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Posts posted by Cowflab

  1. Sounds good, thanks! I've just been comparing my stats to some of the videos, and my mods are way off


    Since I can see that you're looking for advice in a civil manner, I'll offer up some things that have helped me along the way.


    Benchmarks to aim for...


    25% crit unbuffed. With the operative buff and first tier madness talent this will leave you with 39% crit buffed. Anything more is overkill and stats wasted where they could otherwise be useful.


    75% crit multiplier/surge. That's the cap and DR kicks in pretty hard afterwards.


    96.9% accuracy. Same philosophy as excessive crit.


    The rest allocated in power. You can achieve this more easily at the WH gear level by ripping the mods and enhancements from the force master boots. At EWH gear level work on obtaining your weapon, offhand, belt, bracers, and relics first. They're the most significant upgrades at that gear level. All other min/maxing after that point is give or take and can be tailored to personal preference.


    Good luck and have fun.

  2. Gear gap exists. Period.


    LOL!!! Why are you and the OP so hell bent on trying to make this argument? The only game I have ever played that is easier to gear for PvP was BC era WoW between season 2 and 3 where you could literally AFK AV's all day long and be geared in S2 gear within a week. No one is saying that there isn't a difference between Recruit, WH, or EWH. What we are saying is that aside from mailing you WH upon leveling to 50, the gear is easily obtained with casual play within a week. Thats if you didn't stock comms while leveling. If you stocked comms, you'd have 4-5 pieces of WH without stepping foot in a single level 50 WZ. That would put you on par with the rest of the regular warzone community at the very least. Stop being bad and play your 2 hours a day for a week like everyone else. To argue that this grind is difficult makes you look like a participant in the special olympics. If I have guildies that have 5,6 even 7 characters in WH gear now with minimal effort, just a time investment, you most certainly can grind out 1. Stop complaining. Had this been 1.2, 1.3 or earlier then you'd have reason to complain. Whining now just means you're bad. No ifs, ands, or buts about it. The gear isn't why you're losing. You're losing because you suck.

  3. well don't you strain that vapid black hole god gave you instead a head, the normal people will take the time to read it as a response and understand it.


    There is nothing to understand. Your incessant whining of abilities that are available to every team is completely void of logic. All your posts equate to is a "woe is me, everything is keeping me from winning except me admitting I'm probably nowhere near as good as I think I am." To summarize, L2P, quit thinking the deck is stacked against you, make some e-friends, and enjoy the fruits of the mechanics you complain about. This isn't a FPS, nor is it a single player game.

  4. Well, you can stun a Smash Juggy any time to your heart's content. Knockbacks, everything work on them immediately even after Charge if they do not have full Resolve.


    And again, stun immunity is worth less than actually stunning someone. It doesn't stop your opponent from attacking you, from running away, from healing himself etc.


    The only thing that is worth debating is whether Assassins should have both a 4 second hard stun and CC immunity via Force Shroud. Having both on a high damage, high burst class is a little too much.


    Assassins don't have all of those components in one spec.


    High burst/ high damage/low survivability when focused ----> deception/deception madness hybrid. Which in turn has an unbuffed CD timer on shroud. Wait 3 seconds and stun. These specs also lack utility. Great for controlling healers and kill switching. Not good for much else in competitive environments.


    Decent damage/ decent survivability ----> 23/1/17 or 27/1/13 in dps gear. These specs won't burst someone down unless they have help. They're also very susceptible to AoE damage and don't have tank survivability because they're wearing dps gear. They do however have great utility. Great node guards because of that.


    High survivability/ low damage ----> 31/0/10, 22/17/2, or 31/1/9 in tank gear. Negligible AoE damage slow spam, great survivability due to reduced cd on shroud through lightning reflexes but need 30% defense which costs offensive stats to budget. Minor use of shield and absorb, but also susceptible to AoE damage minus 22/17/2 which has atrocious damage and is best served as a Huttball carrier or full time guard bot.


    Most of the problems people mention about sins/shadows on this forum come with people not understanding, nor identifying the specs properly. Instead the rhetorical 31/31/31 nerf comments fall down like rain in monsoon season.

  5. Yeah but honestly what separates the 500k people from the 250k people isn't that. Its AOE and DOT spam. The minor damage difference changing 2 augments will do just doesn't scale like that - its a fundamental difference in playstyle (going for max damage vs going for single target and objective).


    A properly itemized 2/31/8 sin can do well over 400k damage without any AoE or dots. Min/maxed gear makes a huge difference in the spec. If you had said "what separates a 500k player and a 250k player is how they use the class" then I'd probably agree with you. The difference between a non min/maxed maul and a min/maxed maul is actually pretty staggering.

  6. Uhh huh....what augs are you using?


    It's not just in the augments... It's in mod and enhancement itemization as well. You should be ripping them from the force master boots at WH gear level, and from the belt and bracers at EWH gear level. Augments only serve as a slight boost to otherwise min/maxed gear.

  7. See, this is what's wrong with people.


    Why do you feel you MUST HAVE 30%? Did you read that on a forum, where someone told you this is a 'must have'? Or is it some sort of OCD compulsion?


    This thread remind me of the Vanguard that make a QQ thread saying he can't get 5k High Impact Bolts, but refused to spec points into High Impact Bolt talents, and didn't stack aim/power.


    Exactly!!! In deception/deception-madness hybrids one only needs to carry roughly 25% unbuffed crit. With the operative buff and first tier madness talent you'll have 39% crit, which is more than sufficient. It's been said a hundred times already over in the sin forum but here it goes again.


    Stats to aim for...


    96.9% accuracy

    75% crit multiplier

    25% crit

    Mod the rest of your gear for power


    There's a debate about whether you should augment WP or power, but the difference between the 2 is very miniscule so you can go with either. WP adds slightly more crit which is separate from the crit rating soft cap, but offers slightly less bonus damage. Power adds slightly more bonus damage, but no crit.


    Now go forth and prosper.

  8. It is a forum sugar muffins, not an academic thesis.


    It's funny that you're saying this after you've already played the grammar card on a previous poster in this very thread... It doesn't feel very good when the shoe is on the other foot. Does it?

  9. It does if you can't find a team or in a guild doing rateds.


    If you're a consistently good player in properly itemized WH most rated guilds and teams will take you. The fact that anyone even mentions being carried is probably why they're not on a team like that.

  10. hey buddy you trolled my thread by stupidly proclaiming there is no difference in recruit gear and war hero gear.

    You don't win every game with skill, you just find what ever will reinforce your delusions of skill like rolling FoTM toon and premake with other like minded people that also thinks it to be skill in any regard....yes sir I am impressed, you got me I must be a bad because I don't play FoTM or have time to build a premade.


    Here is what you don't know, I have full ewh on almost three toons and am sick of either being owned in a pug because of recruit gear pugers vs premades or vice versa and I know it cant be fun for them...see some of us just want a fun skillful pvp and have no need to feed some delusional notion of skill, we want the game to be skill based for real( or at least as close as a MMO can get to)


    When did I say there was no difference? I said the "gear gap" is minimized and nowhere near what it used to be. If you really have 3 ewh geared characters then you'd know it doesn't take long to grind out gear. WH to EWH is roughly a ~2% stat increase. Although it doesn't take long to gear out ONE character, it does take some time to grind out 3. Which completely contradicts and invalidates your last post. So, you're either lying or trolling. Which one is it sweetheart?

  11. I would have thought it was obvious that the other team's pylon is game for stealthies only (at the start). but that begs the question...if you have two tank sins, why on earth would you mess around with them from the start, thus revealing yourself, when you could easily ninja cap the thing inside the 1m mark, even if they drop a 2nd guard?




    The strategy you mention is pretty typical of our AH games. My examples were more in reference to NC and CW. It's actually best to try and wait until 40-35 seconds(yes, you did mention inside 1m, I'm just specifying for simplicity) in AH as it leaves the opponent less time to recap and offers us more than sufficient time to stall for the explosion. Especially because most teams will frantically try to recap, rather than focusing targets and dispatching interruptions. There is a ton of AoE and survivability between 2 sin tanks.

  12. That is not content; that is a needless, redundant, blatant time sink designed to keep players occupied while real content is developed. It's unacceptable, forcing players to grind the same 4 warzones over and over and over for the equivalent of 100,000 or more warzone comms needed for 15 pieces of EWH, just for the necessary mods and enhancements to appropriately min/max your character.


    A system needs to be put in place allowing players the choice to upgrade to the next tier of the same mods/enhancements they have already invested the time earning.


    It doesn't take 100,000 comms and endless grinding if you're on a decent team and play rated matches...

  13. really all teams dps has taunts...I knew those sorcs/mercs/snipers/opras were just being Fing lazy.


    Yet another derpy response from you that is most definitely facepalm worthy. So, you're saying the classes people are complaining about that have taunts as utility are only available to the other team? Now I get why you think there's a "gear gap" in this game. If you spent half the time and effort in game as you do licking windows on the short bus in the PvP forum, you'd be geared by now.

  14. At least I can't be charged with being a boot-lick sycophant some might not be able to do the same.


    If you're going to play the "witty, verbose troll" role, you might want to make sure that you use proper punctuation sweetheart...

  15. I know you will not understand this in your lepton sized capacity for logic but just because you can get gear does not make it equal gear .... really why not make the same argument for any other issue , class OP, no problem anyone can play that class...its not really op if its accessible to anyone.


    I know you probably take great pride in the amount of time you have to burn on this game and find burning 20 to 30 hours grinding at fun level zero is no problem, because really what the hell else you got? but some of us have higher standards and your time played on the game does not figure into them...some of us expect fun most of the precious few hours we have to play...So if your argument is that somehow pvp should suck for awhile til you can play X hours well you would probably fit right into the BW team but in the real world that does not fly when you pug into half your team is 15k vs everyone on the other team 20k+, I guess they just must be bads and are absent the SKILL level that gives the other team 20k+ because according to you, the gear "magically" is the same.


    Lol, bad troll is bad. I rarely put in more than an hour or 2 at a time. I'm sorry that I win most of the games I play because I play with like minded players who know how to win rather than whining and making excuses for poor play. Please, continue to tell everyone how unfair things are and how you can't succeed because you're deck isn't stacked like everyone else's. It's entertaining. In summation. Stick to FPS because you're clearly not cut out for MMOs.

  16. OP makes a thread whining about CC immunity, right after making a different thread about the "gear gap" and how SWTOR should adopt a WoW-esque PvP model. I'm now convinced you're either a troll with too much time on your hands. Or a really, REALLY bad player. I'm leaning toward the latter of the 2.
  17. I find this interesting since my sage has 1300 exp, I am full healer build and I get nailed with smashes in the 7k range at least several times a day. I am wondering what you are up against. I know that I tend to get 5k range smashes on me in the mornings when the real pvp teams on our server are are not online. When they show up, you can see the difference. SO I am curious to your sample times vs, who is online at that time.


    This may be a bit rude of me to say, but RP PvE servers aren't exactly the "creme de la crop" in PvP if you get what I mean...

  18. I didn't say it was exclusive to you or even inferred it, you must have a comprehension problem to have built that straw man. great, just tell us that you regularly wear recruit gear because it makes no difference in wz, I am going to guess you wont say that because you would get your *** beat back onto the short bus if you did wear recruit gear and you know it...yet there is no gap, no divide between the type of gear you could wear...next you will be trolling about Santa Claus, Peter Pan and something about a talking snake.


    Look, I tried to be polite at first but clearly you're not worth civil discourse. The devs have done everything short of handing out WH gear upon leveling to 50. It's not that there isn't a divide you nitwit. It's that the divide is minimized by EXTREMELY ATTAINABLE gear in very short amounts of time. Get it? Your crying about the matter is absolutely ridiculous. Go ahead and complain about TTK, excessive CC, improper matchmaking. ANYTHING BUT THIS NONEXISTENT GEAR GAP! It's ridiculous. Absolutely ridiculous... L2P, learn to stack comms while leveling, stop being bad... Etc... Etc.

  19. Like I said before, and others as well, a larger sample pool is required. Looking at the assassin numbers alone is enough for me to make that determination. You didn't face a single non 23/1/17 assassin in those 10 games. There's no telling how many others aren't properly represented. But if these numbers are to be taken seriously, I look forward to our buff. :p
  20. you make some good points.


    in my opinion what they need to do is reduce the overly overly overly ultra ultra highly excessive CC in pvp. the only class that should be able to stun lock you is the op / scoundrel. but 1.4 happened and made every single CC in this game 1000X worse than what they already were. that is one of the most irritating aspects of SWTOR pvp.


    next they need to add cross server pvp wz's / rateds and then seperate the premades from the pugs.then BW should focus on class balance to make like the OP said the DOT's on the lvl with the bursters. this should fix the pvp in this game.


    So, you don't think a deception assassin should be able to stun lock? They're basically the same meta class as a concealment op... If you took away they're ability to stun lock, it would make the spec obsolete. Their burst setup is predictable enough as it is. I agree with cross server queueing but disagree with separating premades. That would make queue times for organized pvpers abysmal. Organization should not be punished. I do however think there should be a better matchmaking system to plot 4 man premades against other 4 man premades. Super queues should also be matched with other super queues, obviously.

  21. I don't think i've been hit with a 6k maul... at least I don't remember it. Again, I know it's not the biggest sample I can get. I will try for a larger sample... let's say 100 warzones next time. Although this will take me at least a week to put together.


    6k mauls aren't a mythical unicorn number. Especially on a sage. Aside from smash, maul could possibly be the second highest damaging ability in the game, especially with a setup on a sage from a mad maul assassin with unearthed knowledge proc'd. The problem is that the spec takes an extra bit of skill to play successfully. As the previous poster said, you'd be better served grabbing a larger sample size. Just from an assassin stand point, I can see that the majority of assassins you faced were 23/1/17 spec'd based on small maul damage and death field. Either way, you'll know when you run up against a good deception/deception hybrid on a sage because death will come early and often. ;)

  22. Really, you are saying there is no gear gap but yet you have to plan accordingly to avoid the gear gap that does not exist?


    You want to be taken seriously you should not write self-contradictory post.


    No... Now all credibility you may have had went out the window. The "plan" isn't exclusive to me. Anyone can do it. It's been explained to death a hundred times over on this forum already. Even with recruit gear, if you don't suck you'll beat most in regular warzones. I did it for the first 4 days of gearing my character. Bad players make excuses. Good players have a plan. The only thing "self contradictory" here is you saying there's a gear gap when a quick forum search would alleviate your nonexistent problem. Maybe you should be spending more time "grinding"(if you can even call it that now) your gear, rather than whining on the forums. Just a thought.

  23. yes meaning if equally geared, even a ewh heals can kill a recruit pretty fast...but I was referring to class balance not the 2 second kills you get when not equal geared.


    There is no gear gap... If you plan accordingly, you can have 4-5 wh pieces without ever stepping foot in a 50 wz. If you didn't plan, it takes all of 4-5 days, a couple hours a day to reach the same gear level. If you want to be taken seriously, don't try to argue a gear gap in this game. It doesn't exist.

  24. It's just 10 warzones, I'm going to guess I didn't get into a scrap with a decent PT pyro.


    Same for assassins. I hit bigger mauls than that in a tank spec with tank gear. When I run deception in power gear 6k mauls come pretty often.

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