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Everything posted by Zyanzor

  1. - When you send your wife out to gather stones & artifacts so you can level your Synthweaving.
  2. I dont think you know the meaning of innovation...If Bioware used another genre's innovation then it wouldn't be innovating... INNOVATION: The act of innovating; introduction of new things or methods.
  3. Combat log and Macros. I don't need third party easy mode add-ons. DeadlyBossMod might be nice but still un-needed. Grid or Healbot is not needed. Combat Scrolling might be nice but still not needed. Even the combat log is useless IMO.
  4. Every ungrateful whiner just took a arrow to the knee from CK....awesome stuff.
  5. Right now IMHO, SWTOR is the best mmo on the market for innovation and the rpg elements/interactive dialogue(s). It feels like a real MMORPG unlike any other MMO I've ever played.
  6. I've always had issues with ATI. Nvidia all the way!
  7. The game is just over a month old, WoW had 7 years to develops their player base. How can you even predict that? Very poor assumption. I think this game will be just as big if not bigger.
  8. And it's suppose to be Biowares fault that you and the other levels 50's blew thru the game content in a couple weeks? Seriously, get a job or go out and play in the sun. You and the other 50's who consistently complain that there isn't enough conetent had waaaaaay too mich time on their hands. Obviously that time is better well spent doing something else besides video games.
  9. DEAD HORSE!!! DEAD HORSE!!!! We MUST resist beating the DEAD HORSE!!!!!! Too...much.....QQ....can't.....resist....d..e..a..d...horseeeee.....
  10. You would be crazy not to get a security key. Easier for hackers to hack your account.
  11. I just can't wait until more of my class chapters are released. Inquisitor class story was so awesome.
  12. Post submited to Wikipedia as an example of the term Hater. In advance, thank you for the infraction
  13. You do not belong on a PvP server if you can't take being ganked or harassed. Join a group when you enter ilum? Join a guild so you always have a partner to do dailies with. Then you will be less likely to be ganked....or better yet, don't play on a PvP server? Very simple solutions. You can't expect players to not do what they like (ganking inexperienced pvper's), just because you don't like it.
  14. So basically you are trolling the forums because your gaming experience wasn't what you hoped for or you just like thinking you're something more than you are? I'm confused. You have yet to correct me. All I've seen is hatred and trolling from you.
  15. What does me being 50 have to do with this thread? Or are you just trolling?
  16. Ok so all the healing spells resemble "other" MMO's. Question is, how else could you do it? There is virtually no other way to use a Healing spell. Right? Everything you just described is a standard in every single MMO. Going back to Everquest days. EQ had barriers, castable heals and AoE heals.
  17. You think WoW was polished when they first launched it?......hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhaha......thank you....it felt good to laugh like that.
  18. There's no doubt you hate SWTOR, my question to you is...why are you here? Bored? Trolling? Trying to make up for your short comings? What is it that drives you to come to these forums and bash a game you don't like?
  19. Been playing WoW since dec 04. I don't see anything that resembles WoW. You say the spells are identical? I don't recall any class in WoW that can shoot lasers, mortars, or force choke? I don't recall having the ability to send my pet out to gather materials for my crafting or clean out my bags. I don't remember hearing quest givers having a dialog and actually speaking to me making my gaming experience more interactive. I don't recall boinking some of my quest givers either. I can't remember the last time I flew my space ship into outer space in WoW to do some space missions. I also don't remember my characters facial features and eyes changing because of the choice I make when I do a quest. The only thing I see that resembles WoW is the talent tree.
  20. Rift = WoW clone....if you want a WoW clone then go play Rift or WoW. Problem solved.
  21. It's a hotfix. It must be a easy fix so they put this out ASAP because it was suppose to be fixed in the last patch. It's part of MMO's. Patches, hotfixes...they will always be there.
  22. Same thing happens to me, it is a bit annoying but it only takes seconds to put the relics back on the actionbar.
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