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Posts posted by mavsynchroid

  1. you will probably be okay, but you aren't missing much at all. It's really boring compared to the rakghoul event. Its just running around in circles trying to click stuff faster than someone else. Seems like something they just added last second to appease people rather than something that they had in since beta.


    So it's just a click fest on who's faster?... Have these people learned NOTHING from other MMOs?

  2. Hey, I won't be able to get to the event today, so I'm wondering if I'm now not going to be able to get all the quests.


    I remember during the Rakghoul plague that after you finished a new quest, you'd unlock another one for the NEXT day. Unfortunately I was two or three days late to the event, and no matter what I did, I couldn't get the end quest because of the "unlocking" for the next day for each.


    Is it the same with this one? Does anyone know how many days we have to do this, etc?

  3. Agreed. Splitting it up and spacing it out just to give the illusion of 'more frequent' updates, isn't exactly a winning strategy.


    They've already been very clear with this, stating instead of big content/feature patches that we've been getting, we're going to get smaller updates more frequently.

  4. new classes needed









    Carbine Specialist



    Droid Engineer

    One-Handed Sword Specialist



    Polearm Specialist



    Rifle Specialist


    Teras Kasi Specialist

    Two-handed Specialist


    Image Designer


    Bounty Hunter

    Combat Medic



    Squad leader


    Privateer Pilot

    Imperial Navy Pilot

    Rebel Alliance Starfighter



    No to all of these, except what's already in the game (Commando, Smuggler) and maybe droid engineer. The rest are ridiculous.

  5. He wanted to know what the difference was now that you're on a new server.

    The people that were on your old server were all moved to this new server. The only new addition is the people who were originally on this new server.


    Is there something else that makes this so horrible? The name of the server itself?

  6. Hi folks,


    I have a small question about that statistic that 40% of people leaving the game was upset about a monthly subscription cost.


    Got it from this article as I know there are others who have said something similar or along the same lines.




    "The message from players exiting the game is clear: 40% say they were turned off by the monthly subscription, and many indicate they would come back if we offer a free-to-play model,"


    I was wondering, out of any of those who took this "exit interview", were there any other choices there that could indicate a more precise reason for leaving?


    I mean, a person could choose that reason, but there could be a thousand different reasons for choosing that.


    For example, one could say that the content isn't worth the subscription, or that the lack of content isn't worth the subscription. I mean there could be many reasons a person could say that the subscription fees are not to their liking.


    I guess what I am asking is whether the folks in charge just took that number regardless of the reason and used that statistic to their benefit? Without the underlying reasons for that statistic.


    Perhaps I am not making sense and I do apologize.


    Didn't read all the posts here, but my view point on it is that people didn't want to pay a sub for game that had no content. They are just trying to spin it that the reason people left is because they didn't want to pay in general.

    You'll see people join for F2P, and then watch the pop dwindle YET AGAIN unless they add new content. People don't want to pay for a game that has as little options as SWTOR does.


    P.S. I'm currently playing and enjoying leveling alts, so I'm not a hater. Just being realistic.

  7. Same, in previous mmo's I basically stuck with my main and considered alts an after thought. In this game they designed it so that you miss out if you don't play multiple characters.


    That's a poor way of looking at it. They designed this game so you can experience eight different story lines and actually enjoy playing alts. With most MMO's, you can make an alt but will have to suffer through the same text (story in most mmos) every time.


    You're not missing out on anything unless you WANT to know the story of another class.


    Amazing what people can be negative about.

  8. Honestly can't tell if your trolling or just stupid. Those aren't ships related to some world event they're apart of your damn class quests, did you not think that maybe the fact that the instance said "Imperial Agent Story" and that the ship was called something completely different that it was a dead giveaway that it wasn't related at all to what he said?


    It's just a silly mistake, no reason to be a jerk about it. You act as if YOU'VE never made a silly mistake in your life before. No wonder people call these forums terrible, because people like you insult someone instead of patiently explaining the silly mistake they've made.


    We're all typing here. None of us are engaged in a verbal argument face to face. There's no "heat of the moment". There's absolutely no reason why you have to intentionally treat people that way by calling them stupid. Grow up.

  9. Yeah, sounds like you have your sound way too high. My main is a merc and it's never bothered me. You could always lower the sound effects (if that's the correct option) to get the result you want.


    For me personally, unload isn't any louder than any of my other skills. Pretty sure my loudest skill is DFA, and that doesn't bother me at all either.

  10. Hello! Let me start off by saying I love the game, been playing it for a while now, about to cap my 4th 50.


    I guess I'm worried about this new F2P changing the content we get. It was said that every 6 weeks or so we'll be getting new content.


    I just want to suggest that it not be silly things like fluff, aka new armor, pets, diff versions of vehicles. I mean those are fine, but don't make it ONLY that. Would love to see a STEADY stream of new content, meaning new game mechanics, quests, FPs, Ops, Wzs. I just hope it isn't...


    First Week 6 - New Op!!

    Second Week 6 - New masks/armor

    Third Week 6 - New pet or two

    Fourth Week 6 - A couple new space missions

    Fifth Week 6- New Fp!!!


    See what I mean? The first and fifth weeks have what most people really want, where as the second, third, and fourth should be stuff that comes along WITH the former weeks.


    Just a suggestion/hope!

  11. I'm a little confused about the F2P through level 50 plan.


    It seems to me that the really good part about this game is the level 1-50 character stories, which are going to be free.


    The part of the game that is on shaky ground is what you do once you reach the level cap. There just isn't much to do. This is the part of the game F2Pers will start paying for things.


    It just doesn't seem logical that people are going to pay for the worst parts of the game... not for long anyway. I would think they would either roll another character (free) or go play a game with better end game content.


    What am I missing here?


    What confuses me is that EA/Bioware thinks by making it free to play that people will come back.. What they're failing to realize or just flat out denying is that if people didn't think your game is good enough to pay for, even if they do come back once it's free, they're not going to be around long. They just weren't into it enough.


    Don't get me wrong, I love the game, but I think this was a desperate attempt, especially right after making it "Free to play to level 15". It's like they're throwing anything they can at us to try to raise subs.


    Want to raise subs? New GOOD content. Not silly masks and pets. No one REALLY cares about that.

  12. Took me about 3 weeks to realize you could keep your crafting materials in your cargo bay and still use them to craft with your companions... Had very limited inventory space for long time..


    Also, very first character at like level 10, I was hustled when trying to get a new color crystal for my jedi (because when you're a noob things like that are important to you), and someone happily made me one but charged me 1k for it. Obviously it's nothing in the long run, but I wish I could remember that guys name so I could go back to him, duel him and destroy him, then tell him what a scumbag he is..



    My name is Flack Synchroid... You killed my fatha...

  13. Please do not follow in the footsteps of WoW. Why are you talking about a level cap when the end game right now is mediocre at best. Fix the end game issues first, then maybe 2 years from now increase the level cap. All you are going to do is create a huge imbalance between classes (which still needs tweaking without new abilities), annoy the pvp community (which is already not too happy), and cause all my gear that I just spent months grinding to be obsolete. I will certainly leave this game, as I did with WoW if you are just going to care simply about taking people's money. No one who has worked so hard over the last several months wants a level cap increase. I think I can safely say we'd all rather see you just add new content and continue to fix the end game issues.



    Not to insult you in any way at all, but I think this is an absolutely terrible idea. People want to progress with their characters, especially once they become attached to them. They want to be able to have new skills and experience higher level content. It's already starting to get silly being at level 50 and wearing armor that has level 61 mods in it.


    Having your character grow after being stuck at the same level is a great experience, and I don't think how much time is in between level increases matters in the slightest.


    I feel as though they should be able to fix bugs and polish content WHILE they are doing this. It is their job. They are supposedly the experts. It shouldn't be an issue. Then again cutting away a bunch of your staff and keeping a few people behind to make pretty new masks and call it new content isn't the best business plan, so who know what's going on over there.

  14. Trolls....hate anything they do.


    Plus beyond high expectations. People expected TOR to be the Second Coming or something...everyone wanted "EVERYTHING NOW!!!!!!!" al the time. Very unrealistic playerbase...that is what happened.


    To be fair, they advertised the game like it would be the Second Coming. I think Bioware itself had very unrealistic ideas on how the game would be, and failed miserable in bringing those ideas to fruition.


    Don't get me wrong, I love the game and play it all the time, but I think it could have been so much more, and Bioware has repeatedly gone with the easy out.

  15. They already did that. Star wars Galaxies flopped, so they tried this. Now this is flopping.


    I love this game, and it's really incredible how much they ignore their fan base and make these ridiculously bad decisions that lead to the situation they are in now.

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