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Everything posted by JepFareborn

  1. So having Cathar as a playable race wasn't enough to satisfy the 'Furry' masses? G M A F B.
  2. It is also buggy as all h377. One person in group of 4 can't or unable to progress b/c of glitching - console force field stays up, unable to pass through yellow button conveyor door, laser grid door, etc. etc. Tried resetting quest, resetting phase, switching lead - no effect.
  3. I mean, how hard is it exactly to just implement different shades of pink on a human?
  4. Check out this beautiful bean footage, y'all: Someone is recreating Star Wars: Dark Forces... in Unreal Engine 4 (Free Download)
  5. If you ppl think S W T O R is gonna survive this - t h i n k a g a i n. B3/\/ !r\/!/\/6 needs to be fir3d after this!
  6. There is NO reason why this Flashpoint, Colicoid War Game, should be omitted from groupfinder. None. It's 2019.... {sigh}
  7. I wish we could have certain hairstyles without any comb-overs as well.
  8. You regulars here have such derangement syndrome - - it is looking very bleak. SWTOR fan bois living in la-la land..... Anthem is a DUD. Stick a fork in it. Now is the time for the SWTOR devs to go behind EA's backs like APEX Legends and just GO ROGUE and make some fantastic stuff for SWTOR - if that is still even possible. And if Ben Irving gets hired or taken back on for SWTOR then it is GAME OVER.
  9. And what it could mean for SWTOR's (bleak?) future. Just remember: Ben Irving was a critical or integral part of Anthem's development - let that sink in. And if he were 'taken back' by the current tiny crew managing and developing SWTOR.....?
  10. She wears mime paint. She is supposed to be a MUTE.
  11. I concur. EA / BW fumbles yet again. "Let's change up the splash screen instead of concentrating and focusing on programming and coding new spectacular content!" Kinda makes you also wonder which splash screen version they will use if they ever release an anniversary poster / painting decoration of it as well???
  12. According to OP, seems like the game is in dire shape. Too bad the people in charge wanna be like ¢0\/\/@rd$ when it comes to providing population or server stats (been disabled forever). :/
  13. I laugh at all the ones beneath OP who will be balling their eyes out when SWTOR eventually shuts down. May not be tomorrow but eventually.
  14. Bioware please just give hot pink Zeltrons as a playable race already!
  15. I just want my companion to wear the same or proper correct crafted faction gear in 'immersive' cutscenes, my companion to keep up with my jogging, and my companion to NOT have their weapon become invisible after exiting elevators! Is that too much to ask for?!?!!!!
  16. This also kind of takes away from the 'linear' aspect of the story progression. :/
  17. In terms of the 'mechanical' class perspectives (i.e. DPS, heals, tank) they should really consider implementing an ENGINEER class - crafting structures out in the field such as bridges, portable turrets, land mines, etc. ala Team Fortress Classic of old!
  18. I need more optional cargo hold space, BioWare! Why should I sacrifice and trash my classic and *rare* gear sets, optional outfits for the companions, and other rarities that I have stored? I know unlocking outfits through collections is available, but with all the Bind on Pickup gear, it's getting a little overwhelming, here...
  19. No it does NOT make perfect sense. Darth Hexid was also part of that DvL event - but more ppl chose to select Ranos over Hexid. Nothing in this game is 'exclusive' anymore, either, just by the way Bioware / EA have been handling perks - that Chiss mount was supposed to be Xclusive too from that Nvidia random notification but BW / EA caved on that botched offer.
  20. Oh? But they can make Nico Okarr and Shae a sub perk offer for everyone else, too? Come on...
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