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Everything posted by Osoygatitalove

  1. well, my bad here, its not actually an emote, its the camping rest toy.
  2. Heres a 5m explanation of this amazing system (wich has been acclaimed and praised as the best aspect of Warhammer Online along with its pvp system). I really wish we could have, someday, a system half as good, one can only hope.
  3. Shock wallshot me twice, ask him Many people know Gunships are bugged right now, they hit through asteroids/mountains. I never blame players, if it's anyones fault is bioware for not listening to the HUGE QQ about gunships in game after 3 weeks.
  4. Got my 14 AW laptop, played BF3 and LoTRO, whenever i get hit or engage in combat my keyboard would automatically flash my lights (i use a regular green/ice blue) to red. I thinks its a cool feature EA and Turbine add to for players, any plans on this? Edit: inb4 anyone saying this is a waste of resources and needs a lot of work, bioware has already implemented this technology with Mass Effect 3 almost 2 years ago.
  5. we already have a cooking emote, and people love it, now we need the standard package:(
  6. you do realize, even if your statetents are right -though i disagree- that this would only get more money for bioware at a low cost, but would increase their capacity to make more content, i mean, don't you realize it has been the CM the biggest reason we actually have some teams now working on different things? If you don't want skins, that's fine, but there's a lot of people that would pay for it, you want it for "free"? nothing is free m8, although you can get it later from the GTN anyway.
  7. Anything that give us more relaxing activities is fine imo, although i don't think fishing would consume that many resources, look at seeker droid, super easy mechanics, they just need to "reskin" it and add fishes into some areas.
  8. As one of the elders of Pot5 (along with Sir Marty, Sir Copperfield, Exile and Shutdown aka Shutdownx) i can say this has been caused for 3 reasons: -First, people offering free transfers due to the "refer a friend" rewards system. -The fact Ranked Arenas have become completely retarded, if you don't play an operative healer, a PT hybrid or a Smasher (and ofc their mirrors) you are pretty much done. Imperials, as usual, have increased the already unexistant balance to a whole new level taking advantage of Bioware's lack of courage to nerf those classes. -And last but not least, the fact that every single imperial player is becoming a "gunship pro" taking down people with 1-2 shots and exploiting wall shots and spawn-mid-spawn tactics. Just take a second and think about it, is it Imp fleet that is getting empty or is it Pub fleet? see what i'm saying, thanks for your time gl.
  9. Chats are a function, not cosmetic, quickbars are not cosmetic either, sigh, know the difference please.
  10. you speak like you would need a lot of skill to ´play a gunship. Gunships are possibly the easiest of the 3 ships we got, you dont even need to be accurate, you can "miss" the target a few milimeters still make the damage a scout would do in 5-6 seconds.
  11. So Imps not only coordinate to play Fotm ground classes in arenas now, they also want to play fotm space ships as well?
  12. these are just cosmetic features, it would make a lot of people happy and make more money for BW, money that they can invest in more stuff later
  13. Anyone familiar with other Mmorpgs can tell you both can coexist. As in other MMORPGs, cooking would give alternative bonuses, lets say if a "biochem" willpower adrenal gives you 120wp+50power, an alternative "meal" would give you 35endurance+20 power + 10% regen off battle. Other bonuses could be 5% speed+ 50 alacrity, 5% defense chance + 40 power Sort of. It adds combos to the game that can't be placed on biochem otherwise the list would be too long, plus it doesn't only affect main stats, also additional stats that biochem would leave apart.
  14. The point on cooking is to split different bonuses that cant go on "alchemy" or biochem, otherwise the number of recipes would be enormous for a single crew skill.
  15. why cant you just pay 250k for it, theres a vendor on fleet that sells them for those who pre ordered.
  16. Nobody knows for sure, they just stated they increased the population cap on every server to allow more players (something along the lines of "superservers")
  17. Yes you should begin to make skins for the UI with republic/imp/planetary/class themes and yes you should charge for it, i'd definitely pay CCs for that. In no way it means you would charge for new UI features though, just skins.
  18. Because this is a big universe and one can't possibly assume what other characters would/wouldn't like to do, and once you finish your story its pretty much normal for anyone to take a break to invest time on their hobbies. I don't see the point for characters dancing/singing/gangamstylling but thats what MMORPGs are about, so why not some love here since it isn't lore breaking (unlike yellow/blue crystals). I totally agree with you, cooking/fishing should be implemented as crew skills (fishing as a gathering skill while cooking as a main skill) you could craft dishes for extra bonuses and that would be awesome.
  19. Crew skills don't need a quest tbh, cooking/fishing could be implememted that way.
  20. As painful as it is, devs already stated on interviews they didn't implement swimming cause there wasn't any meaningful content that requires you to swim. I am not OK with that opinion, and it was long ago, hopefully devs begin to really listen to the community and implement some quality of life updates such as swimming/cooking/fishing/player housing. I'm not trying to push the game to become Lotro 2.0 where you can grow carrots, yet it would be awesome to see some quality of life instead of another Green Army Crystal on the CM.
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