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Posts posted by pluzoid

  1. Jedi and sith are religions, they offer teachings to there pupils in how to go about there life.

    But not everyone follows the rules in religion down to the letter! There are people who do, but there are people who dont, and this game just gives you the option to play the person who does follow the code (sith or jedi) to the letter, or people who dont.


    Qui'gon'jin was a jedi who defyed the council several times in episode one of SW, by taking anakin skywalker as his 2nd padawan even though he was only supposed to have one. It didnt make him a sith, he was just wise enough to realise that the jedi teachings werent absolute and that the teaching should adapt rather that stay casted in stone and arciarc.

  2. This game does not have auto fight. When you right click it performs the action in command space "1". Now from my own experience as sith iq the default skill in number 1 slot is the strike that hits 3 times, cant remeber the name, but it doesnt require any force which is the closest thing to you hit button, as the other lighsaber skill does more dmg but requires force to be used.
  3. You are confused!! This game is based off Biowares title Starwars: Knights of the Old Republic (KoTor for short), which is set 2000-3000 years before the movies, before the sith were wiped out and became a hidden cloister.


    Even more confusing I think this story is set 100 (or was it a thousand) years after KoTor.


    If you like this game, (and not everyone will), i would suggest sinking your teeth into KoTor, its an awesome rpg, but the graphics are very dated - but the stories awesome, it might help you understand ToR better and also some of the story in ToR relates to KoTor, not that its required to know what happened in kotor, but its cool the way its weaven in.

  4. The mechanics are fine, its the people who use them that arent.

    Try joining a guild, make friends, group with people who talk, because ninja looters tend to stay quiet in my experience (cuz there anti-social, greedy and selfish).

  5. The queues are a sympton of the lowered cap on servers, this will disapear after the launch when the caps are removed.

    Its purpose is to try and even out the players on each server, rather than have some heavy and some low.

  6. If you spend $30 more you can get the GTX 550 with 2gb.


    I dont know about GTX 500, but dont get the GTX 550i. I have the GTX 550i and I wished I had done more research, as there is some good reviews on techspot dot com. The GTX 460 out performs the 550i on most games just to having more stream processors, even though the 550i has faster clock speeds.

    The faster clock speeds only mean more heat and more power consumption, ive had to download evga's precision software to ramp up the fan speeds on the card so that my 550i isnt reaching 70 degrees anymore, its now around 57-60, which is ok.


    The 6790 also outperformed the 550i on some games, also using less power and cooler temperatures.


    So Basically, better to have a card with more processors than one with slightly higher clock speeds (i said slightly higher :p).


    But if you ARE talking about the 550 not the 550i then ignore my post.

  7. They should get rid of 4 man heroics. They are the ones killing me really. Finding 4 people at the same point your in devastates me. They should be 2 man only. Either you + companion or you + other player.


    Its a challenge, you dont need to participate in it for you to reach level 50, you dont need to participate in it if you want to progress your story. Its there for people who want a tough challenge, and for people who wanna work together.


    Also people arent using the /who tool to LFG, which is what its for.. You can click on the name of the planet above the chat which also opens /who so you can flag yourself as "LFG" then leave a message of which quest/flashpoint your after.

    Then if you click the tab that has LFG SYMBOL on, then it will put the people on the planet in order of whos lfg and whos not.


    People are used to different mechanics, but this mechanic has potential if people starting using it!!

  8. From experience i have in the game so far, peoples energy would be better spent working out how there combat mechanics work and working together as a team, then wondering how much dps there doing.

    Because im currrently a Sith sorcerer and ive wiped on a heroic last night because one of the sith maraders kept breaking the whirlwind cc i was putting on the elites enemies which results on everyone fighting different enemies, which increased the overall damage everyone was recieving.

    I had a little word in party chat to say what the whirlwind was, so after than the damage was alot more focused and the healing became alot more manageable.

    It doesnt matter how much damage each person was doing, its the fact they werent taking down enemies one by one or using any incapacitating (cc) skills to make it easier focus fire on individuals.


    We wiped on the boss too because people were just standing in the siths lightning aoes, after a few tatics (which were basically dont stay in the aoes) we killed her, and it was a challenge, but in a good way.


    Having a dps meter wouldnt of made a difference, only shift the blame on to the person doing the least, when it was really a lack of knowledge that hampered us.

  9. Aye kudos indeed. Love the fact I can play as a Zabrak slave whos been give the chance to join the ranks of sith instead of a life of slavery, even though everyone looks down on me like a 2nd class citizen.

    I can still be a good person instead of being evil even though i work for the forces of evil, im secretly helping others :p

  10. its not the monitor that is the problem, its the resolution you have set in windows that is.

    to find out your resolution you can right click on empty part of desktop and choose "screen resoultion" or the Nvidia / ATI control panel.


    From here you can change the resolution to something that will work, enter the game, find out what resolutions there are, then come out the game and readjust the windows screen res to the one that works with swtor.

  11. When I play everything is kinda jerky. And there's some lag. I'll press buttons and a second later I'll do them. Or it'll take a couple seconds for the texture in buildings to show up. Is that just the graphics issues you described or could it be my internet...? I mean I've played WoW on it just fine. My computer's pretty new and I have Windows 7 and no crazy desktop backgrounds...


    Maybe the server was crowded... I dunno. It just bums me out 'cause it's hard to get into it when things are acting all weird.


    Oh and thanks for the preemptive advice by the way. Good thinking.


    WoW graphics arent very demanding on PC's even though they moved the requirements up with Cata.


    SWtor is demanding, so its really just a question of trying different settings on high and low, and also changing settings for your Nvidia / ATI card.


    Updating graphics card drivers might also help from official nvidia or ati website.

  12. all servers allow you to do flash points and warzones (raids/dungeons/bgs).


    Only different between PVP and PVE is that:



    Everyone is PVP enabled (flagged) so you can be attacked at any time by anyone who is of the opposite faction.



    Everyone starts with PVP Disabled by Default. Players can turn ON PVP or turn if OFF. This allows players to level in peace and attack when a player wants to.

  13. you'll get a quest to use the modifying station, which will ask you to click on the sign next to it for information on how to use the station, I think this quest comes after you recieve your Lightsaber, not sure about when you get the quest for the ranged classes.
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