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10 Good
  1. I still would like to see a game that actualy put their crafting skills to good use... Why bother really if you can get better either from PvP or PvE. because lets face it, no matter how you play the game you will end up doing either or both of these and then whats the point really with the crew skills?
  2. You are a great inspiration for us all. Its about the cutest story ive ever read...
  3. Dear developers, I have rescently gotten my Cybertech to 400 and got a bit disappointed that the highest my trainer could give me is lvl 49 schematics. I have read a bit around the forum and been told that lvl 50 schematics can be obtained from daily quests/commendations. All this is fair enough and very well thought of, but... There is a but, what about Ops. do they drop schematics yet? Is it on the drawing table to have bosses drop schematics or do they already have a chance to drop these? I havn't been able to find anything that states Ops. bosses drop schematics and if thats true its a bit disapointing to be honest, because, why bother spend money on a skill where the stuff you can learn is easily outmatched with what you can get in an Ops.? All in all I hope you have a plan for this (or if I have missed this "plan" already coming to play/being in play, I am truly sorry). So I beg of you to think about why to have Crew Skills in the game, if its a trade that renders completely useless for end-gamers, which will in the end, dominate the population... (sorry for the harsh words) =) Sincerly, a big fan.
  4. Its funny that you ask this question, because I just made a post that has to do with this, in some perspective atleast, here goes: On topic: Better, much more fun.. and I LOVE your space combat sessions, please make more! Off-topic-kinda (still very important for the fluint gameplay): Is there any feedback on that the camera position isn't working as I think/hope was intended? I face a constant issue with my camera range setting it self as it wishes. I like to have it on max distance all the time, but each time a wall, tree or any other object force my camera to "zoom in", it will then stay at that position... This is extreamly annoying when you are a melee class and suddenly you play as if you were playing a 1st person shooter game. Its like the "smart camera" function does not work 100% as intended. To "help" you developers a little, here is an example: When I face this I run around my target using left + right mouse-button to run with, useing my quickbar as intend and then my camera gets "pushed" closer to me if I run around and a world object is in the way for max distance to be maintained. Normally I would think that as soon the world object is no longer in the way, that my camera would zoom back out, but it doesn't, it stays at its new distance. If you were not aware of this I beg of you to look into it as its really annoying to suddenly end up fighting in 1st person Besides that 10/10 for game-play - but UI customization 3/10 >< Please hand us more options soon Thanks.
  5. Is there any feedback on that the camera position isn't working as I think/hope was intended? I face a constant issue with my camera range setting it self as it wishes. I like to have it on max distance all the time, but each time a wall, tree or any other object force my camera to "zoom in", it will then stay at that position... This is extreamly annoying when you are a melee class and suddenly you play as if you were playing a 1st person shooter game. Its like the "smart camera" function does not work 100% as intended. To "help" you developers a little, here is how it happens: When I face this I run around my target using left + right mouse-button to run with, useing my quickbar as intend and then my camera gets "pushed" closer to me if I run around and a world object is in the way for max distance to be maintained. Normally I would think that as soon the world object is no longer in the way, that my camera would zoom back out, but it doesn't, it stays at its new distance. If you were not aware of this I beg of you to look into it as its really annoying to suddenly end up fighting in 1st person Besides that 10/10 for game-play - but UI customization 3/10 >< Please hand us more options soon, had to put in this request as well, hehe Thanks.
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