started my Guardian when I was playing before and got him to level 19, after being MIA for a few months with computer issues I am back and want to pick it back up. Should I level as a tank and have Kira or a healer, or should I level as damage? What do you recommend? Also, if there is a good build you would recommend I would greatly appreciate it! Thanks.
  20. Hey all, I am returning to the game after a long hiatus. My computer was OOC with a nasty virus but I've finally gotten back up and running again. I'm eager to jump back in, but I have a couple questions... First, could someone explain the changes to the legacy system to me? I logged in and it was asking me to start a family tree, etc. What does this do, and what bearing does it have on your characters? Does it matter who is the "center" of the tree? When I left off, I had three characters: a level 41 Sith Sorc (my main), a level 21 Powertech and a level 19 Jedi Guardian. I was planning to tank with the PT and Guardian since I was never a tank in the previous MMO I played. I'm planning to maybe heal with the sorc at endgame. I feel like I should maybe start a new character to ease myself back into the game before continuing with my characters. If I do this, should I go with a Sith Warrior or Imperial Agent? With the warrior I'm thinking Marauder since I already have a Guardian. With the Agent, both Op and Sniper sound good. Any advice? Or should I jump right back into one of my current characters. If so, which? Thanks in advance!
  21. Where do you all suggest I get orange gear + mods for Khem? So far the only gear I have come across for Khem is quest rewards -- this might be the problem since Khem is only in greens for me at this point. Probably explains his over-squishyness. For a leveling spec, do you suggest sticking with Lightning or going to a hybrid/Madness spec?I'm going to spec as a healer for endgame, but I'd like to finish leveling as damage. Lastly, I have seen some Sorcs with Khem and their Khem is armored, but my Khem does not show any armor. Is this a bug, or just something I can't do yet? was wondering if this might be a bug causing Khem's gear to not take effect, but I'm probably wrong on this.
  22. Okay, thanks for the spec. I'll try to be a bit more specific with my rotation so help figure out whats wrong. If there is a strong mob, I target him first with my 2 DoTs (Affliction and the 1.5 sec cast one). If possible I use Electrocute to stun. I always have a shield on Khem Val up before the start of a fight. I'll quickly DoT the regular enemies with Affliction. By now the strong mob is un-stunned. I re-up Khem's shield if necessary than begin targeting enemies with Shock, Lightning strike, force lightning, etc. If Chain Lightning procs I use that before continuing on. When my DOTs wear off I reapply. If its a group of just 2-4 regular enemies, I'll shield Khem, use Force Storm to root and damage enemies, then finish off whats left. That's pretty much the only senario I don't have trouble with. I'm just concerned because without Khem I am extremely weak, and Khem drops far faster than I think he should be. Literally playing with any other companion is close to impossible. I tried Andronikos and Ashara for a bit but I end up generating the most threat and am killed fairly quickly. Perhaps is equipment...? But I'm not sure what else I can do. Aside from Flashpoint/Quest rewards, I get equiptment/mod upgrades from commendations when possible. EDIT: Forgot to mention, but I also use the ability (can't remember the name) that traps an enemy for 60 sec when I am in a group with more than one silver, or to keepan enemy off me until I can handle it.
  23. I'm a level 39 Sorc on Hoth, and this game has become really hard. Simple groups of enemies have become a major obstacle. I'm not asking for the game to hold my hand or anything, but its getting to the point where a single silver enemy can ruin my day. I have stayed current on armor upgrades for both myself and Khem (coming mostly as quest rewards or Flashpoint drops.) Khem is dying way too fast, and although I am specced as Lightning, every fight ends up with me spamming heals on Khem and bubbling him when I can. If I try to use any other companion we are dead within seconds, since they can't tank and neither can I. I feel so weak, despite being almost level 40 a simple group of two regular enemies and one silver enemy can kill me unless I just spam heals on Khem. I understand that the game requires more precise skill rotations and introduces a steeper difficult curve, but this is like a difficulty wall. Am I doing something wrong?
  24. Hey all, I main a Sith Sorcerer so I wanted something different a rolled a Powertech. I'm level 13 now and so far I love the gameplay. Mako is pretty awesome as well. The one thing I'm unsure about is the story. I love feeling like I am part of a faction/group (like Sith/Jedi, soldier/agent etc.) How is the story through Act 1 and after? How did you like it compared to other classes? Thanks, I appreciate the input!
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