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  1. Ok let me clarify, This build was out of boredom. By no means was I claiming it had any real advantage. Hell I have not actually even tested it yet. I was just throwing it out there. I don't know why you felt the need to educate me. This is the build I currently use: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#301GMrrdorogzZMcbZb.1 I was merely throwing that build out there as something fun to try for the ezmode flashpoints where 75% of the fights are trash that dies in under 10seconds. As it stands I run most of them with a Sniper and an insanely geared Marauder so I find myself not doing much other than tanking the occasional gold elite/boss. I know the endurance does not make up for the mitigation. I knew even throwing out the word "slightly" was a stretch. As for the GAJ argument, obviously if you're stunned for several seconds it would not make a difference. I was more thinking toward the constant knockdowns etc.--"stunned, immobilized, knocked down, or otherwise incapacitated." Since I find myself being knocked all over the place at times, I was just toying with the idea that, if this procced off damn near everything, would it keep my heat low enough so that I could in fact, spam abilities such as Flame Sweep that would otherwise send my heat through the roof.
  2. Hello fellow Powertechs, http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#301GMMrborRgZzcZbcb.1 Just wanted some opinions on this build I threw together for tanking pug FP's. Some of the choices may look a bit odd. My main goal was to play around with 2/2 Gyro Alignment Jets in the pyro tree. I was interested to see how it's overall heat dissipation compared to that of our lame Heat Blast. There doesn't seem to be any sort of limit (that I see in the tooltip) to the number of times it can proc, and i constantly find myself getting knocked down/stunned etc. Yes, I chose jet speed, mainly to round up trash easier on a pull. I know we have plenty of cd's for that, but in FP's they die so fast it's usually on to the next one before they're off cd. I've heard mixed reviews on Steely Resolve and so was not sure how to gauge losing it. I wasn't terribly concerned about Oil Slick. It's a very handy skill but I honestly haven't found many cases where I really *needed* it. You also lose 3% crit to fire attacks and 2% overall damage reduction with this build, however the 3% bonus endurance from pyro compensates slightly. Again, my goal for this spec is to test out the effectiveness of GAJ, and see if jet speed gives any real benefit to quick FP pulls. This is by no means an end game ops tank build. I would also like to point out that I have not had the chance to do the harder FP's such as Kaon, Ilum or D7 yet so I'm not sure how crucial the defensive abilities are that I chose to skip. If I've forgotten any details I apologize. It's 4:30am and my mind is melting like butter.
  3. I think the goal to aim for is 45% shielding and absorb or as close to that as you can get, then start dumping stats into defense. Your stats seem pretty low at the moment to be thinking about dps augments. You should probably go for +absorbtion augs instead. Shielding > Absorb > Def. There was a good post a while back talking about stacking a bit of surge if you're having threat issues, but tbh I think for most players that = a poor rotation/heat management anyway. If your dps don't greatly outgear you, there's no need to worry about dps stats. If you have a lot of time on your hands, you could use the spreadsheet thread on these forums to really maximize, but for 50 hard mode FP's there's really no need to even do that. TLDR. Shielding > Abs > Def. Don't worry about dps stats with your current gear. Hope this helps and good luck!
  4. I've seen a lot of people complain about the cost of respeccing. I'm not sure that this is a widely known fact, but respec costs do reset once a week. It will still show what your current respec cost *would* be, but when you click to do it you get a message that basically says "Hey, it's been a week, congrats, it's free!" In my eyes it's not so bad.
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