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Everything posted by mmerry

  1. ugh im probably just bad.. or i shouldnt parse when im tired.. I just looked at a parse I did last night and if I make every FB crit thats like 100k extra damage on the ability... basically ~220k to ~322k for free.
  2. @Aelanis Im pretty sleep deprived right know, but I had this crazy idea after chain parsing. What would lowering the cost of Spinning strike by 2 (because 2 sounds good) and making it grant clairvoyance do for dps?
  3. http://i2.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/482/484/f80.gif
  4. go hit the dummy until you crit 3 times and look at your DR................................................................................
  5. ^^ basically this also 100% confirmed im re-maining my shadow in 4.0.. hyyppe
  6. I will leave the math to other people, but that looks like it would average out to "a lot" more force per second than what we currently have. With good rng you could literally get into a situation where you don't run out of force.
  7. Mobility as in not being forced to break your dps rotation to move out of a mechanic.
  8. 1) Undying 2) Cloak of Pain 3) Saber Wards F/T DR 4) Force Camo 5) Medium Armor At least thats why I would put anni slightly lower. Im assuming MM is higher because it has less mobility than Arsenal. Also remember we are probably talking about half a percent between the 3 ranged burst specs.
  9. Welcome to the shadow forums.. The place where I generally agree with what 2 people write, and the rest I take with a giant grain of salt until proven legit/not terrible. also yes
  10. That moment when you realize that once upon a time my raid group was 2 gunnery commandos, a balance shadow, and a df slinger. Ignoring PvP, (yes I know most if you can't do this) serenity should be top of the list for the sustained melee dps. Serenity has probably the worst burst damage reduction cooldowns out of melee dos. Additionally, you get rekt by aoe (**** running this spec on lurker) and the self heals don't help you nearly enough. The one thing serenity had going for it was the best/easiest dot spread. Now that it's on whirling blow it's pretty terrible. Really the only way that they could balance serenity (and balance sages) would be to remove dot spread from the game. Hopefully the devs have removed their heads from their third point of contact and removed it for 4.0. If they haven't, balance is just going to be as bad going forward. /rant
  11. Probably 5.. Our vanguard tank likes to dps this fight for some reason I did notice from the log that I was on my mando. I'm not sure if that changes the comparison at all because I would have been single targeting.. Mando aoe too stronk.
  12. http://parsely.io/parser/view/45848/0 <-- Sabo log from Lurker That was Camels log from the last time my pub group ran 2 slingers for lurker, and the adds died extremely fast. I was running sharps, and Camels was running sabo. Double supressive fire isn't fluff, and the adds died much faster than if we would have single targeted them.
  13. When I dps it on my mando I go in as soon as I get there because I take 30% less damage while stunned. If I'm on my slinger I sit out and hunker down (entrench for you dirty snipers) and wait until everyone gets there. It's been a couple weeks since my group has done it, but I'm 99% sure mono takes reduced damage during BTR so it just comes down to making life easy for your healers.
  14. Can confirm that Infil/Deception w/o resource management is really really really stupid. aka 10 force discharge 20 force from blackout & 50% force regen pretty sure something else It really was not fun and was pretty boring.
  15. Is the infil stat allocation in the "optimal stats for 24 disciplines" thread accurate?
  16. Bora we do have a sage dps. He just forgets to hit commit when he inspects the tk discipline OMEGA!
  17. ^^ Hopefully this is the case with 4.0. I do hope that if they do the private testing that they include a more diverse portion of the community. I think if there was more active PvP testing we could have avoided the PvP class imbalances instead of just (mainly) focusing on pve stuff.
  18. Its only bad for me if steam starts downloading Otherwise im sitting around a pretty consistent 90ms. If im on my regular internet it will be 50ms then I will spike to 800ms then back down.. Its rather rage inducing
  19. I actually moved, if you see me on doing anything semi-serious im probably tethered to my phone
  20. Discharge and creeping terror both cost 20 force. They both cost 20 force in 2.0, and they cost 20 force in 1.x as well.
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