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Everything posted by DeFierrio

  1. I like star wars the old republic and would like to see it modernize and ditch the 1970s retro look. Flame on.
  2. A fantastical setting that was concieved in the 1970s none the less...... lol
  3. But it does look like ours......ours in the 1970s...... lol
  4. Hey I agree with you about the escapism. Only problem is with me, it has to be believable. The ridiculous 70s style tech is an immersion killer for me though.
  5. So? They are still capable of interstellar space travel. Therefore the tech should LOOK more advanced than ours. It doesn't.
  6. Says you. I would much rather have a phone that is a mobile computer capable of connecting to the internet virtually anywhere (im writing this from my phone lol) over a holocommunicator that is only capabe of placing 3d phone calls. But hey that's just me. And I have a droid not an iphone.
  7. Never said get rid of lightsabers. Lightsabers are cool and iconic to sw. Just saying mabey get rid of some of the oversized simplistic tech that screams 1970s. I don't think anyone would miss it lol. If your saying the franchise can't adapt and modernize well...... I seriously doubt the new sw films coming out are going to look like the old ones now that george lucas is out of the picture.
  8. Umm seriously? If I recall correctly the holocomunicator is this big clunky grey thing (bigger than a smartphone) with oone button. It displays a crappy non color 3d image that's it. We have the ability to project 3d images today. But a smartphone has far more uses than just communication. Make the personal holocomunicators look like smartphones. All im saying. And as far as the big computers, they look like they are from the 70s.......................................................... That's the point im trying to make. Make star wars MODERN. Make star wars believable.
  9. First off, I would like to say that I enjoy and like Star Wars the Old Republic. This is not a "bash" just my personal opinions. That being said, I'm kind of tired of having to put up with 1979's idea of a futuristic society just to satisify the die hard fans of the original Star War's films. I mean we have these big clunky computers with nobs and flashing lights, giant holo communicators (hell the iphone is more advanced than that), etc..... It's all very retro. I know I know, most of you are thinking, "But It's Star Wars! It's suppose to be like that!" Well this is 2013 not the 1970s. Things need to be brought up to date imo. The technology in a sci-fi game should at least be equal to or greater than the current tech of today I would think. From what I can remember, Mass Effect was pretty impressive and all the tech was believable. No reason the same can't be done here and still be considered Star Wars. /end rambling complaint
  10. We aren't that bad. My sorc does 1k+ crits per tic with force lightning on most people except for tanks and ppl being guarded by tanks. I win the OCCASIONAL 1v1 against equally geard smashers......... We just need a slight damage boost to compensate for being THE SQUISHIEST class in the game imo. But that's just me and I'm no pro so I could be wrong.
  11. I am not tech savvy at all. But what I've noticed is that swtor requires a lot of memory. I don't think its just ram but also the video card needs to have a lot of memory... if that even makes sense. Anyway since I switched to a mediocre comp with lots of ram and a high end graphics card in it, the game has run much much smoother. However it is still far from perfect and I still have some fps issues in warzones. Like the above poster said this is probably cuz of the coding. I've heard that swtor is horribly optimized graphically and unfortunately that seems to be the case. I hope some day that they will optimize the game engine.
  12. DeFierrio

    Overload BUG!

    I don't think it's the animation.........The animation always works for me.....however about 50% of the time it doesn't push anyone back or register any damage but does go on cd....... Smashers just ignore it and keep on smashing.....
  13. Having a little lag on fleet when there are 200+ ppl there is somewhat understandable and not what I'm complaining about at all. If that was the only time I experienced lag I would be quite happy.
  14. Yea I did that too. I've googled stwor lag and have tried just about evertyhing recommended and have not been able to get any improvements.
  15. THANK YOU! this is what I was trying to get at. I guess I should have clarified that it is FPS related lag and it is most definitely on the games end. I'm not sure if it is the Hero engine the game uses or what, but this game is clearly not compatiable with most graphics card because the vast majority of players (that I have encountered) are suffering from some degree of FPS lag................some of us more so than others. It's been a year since the game came out, will this issue ever be addressed?? Is it even something that can be fixed? I find it irratating when Bioware is fooling around with stuff like same gender romance (although this is funny) when such a fundamental aspect of the game is defective.
  16. It's definitely graphical lag. My fps is around 10 normally. I turn shadows off, set everything to low as well but it does little good. I have a Nvidia GeForce 8400 video card which is suppose to exceed the min requirements.
  17. This. PVP and world bosses is where the lag hits me hardest (game just literally freezes then I end up dead). I can also run other games with no problems which leads me to believe that the problem lies within the game itself.
  18. I just recently reinstalled the game completely.
  19. My comp specs are all above the requirements and my internet connection is great, always has been. Yet I still lag horribly in game, to the point where it is really not playable and certainly not worth paying for. It's been over a year since release, will this issue ever be addressed? Note: This is not meant to be a stwor bashing, I love the game but am just fed up with not being able to play it.
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