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Posts posted by Cowflab

  1. There's also a "dead zone" on top of the stone pillars to the sides of the pylons in Hypergates. It seemed to me that an opponent figured this out and duplicated it a couple of times in the same game. I was able to ninja cap the first round quite easily. Second round, the opposing shadow pulled me to the top of the pillar. Bam! Dead... Same kill text. Next round, again. Same sequence. Bam! Dead...
  2. with the patch notes for 2.0 out, i would have to say that wakajinn spec will be vastly superior to full deception due to VS redesign. I'll be sure to test out the dmg output to the new VS once it goes live. But id wager that wakajinn will come out on top for sure this time


    what are your guys thoughts


    With the port ability I'm thinking madness will see a decent improvement in survivability. It will play a lot like an unholy dk from wow with a warlock port.

  3. I know what ya'll need



    Problem solved


    There's so much win in this post! I thought I was the only one who stood shirtless in front of the mirror doing hip thrusts listening to this song, slapping myself in the face, yelling "play like a champion today," and getting pumped before doing any serious PvP. Legend has it that its what leetness is made of.


    You sir... Are doing it right!

  4. I make sure to include my /played, rating, total wins, total kills, mvp votes, and total medals in my resume. This is serious business


    I don't use it for resume padding. But I damn sure use it as leverage for a raise! After demanding a raise based on stats, I usually follow it up with a chopped together video of ninja caps, fire trap pulls, and bridge knockbacks. Needless to say, I got the raise. :rak_03:

  5. So what you are saying is that it is perfectly justifiable for me to form up an ops group with seven people and not call it a super que?


    HAH! You are defending US, You must be US.:csw_jabba:


    See Vaseyl, look how perceptive I have become!



    Uh, I don't care if you super queue or not. It's not a big deal to me. I don't go into every wz with expectations to win every game I play. That's an unrealistic and incredibly entitled mindset. You're gonna win some, you're gonna lose some. As for your US assumption, no. I'm not in US. I don't care if they super queue either.

  6. I think that was the joke :p You know, form up a decent rated comp..... then queue for regs


    The game he was talking about wasn't a super queue. Nor was it a comp made for a rated match. It was 2 separate groups of whoever was on that got lucky and only 3 of us were in vent. It may have been 4 but I don't remember.

  7. You're a shadow/sin...... are we starting an epic quest to find the identity of the clandestine forum warrior?


    Me thinks we got a smart one here. What gave it away? Was it the sig? The funny thing is that I'm not the forum warrior. That label lies solely on the people taking offense to otherwise vague comments.

  8. I don't get the issue.... Or what a superque is.... Or why people get so upset over a game. That said I sometimes find it amusing when I'm having a bad day to read the rages on the forum!


    Anyways hope you all have a nice day.


    A super queue is when you form an 8 man raid and time both groups wz queue to increase the chances that both teams will get the same wz pop.


    People get mad when they lose and apparently our guild is the only one that super queues... Said no one ever. What's funny is that it wasn't a super queue.

  9. Yes unlike your guild Rox we dont have to super queue to win regs, btw how much rating did you get for that one win your guild had in that super queue Novare?


    Super queue... Rating? I'm cornfused.

  10. 25% defense is not a differential in PVP. I ran it. You're shielding while its not 100% wasted is a ton of stats that people just bypass when fighting a tank. I don't understand why you don't as a tank go 23/17/1. For pure tanking having the damage reduction boost is far more important as a pure tank.


    You give up a 25% on demand damage reduction and a 30% aoe damage reduction.


    If you are tanking take the damage reduction with the pvp adrenal + dark embrace and your shield you can just soak so much damage. It also means you have a fairly useful maul, with a thrash proccing shock. I also like to save recklessness for my healers to get critical heals on me as a tank which is easier since your not as dependent on things like DF.


    However, I don't have a single tank stat in my gear. I guard, taunt and dps like a tank just without the 10k extra health.


    The 23/1/17 spec extra CC is good for node defending. To give up shock damage to take DOT damage reduction on the tank spec with a cleanse? I don't get your build at all.


    Try this tanking spec It is a much better build if you are not going to take wither and harnessed darkness, which are very underrated skills in my opinion.


    I prefer the 22/17/2 variation for max survivability(no need to boost shock damage because your job is to mitigate it) or the 22/18/1 variation with a point in static cling for better slows. Other than that, I totally agree. Although I do often run in a 31/0/10 for voidstars. Wither slow is boss in that wz.

  11. This forum accomplished what I expected and wanted it to. Instead of Just being at the top of the forums for one day and then dwindling off into the abyss of forgotten forum posts it is still on page 1. Also, it helps out the video because as long as these trolls continue to argue with me or everyone else more people see the forum and more people watch the video. Also, like I said in a previous post, the impressive part of the video in my opinion is that it was against a pvp guild's premade. This premade just happened to be a Unicorn Stampede 7 man premade. I chose the name because it was why I had to try so hard in the wz and its helpful to have trolls consistently bumping this thread. I never put down Unicorn Stampede and I have no intention to, but I fully expected the poo flinging contest and am glad that the trolls continue to return.


    With that said, I personally am getting a little tired of talking in circles with these nobodies (specifically Cowflab) so I will now be bowing out of the conversation. I encourage people to keep arguing about whatever on this thread and will observe in mild satisfaction.


    Your seething insecurity and constant attempts at validation from other players on the server speak volumes to what your real motivation was. Pepper in your random hypocrisy and horrible reading comprehension and we now have a comical display of failed epeen stroking. You're not a special, unique snowflake. Your accomplishments in this video are above average, but as previously stated, are nothing special. Ad hominem approaches(like calling someone a nobody) only serve to prove you've lost whatever argument you were trying to win. Congrats on lashing out like an angry child because not everyone on the forum wants to pat you on the back and tell you "good job!" One last thing. I'm willing to bet your video is not getting any special attention because you're getting trolled for pages on end.

  12. Speaking of snarky....:D


    Nope, an example of snarkiness would be as such. An ellipsis is a series of dots that usually indicate an intentional omission of a word, sentence or whole section from the original text being quoted, and though necessary for syntactical construction, is not necessary for comprehension. It is properly used and identified by three periods. Like so "..."


    Any more schooling and I'm going to start charging you. ;)

  13. only people in disagreement use the word "snarky":eek: and i wasnt aware i had to agree or comply with everything i see or read on the internet. You also fail to highlight the post of me telling you, your numbers were nice. If you want to pick and internet fight, find a high school kid i dont have time for it


    Oh, you have time for it alright. Just look at the raging sarcasm in your post. :p

  14. You should be more consistent. When you say I'm sensitive for an MMO player you are comparing me to other MMO players. Yet when I compare myself to other MMO players you say that my argument isn't relevant. I'm not here to poke fun at you or call you out on anything, but you should think a little more before you type.


    Exhibit A... This has nothing to do with consistency on my part. If I'm bat **** crazy and someone points it out, I don't negate their observation by comparing myself to residents of a mental institution. Forum posters are a very specific group of MMO players. They do not represent the entire population of the game. They do however represent the "squeaky wheel" portion of the population. I also find it ironic that you're pointing out the snarkiness of someone else's comment, yet end this post with what you did. Pot, meet kettle. He's black...

  15. No way, mmo players are the most level headed people I've ever met


    True story! Any time I'm looking for advice on purchasing a home, financial investments, or any other life altering decision, I first consult with MMO fanbases. Their sound judgement, logical and rational thought process, and bulletproof advice serve me well in making the right choices. :rak_03:

  16. Lol look at most threads and I guarantee you will see plenty of MMO players who get way more worked up than I do.


    That's not really a good way to gauge my statement. Comparing your slightly less insecure sensitivity to overly insecure sensitivity of others doesn't make my point invalid. I'm not here to poke fun at you or call you out on anything. I'm just calling it like I'm seeing it.

  17. What happened was her condescending post. How I read it was... I encounter 8 man premades all of the time and out heal both of their healers with 10 deaths easily "Nothing special about this vid ... It's nothing more than i encounter on a daily basis on my healer..." Also, you're bad because all you do is hide behind poles to get your numbers. "so you got some nice healing hiding behind a pole the entire 1st 1/2...congrats?"


    This isn't a disagreement about anything. It's more of a snarky little attack from a troll. There's right ways and wrong ways to say that you didn't like the video. I wouldn't say that she was in any way trying to have a normal conversation.


    You seem a bit sensitive for an MMO player. Not an insult, just an observation.

  18. Hell it would beat backfill. At least Jaesa has full WH gear


    and she listens to instructions


    Agreed! I have Xalek in min/maxed WH/EWH DPS gear on my assassin and I know for certain that he would be a better teammate than half the puggles I run with. He's definitely better at focusing healers...

  19. I have recently become a tank on my jug and can tell the good healers from the bad. You sir sound ignorant.


    If you are one of those who think face tanking works as a healer, you are wrong. It pains me (literally) to guard a healer who is standing in front of the door in VS while defending. You may have a guard on you, but, guess what? I die first .


    I spam AoE snares, utilize my AoE mez when i know the situation is getting hairy, and taunt DPS off Cool down.


    On a lighter note, well done simple! I would love to see you flashing around that IBG guild tag every once and a while :p.


    I have guarded HER many a time and she is far from ignorant. She does a great job staying out of the fray if it is possible. I saw nothing in that post that would imply any of the accusations you threw out in your post. It was moreso stating the obvious than anything else.


    What ever happened to civil disagreement in the course of normal conversation?

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