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Posts posted by Cowflab

  1. You could also get a Razer Naga gaming mouse or something similar. There's a LOT of keybinding required for some of the Advanced Classes & Specs, and I find it helps a lot. Like any keybinding change, it takes some getting used to as you acquire the muscle-memory until it becomes automatic. I don't think I could go back now that I'm used to it.


    And speaking from experience: don't queue for War Zones right after you re-do your keybinds :D




    Getting a Razer Naga made playing my assassin exponentially easier. I would also advise you to purchase one if you have the means.

  2. I don't seem to have the same disdain for PvP tanking stats that others seem to have. At 38%+ damage reduction, 30% defense, 59% shield(with dark ward up), 44% absorb, shortened cd force shroud, deflection, a med pack, snare breaker sprint to wz health packs, overcharge heal, and force lightning heal on my tanksin I'm tough enough to bring down as it is. If they buffed them even more I'd be nigh unstoppable against most classes in the game. The stats DO make a difference(trust me on this one, playing the same spec in dps gear is night and day) but knowing when and how to use your active mitigation is what separates the wannabes from the true PvP tanks.
  3. there is really no reason to bunny-hop. you are able to fire at like an 88 degree angle, so if you strafe properly you can literally shoot behind you. jumping is really only useful for getting over objects


    jumping makes you move slower, so much like back-pedaling it is not a good thing to do in PvP


    Yes, there is a reason... If I'm trying to slow down a runner who's going to another node, a jump>180 mouse spin>electrocute>180 mouse spin back allows you to stun, slow, or root while never losing your normal forward momentum. This is an advanced movement tactic that is too difficult for most to pull off. That might be why you and others think it serves no purpose.

  4. Something to look at if you want more power is(sorry I dont remember wich piece exactly) one of the set of boots of the WH gear, there is something like 39 power on the mod. The only thing I remember is that those boots are on the top of the list when you scroll up and down the WH gear at the vendor (obviously its not the survivor boots)


    I've not looked at the EWH but I guess there is at least one piece with power on the mod.


    Force master's boots. Already mentioned in my previous post.

  5. neither of these builds perform better or even remotely as well as preexisting specs


    I don't see eye to eye with this guy sometimes but I have to agree with him here. Although the build has potential to do good dps through thrash and maul, you're still susceptible to getting rooted or kited(force speed talent isn't enough to make up for off target time) and AoE.

  6. like hell it will. they *********** farm the matches in vstar.


    take your lumps? how about grow the **** up and don't drop if your 8m doesn't land on the same team? you want the rest of the world to "take their lumps" when that's precisely what the superQ ISN'T doing? yeah. stay classy bud.



    if you drop after the match starts (when you realize you drew an 8m), you just screw over 8 more ppl (probably more since they, in turn, will drop) who back fill into the wz. terrible idea.


    ...although your heart's in the right place. ;)


    They aren't the only guild that super queues... I've seen prominent guilds from both factions do the same. If you take this game that seriously, you have problems. This has nothing to do with class or honor. It's a *********** video game.

  7. The spike>maul>low slash>crushing darkness rotation is being touted by some of the more "popular" assassin posters as of late *cough*Waka*cough*. I disagree with that rotation and think its a waste of time, resolve, and focus while doing far less damage than you otherwise could with a normal opening rotation just to try and force a CC break. My whole point is that you can force the same strategy from your opponent by doing reck>overcharge>discharge>electrocute>thrash/VSx2>shock>low slash with maul placed where applicable. With this opener, you can still force cloak>spike because the resolve bar will allow you to use spike at 75-80% full but will not allow for other forms of CC after a spike opener because it takes up massive amounts of resolve. The spike>LS>CD opener does have some applicable use in specific situations but shouldn't be used as a normal opener. It's WAY too resolve/force/lack of overall damage dependant as opposed to A normal opener. But what do I know? I've only played the class since beta and am a bad player, as per Waka...
  8. it's not speculation. they do pug ppl for their superQs in pvp chan when they don't have guildies to fill the slots. I was in one. at the time, I just took whatever popped after we all Q'd together. (there's nothing wrong with this, afaik; it's just Qing at the same time).


    one of their guildies came on and I left to make space for him. the very next pop I got as a solo had half of their superQ. all 4 of them left while in spawn zone. there's no question that they superQ and drop if they don't get the same team. certainly no question in my mind.


    excuse or moralize as you will. don't doubt that they do it.


    Agreed. Who cares? If you draw a super queue, take your lumps and move on. If the team isn't terrible it'll be a short game anyway. People that whine about this are hilarious.

  9. Oh I think I see what you're saying. Like in the starting mid of a civil you wouldn't really open with that rotation which I totally agree with.


    But if we're talking about mid battle there are so many "openers"...I could open with an assassinate if the target is sub 30, or a spike if mid heal to interupt.


    So IMO the main topic should be taken as a 1v1 situation. Inb4wzareobjectivebased...I know lol.


    I agree, which is why I was saying what I did. Apparently posting a guide and YouTube videos is justification for "some" to act like jerks and argue semantics though.

  10. Like said before 1 of 2 things will happen:


    1. Your opponent uses his cc break and now he can be your bit** for the rest of the fight.


    2. He lets you get crushing off dealing and you continue your onslaught.


    As it was mentioned it's very situational, but it ends up being a win/win.


    And "isolated" fights happen in every warzone so no point in arguing there.


    As I've said before, if the sequence is "very situational" it doesn't constitute a normal opening sequence "bad..."

  11. fighting the solo defender on a node


    fighting an isolated healer/anything


    forcing a lot of pressure/cc on someone in general


    you're doing it wrong


    Lol, so in other words, isolated circumstances which are rare in an objective based team game. Whatever you say though man. You're right, I'm wrong. Have a good day. I don't have time to sit here and bicker with you.

  12. No. Bad. Wrong. Ignore this post.


    I have been using this opener for a few weeks now. It is incredibly good but its heavy force cost makes it very situational in warzones. Great for dueling though.


    See post above. If its incredibly situational in actual PvP then it doesn't nullify regular strategies... Duels don't mean ****, other than epeen stroking.

  13. Perhaps you should read over my post again before you open your mouth. You forgot a couple of steps between spike and crushing darkness...LIKE LOW SLASH. That is what you use to setup for Crushing darkness. And if they break the CC on low slash, you obviously will not use crushing darkness for the reason you pointed out. However either they break it and congratulations u just forced your opponent to use his cc breaker early in the fight, now the fight is in your hands. OR they let you cast crushing darkness and youve done some nice damage without even using your BIG hitters!! EITHER WAY ITS A WIN WIN SITUATION. If you dont like my strat, dont use it, however you prefer using your burst straight up and then ur left fighting w/o CD's as with my strat, ur already doing good dmg w/o having to use your cd's and only thing you wasted is a low slash which is on a 15 sec cool down, so by the time you get done with ur rotation and need it again its already up.


    However like everyone already agrees on your opener is very situational, use what u think is best


    So, you go from filling a ton of resolve in a low slash to cast a situational ability? I have played this game for a long time now and I have never run into a situation where this would be your best option. Spare me the "you're bad, that's why you haven't" comments. Most that know me would tell you I'm a good player who knows his ish. The only time I've ever had a good use for spike was a quick cloak into spike after a low slash>electrocute cycle because it leaves a sliver of open resolve given that a teammate hasn't filled it. So, please, tell me I'm doing it wrong...

  14. This is the opener I use and I find it the most usefull opener than any already posted.

    Now when ur fighting scrubs who just playing suck using an opener that's straight forward as the one being posted will work. However when ur fighting really skilled players that tactic just won't work all the time. Best strat I've found in any 1v1 situations is spike-maul- low slash- crushing darkness- then from here you would go into ur normal rotation. Now the reasoning. Reason why I use spike is for 2 main reasons. 1) dumb players will use cc breaker on this and 2) gives us a chance to proc maul for big dmg. Maul will be next used whether it process or not cuz we have lots of force regen at this point worrying about it being procd doesn't matter here to much. Low slash next to force one of 2 things, either they're gonna see you casting crushing darkness and be like OMG he's gonna hit me with that and they'll blow their cc breaker and interrupt you which is good for you cuz now you have ghe upper hand. Or they'll let you finish the cast and now they take a decent dmg that places a dot on them too. Worst case scenario is ur fighting a class like an op or another sin that can cleanse the dot. Yes true they can however remember you just hit them with spike, maul procd or not low slash and the initial hit of crushing darkness. All of this combined you've already done a good amount of dmg to your opponent and they have yet to do anything back to you yet. And best part is you still have yet to use ur strongest moves for that massive dmg we deception sins love to do. Now of course you can't use this all the time like when ur in a big group fight where you got multiple people attacking you. But just be aware of what's going around you at all times and this strat is not too hard to use even when in the fray of things


    You should never, EVER use crushing darkness unless its a last resort while being kited. Even then you're better off cloaking and resetting the fight. This is terrible advice imo. Spike is only a 2 second knockdown after all and CD is a 2 second cast. After accounting for the GCD after spike, being in melee range, you're going to get interrupted. You've now done jack squat for damage and given the target ample time to CC or snare you. Basically pitting you outside of a deception assassin's comfort zone of burst and control.

  15. In my mind contruct there is a problem.. the hand guards... how idotn loose mobilty when applying handguards to a double blade saber?


    Similar to this with a double blade. The handguards are just pieces of metal that cover the normal hand placement area but allow for a strike with the hilt.




    Try this if first link doesn't work.



  16. Accuracy is high imo. I am just at 95% with around 23% crit unbuffed with around 1300ish power which I think I am around 670 bonus damage and 950ish force but I am still at the office so that might be off a bit. I also run all power augs.


    I agree. I usually just run with the accuracy from the striker implants and earpiece and seem to do fine. I believe that puts melee acc at about 95.6% or something. Imo, as long as you keep your force acc at or around 100%, you'll be fine. From what I've seen through personal experience between running high crit vs. high power, I get better results running all power. Crits don't come as often but when they do, whoever you're hitting will notice due to 1/3 of their life disappearing in one hit.

  17. Then I should mention that I do have a 50 shadow and trooper on your server (EB) and have seen the same thing there with the lol smash monkeys.


    However the main server I am on now is a PVE server, and it is the same thing I saw months ago over on the Ebon.


    Play on a PvP server for a little while. It's where serious pvpers play. I'm not saying that all players on a PvE server or an RP server are bad players. But the main focus of those servers are roleplaying and ops/fp respectively. Meaning the majority of the population are more interested in their characters appearance and maximizing raiding potential. Whereas on a PvP server, players tend to focus and specialize in min/maxing PvP gear. The only time I see numbers even somewhat comparable to these is early morning hours when the server pop is low and people are gearing alts.

  18. I agree with this post. We were not in the warzone and there is inadequte information to even think whether that was good move or not.


    We also don't know what the OPs general demeanor was for the entirety of the warzone either. Or if he really said what he did. I'm inclined to believe the final remark wasn't his only passive aggressive quip towards the team, based solely on the fact that he felt the need to post on the PvP forum(which the majority of that particular team probably doesn't even read) to justify and reassure his own actions. I probably wouldn't have responded with such vulgarity, but I'd probably zing one back his way. The OP is more than likely an assassin/shadow, which is also the AC I play. I can tell you from experience that if you ninja cap a pylon and it gets taken back, its your own fault. You didn't plan your cap properly. I've done it myself a few times, but instead of taking pot shots at people in mid for not helping, I thought to myself "whelp, maybe I should've started my attempt 10 seconds later." The OPs comment was just as distasteful as the response, it was just free of profanity. You took out your frustration for your bad move on people who were probably already frustrated.

  19. The crit buff is not working for deception as most of the build revolves the surging charge and that dont benefit from the crit bonus, which i dont really get considering that deception is the most crit heavy build.


    ... :confused:


    I'm talking about explosive strikes. Not crackling charge. If you want to maximize your dps, stacking crit is not how you do it.

  20. On Waka's spec, would running dark charge be gimping Waka's build a lot? 23/1/17 and 31/0/10 get a little stale but can guard when needed. There's a lot of posts and reading, sorry in advance if I missed anything about the stances and Waka's build discussed already.


    Yes, the build is intended for surging charge. You'll be in dps gear as well, so guarding someone would make you drop like a sack of rocks in water.

  21. Spike fills far too much resolve and doesn't have enough utility to be worth the trouble. When playiing Deception or the various hybrids I will typically open by using Reck>Overcharge>Discharge>DF if 0/27/14>Electrocute>Maul(if proc'd and it most often is by now)>Thrash/VSx2>Shock>Low Slash>whatever is applicable for the situation afterwards. Spike is also a force ability, so if you prematurely use Reck, it will consume a charge.
  22. they're a lot easier to murder. PTs do their dmg outside of smash range and mara range and most everything any melee unit dishes out. and the crit/aoe dmg reduction makes deception serviceable...not nearly on par wtih PTs because of the range issue. imo.


    Very good points! When people say, myself included, that deception has survivability issues, its not because we are ignoring the talents that make the spec viable. It's because of the playstyle and positioning that's not conducive to competitive play(read: rateds). Deception/Infiltration is extremely easy to shut down if you know what you're doing. Mainly keeping them slowed or rooted. The reduced cd on force speed has helped but is not an end all solution. Couple that with the fact that the spec has to be "in the mix" as well as their burst being incredibly predictable and its easy to see why the spec is on the bench for rated games. In summary, viable for regs, not the best for rateds barring that you're not a spot reserved because of guild friendship... Etc... Etc.

  23. I had something like this in mind oO

    If the next maintenance is at my wake time ill give it a shot =)


    Awesome!!! I'll check back periodically to see if you've managed to make one. Again, great work!

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