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Everything posted by VicSkimmr

  1. Fact 1: Bringing someone back who was thought dead has happened lots of time in Star Wars Fact 2: Lightsabers immediately cauterize wounds Fact 3: There aren't any organs below your waste that prevent you from continuing to live if blood loss isn't a concern. Fact 4: Darth Maul is second only behind Vader as the fan favorite villain of the whole universe Fact 5: People have been questioning whether Maul really died since the first time they saw Episode 1 Fact 6: Fans have been asking for Maul to return ever since they saw Episode 1. In fact, a lot of them thought that he would return for Episode 2 (me included). Also, Anakin is a Knight and not a Padawan.
  2. I had a reply typed out, but then I realized that I just couldn't give a **** anymore. It makes my brain hurt and it's Friday.
  3. is that where that scar came from? that was always one of the things that irked me. i've watched the movies more than i care to admit and i'd never figured out where that damn thing came from.
  4. Comics are a little different though. Those have been going on for so long, there are multiple realities, villains die and then are brought back anyway, the heroes change constantly, etc. When they make a movie about it they can be viewed as just another story line within the comic universe. Just look at Spider-Man. How many different versions of Spider-man comics are there? 5? 6?
  5. I don't doubt that there are good stories out there, and I'd be shocked if the new movies didn't borrow some of the themes or even characters. I just wouldn't get my hopes up for a real adaptation. I'd personally rather them stay separate, because one of the things Star Wars fans are known for is that they're not easy to please. Even if they did try to adapt the EU stories most people still wouldn't be happy with it. Let the novels and the movies operate independently of each other.
  6. Jackson adapted LOTR because it is some of the best high fantasy ever written. It deserved to be on film. The EU is... well... not of that caliber. The fact is that the movies are the basis for all Star Wars canon. The books are adapted from the movies, not the other way around.
  7. The soundtrack from the prequel trilogy was the best part about it. We got Duel of the Fates out of it! Come on now
  8. You can tell I'm bored today because I keep thinking about this. The way the hilt is held is also highly dependent on the fighting style/form employed. 1. Dooku was basically a fencer, his saber hilt was curved and he rarely ever handled it 2 handed. He held the hilt along the curved portion for better accuracy/maneuverability. 2. Ahsoka Tano dual wields with a shoto style blade in the off-hand. The hilt on that saber is much shorter than the traditional hilt because it will never be held 2 handed, and she holds it further down the hilt as well. 3. Kyle Katarn uses a claymore style blade / hilt with extra length. He isnt' much for flourishes and twirls, his style is much more about blunt force trama, as odd as that is, so he holds the hilt further down as well.
  9. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=550109
  10. The ignorance in this thread is truly astounding. Worried about Star Wars being kid friendly? Star Trek was a flop? Thinking Disney ruined X-men and Spiderman? Am I in an alternate reality here?
  11. Maybe you don't pay attention, but I can't think of anything Abrams has done that could be classified as a "flop." Who's trolling now?
  12. Who is trolling? We like to complain about everything, but we can all be counted on for at least one thing, and that's spending lots of money at the theater every time a new Star Wars movie comes out.
  13. This is totally cliche, but I firmly believe JJ Abrams would be the best pick. He is a complete Star Wars nut and he has both the best track record and best creative touch for this type of movie. Just the fact that he made a Star Trek movie and I actually enjoyed it speaks volumes. Christopher Nolan could not handle a true sci fi movie. All of his stuff is too grounded in reality, and Star Wars is about as far from that as you can get. I could get behind Spielberg directing but like already said, he's not as reliable as he used to be. I'm a huge Joss Whedon fan and always have been (love love love Firefly), but he has a bit too "lighthearted" of a touch for me for Star Wars. Plus Avengers 2 and Star Wars 7 are both slated for 2015.
  14. It could be an issue that requires more time, and therefore resources, than they could afford. It's a pretty minor issue in the scheme of things and they might not have the technology to fix it. Every MMO has clipping issues.
  15. I don't care why he decided to get rid of it, so long as he did and is no longer messing with the OT and directing anything new You'd have to be mentally retarded to think a new Star Wars movie wouldn't do at least as well as the rest of them. No other IP on earth is more of a guaranteed success than Star Wars. We'll pay to watch complete crap, over and over and over.
  16. The real life reason why the grip is down there is 2 fold: 1. Vader's saber is made out of the handle of an old graflex camera flash and the grip was at the bottom. 2. Balance: Sabers get twirled a lot and they needed to be held that way so the bottom of the hilt could offset the weight of the blade. Additionally, the hilts needed to have a choke point to help with twirling (not all sabers have this, but most do), and right behind the blade holder was the ideal place. The Star Wars reasons have already been mentioned: To easily switch between one handed (ie little force required) and 2 handed (like meeting a second saber). When held one handed, there is very little to no resistance when striking more or less any object. Killing storm troopers, droids, reflecting blasters and even parrying other lightsabers doesn't require any real force. The only time the lightsaber meets real resistance is when contact is made with another lightsaber, in which you will always see them switch to a 2 handed stance when the blades lock up.
  17. It hasn't changed since you left. I just recently came back too, and while I'm enjoying it immensely, it plays exactly the same as it did 8 months ago, maybe just a little smoother (and potentially now with hi-res graphics depending on how long ago you quit).
  18. I put Ep III up there with Ep VI. They both have massive issues, but they also have lots of high points. Episode I has Liam Neeson and Darth Maul at least, Episode II has no redeeming qualities whatsoever.
  19. They're an acceptable answer to me, at least in the short term. I would gladly take a togruta now with the trade off being that it can't display any head gear. most of the head gear is ugly anyway.
  20. Seriously, if 1 and 2 aren't at the bottom of your list we need to question your sanity.
  21. Or have them be supporting characters and focus on the kids.
  22. Hoods worked for twi'leks in beta, the lekkus would drape over the shoulder. They removed it shortly pre-launch because of clipping issues I think. What's funny is that the twi'leks still have tons of clipping issues with all other kinds of helmets.
  23. Unfortunately all of the Star Wars movies have pandered to kids anyway. We give the OT a pass because we were kids ourselves at that time, but we hate the PT for it. The truth is that Star Wars has always been kid friendly.
  24. I have mixed feelings about this. First to get things out of the way, I love Ahsoka. She's turned into quite the little bad *** and she's a good partner for Anakin. There are 2 ways this could go, and both are equally good to me. 1. She dies. Palpatine has her killed and frames the jedi. Potentially even having Anakin be the one that kills her. I like this scenario a lot because it would further cement Anakin's story line and personality tendencies. This would also be awesome because it would reinforce the idea that this isn't just some kids show. They're already pushing the boundaries quite a bit as of season 4, there is some seriously dark and demented material there. Much much MUCH darker than any of the movies. This would be a major shock and a HUGE cliffhanger to end a season on. It would be great for the show. 2. She doesn't die. She becomes a Knight and is sent off to do some other business during Episode III. Order 66 is executed but she overcomes the clones and escapes into exile. While there she forms a resistance with some of the other exiled jedi and a spin-off show is formed. She would have to struggle with having her previous master and good friend coming to hunt her and her allies. That would make a great plot line for another animated series, lots of potential for character growth. We could also hope to meet Galen Marak and tie in his story since it was so great in the Force Unleashed and helped explain how the rebellion was formed. So yeah, I'm torn on what I'd like to happen to her.
  25. Brolin is a terrible actor. I would expect them to keep the same cast as the OT and they'll skip the story forward say 40 years. That makes the most sense in my head. Luke would be the Obi-Wan type character who is focused on training new jedi and removing the remnants of the Empire, Leia would be a senator building the new republic and Han would be Han, just older (think Sully from Uncharted). Han and Leia would have the twins and they'd probably be in training with Luke. Or maybe it would be at a point where Luke thought the Empire had been eradicated, only to be faced with a new threat that was hidden from him. Doing it this way would appease the largest amount of people, and "rebooting" an older series this way has proven to be successful. Die Hard, Rocky, Rambo, etc. Indy IV being the obvious exception. They could recast the roles and I'd honestly be fine with that, but I don't think I could ever accept anyone other than Ford as Han Solo. It'd be like recasting Indy. You just don't do that.
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