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Everything posted by donthedondon

  1. Some of you might know me as rippernine from lethal dose fifty but i'm also notorious the scoundrel / operative healer. I also have a marauder ripperfive , all my characters have full conquerer minus my operative which is missing two conquerer pieces. I'm also a good commando / merc healer they were my mains for approximately a year my commando is already on pot5 and i'd be willing to transfer my merc if the right opportunity was available. I'm just trying to find a new home to do ranked , i'm sure all the ld 50 trolls / fan bois will take a moment to comment on this thread but as many people can attest to i'm a nice guy and a dedicated skilled player. Thanks for reading you can pm me on the forums or in game on rippernine with any questions / trial opportunities or just leave a reply here and i'll get back to you.
  2. Troy it's extremely hard to believe all this when you're an awful keyboard turning marauder. When threads pop up about dominant teams on pot 5 last year you hear about casuals and pk , none of the names you mentioned. I wasn't there but from the sources i've heard i'll take their word over yours. You have fun staying on jc with your baddie friends , you can't judge the ranked scene when you've never been a part of it. I have over 500 ranked games combined on all my toons from jc , my merc is at around 1900 rating , my commando over 1500 and my sentinel around 1300 while that might not be extremely impressive at least i put myself out there to play ranked with some of the best guilds and also did pug ranked which was some of the most fun i've had on jc , met a lot of great people. You and your guildies enjoy living in that bubble where you guys think you're top tier pvp'ers and can judge ranked and regs like you're some kind of measuring stick. When in reality you were the server joke , troy good riddance to you and your posse of trolls.
  3. Troy a statement like this would be fine if it wasn't coming from someone who's in your position. What's your positon you might ask ? It's the position of someone who rerolled from a pvp server with his fail guildies claiming they're going to dominate and you got neutered into a pve guild. We moved servers because we killed the ranked scene here on jc. and there is absolutely no competition , only trolls like unicorn stampede. Troy you're the most dillusional player and we get good laughs out of watching your stream and hearing you talk. A former guildie of yours told us how you got your 2500 rating , win trading guild vs guild and logging over to an alt for the losses.
  4. What's wrong with him joining ld50 ?
  5. Don't listen to anything rynis says , i'm getting real sick of carrying him. He won't lose weight and he's taking up a whole pouch in my dora backpack , the map is losing his mind.
  6. Anyone have any insight on what crit. chance should be for commando / merc healer ? I pvp mostly and started at 30% percent to see how that worked out for me and now trying to get conquerer enhacements / mods to bring it down to 25%. Just wondering if anyone had any experience they'd like to share.
  7. Anyone have any insight on what crit. chance should be for commando / merc healer ? I pvp mostly and started at 30% percent to see how that worked out for me and now trying to get conquerer enhacements / mods to bring it down to 25%. Just wondering if anyone had any experience they'd like to share.
  8. There is no other defense , this is an mmo not some social circle that involves each others personal lives. That's what you and half of your fail guild doesn't understand. What you think you know about me is like a tiny percentage of my actual life that was passed along to you by someone who was butt hurt that i wasn't around to carry him anymore and now it's being recycled by other butt hurt players. You're telling me not to use the omg u suck defense but this thread was started to call someone out because they suck according to you , so i put you in your place cause you're awful and shouldn't be trolling anyone. Pure hypocrite to tell me not to talk down to you for being bad right ? And yeah krackcommando i mean't mumble to come play with us for the banksy comment.
  9. What are you talking about banksy i <3 you , only thing i hate is that you don't come around anymore cause your vanguard didn't get any love at 2.0 and you've become a stranger. Kenny you guys can talk strat. for a week straight you can't fix suck. If you and empire think trolling me about that stuff is clever , you don't have to look far as to why you're so bad at this game. #braindead
  10. @12.30 minutes http://www.twitch.tv/troyh20/b/416665284 , oh really pjb ? this was last night wasn't it. Stryker I don't know where you get your facts from but the only imp rerolls in ld are myself , cates , ukko (swagga) ,xeosage and rynis that i can think of off the top of my head ( - rynis ,we all rerolled last year get over it) we have approximately 20-30 active pvp'ers (don't quote me im not at home to check). Only 2 people that have been asked to join ld are merson and rynis , i went out of my way to get them to app. Otherwise everyone else apped or inquired on their own no poaching or enticing. If it weren't for people like alisandra , troy , kenny , leonardo etc making comments about me being a woman beater , disrespectful comments about my wife / child i would come play with you guys , and i have ran regs with some of your guildies ( people like tswifty , unfathomebly , buppi represent your guild well ) but overall you guys have earned all the hate you guys get. First step to cleaning up the unicorn name is to either get troy to stop streaming or watch what you say when he is streaming.
  11. Cry'ara you're a nobody , just another angry unicorn scrub who's been farmed by us and can't get over it. For the second quote congrats on your regular wz win , let me mail you a trophy. Your guild is full of average to below average players , it's hilarious to listen to troy's stream and hear you guys talk each other up on a regular basis then when you guys finally get the balls to q up for ranked you get stomped. Looks like those balls only lasted one night.
  12. One baddie calling another baddie bad , nothing to see here , can't wait for server transfers to get away from people like this who think they're in any position to call out other people for being bad.
  13. Troy's just making this poll so he can transfer wherever lethal dose fifty and uncensored doesn't go lol
  14. Yes i'm the president of the cates fan club , you can submit your application to weluvcatesgifs@catesfanclub.com
  15. If that's the game i'm thinking of , useless pug from a fail guild premade i won't mention lost grass without calling out and we couldn't get it back cause certain people were /stucking to get to the node we were trying to take. But my statement still stands from that screen shot , useless pugs can't be carried they see an ld50 4 man and expect they can just go be scoreboard warriors and not play objectively.
  16. In the last few weeks i have been noticing a lot of familliar faces missing from warzones , wondering if people have started re-rolling on other servers with the announcements of paid server transfers. I have been hearing a lot of rumours of people already re-rolling there (true or untrue) or maybe people just aren't playing as much or quitting the game all together. Just trying to get a general concensus of where the pvp community is planning to go with the upcomming server transfers. I know myself am planning to transfer some characters to the bastion depending on price / legacy options.
  17. Another dodging response , i'm done with you , you can have the last word go ahead baby boi
  18. Everyone seen it on troy's stream .another dillusional f*** you're probably caigigugu (don't remember your exact name you're an awful sorc) the hillbilly i kept telling to shut up , i didn't hear any crying on my part only troy apologizing over and over and he managed to squeeze in i'm better then you which is laughable. Otherwise raging when i lose to unicorns ? lol that might happen if i'm solo q'ing otherwise if you run into our premades you get farmed. And neb if my vocabulary is so shot , i wrote a whole paragraph , you addressed none of it cause you know what i'm saying is true you have no rebuttal and turned to the classic your vocabulary sucks.
  19. you bringing up these specific instances prove my point exactly if someone doesn't agree with what you're doing you rage and you can never be wrong , you're still butt hurt that i called you out in obvious situations where you were tunneling. like i said before you're never wrong don't ever question neb cause his whiny baby rage voice will come out and attack you lol. the hyper gate i yelled at you cause you were yelling at complete strangers in pug ranked you kept running in mid and you kept dying yelling out why don't we have a tank at mid *cryyy waaaaaaa when i clearly explained our shadow tank was going to guard the node cause its boring having our other shadow guard every game, you're so dillisuional you make up stuff in your mind , i told you don't come to pug ranked anymore i'm done with you , cause you were yelling at complete strangers and you raged on previous nights as well , when you were at fault . Its pug ranked you stupid baby it was set up to learn , have fun , meet new people and teach lesser players. guess what if you're such a leet player you would of figured out don't go in mid with your tab dotting fluff bs maybe try healing instead of doing useless fluff damage that gets cleansed if you kept getting focused otherwise deal with dying and be quiet , gates wasn't there you couldn't cry for guard lol now here comes the personal attacks to people you've met in a video game, you dont know anything about my personal life so keep it out of your mouth, i'm sure anyone who's ever dealt with you in this game and have heard that you're a marine are like *** how is this guy a marine lol , a marine would have more control of his emotions in a video game and news flash barely anyone in ld liked you and were happy when you left not having to hear your whiney a** annoying baby voice and poor attitude. you're right where you belong in unicorns neb , with a bunch of scrubs who think they're better then they really are , when you can excel at more then one class you can come tell me i'm a mediocre player , you calling out dargos for only playing a knight and having one buff is ironic to say the least. this is my first mmo but so many keyboard warriors making personal attacks cause they never have to face up to them.
  20. Neb you left cause you're a baby , you can't get along with anyone and if anyone puts your in your place you can't handle it. If you want me to air out your dirty laundry and the reason why you left keep going... i don't even know why you stay subbed all you do is whine and complain , i never see you in wz's and first loss you rage quit for an extended period of time. I'm competitive but you're on another level that requires therapy. Foxmob you're the one who needs a history lesson i was in infidelz , us disbanding was for numerous reasons and didn't kill imp pvp , i think it's players like xilriso who kill imp pvp , why you ask? xilriso is an average player at best and here he is starting a thread complaining how bad solo q'ing is , like he's too good to lose or something ? like he's better then the average player and when he's in a warzone it shouldn't be a losing warzone. Most imps have a defeated attitude entering a warzone unless they see uncensored to carry them , Step 1 to fixing imp pvp is to take a look at yourself and improve your skills as a player , work it back to the basics , hell.... people i see who are complaining on a regular basis about how bad pvp is don't even know a simple rotation when i see them in warzones they open up with stuns and knockbacks they dont even understand those are methods of control for objectives / executions and not part of your rotation. I could rant about this for pages but making a thread complaining how about solo q'ing is won't fix anything , the comparison between pubs and imps are numerous but no one wants to hear it from a scrub who super q's with 7 other scrubs claiming its the only way to win regular wzs xilriso get off your high horse you're part of the problem not part of the solution.
  21. I rerolled pub to follow a friend , and we were tired of carrying bad imps like you but even with that said i come over imp side with a few friends and we win most of our games so time to look at yourselves unicorn stampede scrubs ,and ps i was putting up numbers way before i met gates.
  22. Good original post devildog , i'm happy to see someone else putting some effort into this. I'm also suprised to see devil taking some initiave imp side maybe i misjudged you , i just hope your initiative has good intentions behind it. I'd love to see someone do the same thing impside , i've been saying it from the start. I will try to get the pug ranked going tonight, many people have been whispering me dissapointed that i'm no longer forming up the groups. I'm hoping uncensored will communicate with me and we can pick a few steady nights a week to do the pug ranked and other nights if people wanna form up and face guild teams that'd be great also. All i was asking for was the guilds to help me with this and not stomp the pugs , unicorn stampede was saying they q on wednesday / friday i think those are great nights to do full guild ranked. I'm thinking sunday , monday , thursday for pug ranked ? any feedback would be great then we can make a solid post to inform everyone.
  23. Not a problem jinx , i'll put the pug rankeds on hold for now unless someone else wants to get them going and when you guys get tired of sitting on your thumbs waiting for ranked pops let me know we'll fire the pug rankeds back up , wouldn't want the health or moral of your guild to worry you lol.
  24. I never claimed to be the best healer on the server lol , i'm a commando that'd be impossible just based on the class lol , otherwise check my sig for my alts
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