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Everything posted by caesaraugust

  1. Selkath. They're visually appealing, and just all around cool. If not them, Vurk.
  2. I would agree with Iktotchi, but at this point in the galactic timeline, they haven't been discovered by the Republic.
  3. Thank you SO much for acknowledging there IS NO STORY after Return of the Jedi. You're a friend in my book.
  4. While I respect the disagreements, and totally understand your point of view, they're swords nonetheless. I'm just giving my opinion based on years of using swords professionally. The Mustafar duel goes into the realm of pure nonsense, Force-user or no, there are established laws in swordplay. I've studied the Seven Forms of lightsaber combat extensively (I myself fight with Makashi), and they're all built and based upon real forms of swordsmanship. Stunt coordinator Nick Gillard did an entire 'webisode' where he talked about everything lightsaber combat was based upon in the Prequels, all of which was eastern Asian stylization. Bob Andersen, who coordinated the combat for the Original Trilogy, described his extensive efforts to base the combat off of fencing variations- although during Luke's duel with Vader on Bespin I spotted moves specific to Akihito. I do believe much of Star Wars (while it is fantasy as a whole) is grounded in reality. Especially the sword-to-sword combat. It's damn near impossible just to make up a sword-fight, all of it would have to come from true sources. As for the Mustafar duel, I still fight people I've fought a thousand times, and none of us are so practiced in the art as to look as flashy or fluid as Anakin and Obi-Wan. Again, just my observations based on my background.
  5. I've yet to see that film, but since you've brought it up, I am making efforts to rate it
  6. Okay, I kind of wanted to gauge from the community on their feelings about the members of the Jedi High Council. I was extremely disappointed in the movies when they had the twelve greatest Masters of the Order, and perhaps a total of five of them spoke. So, please, yell out your favorite from the following list! Plo Koon - Kel Dor Mace Windu - Korunnai Yoda - Unknown Ki-Adi-Mundi - Cerean Saesee Tiin - Iktotchi Yaddle - Unknown Even Piell - Lannik Oppo Rancisis - Thisspisian Yareal Poof - Quermian Adi Gallia - Tholothian Eeth Koth - Zabrak Depa Billaba - Chalactan Shaak Ti - Togruta Stass Allie - Tholothian Coleman Trebor - Vurk Kit Fisto - Nautolan Agen Kolar - Zabrak Obi-Wan Kenobi - Stewjonian Anakin Skywalker - Tatooinian
  7. As a current practitioner of Kendo, as well as a blackbelt in Kenjutsu, and with five years of fencing under my belt, I wanted to voice my personal opinion on the lightsaber battles in the movies. Obi-Wan Kenobi v.s. Darth Vader - the first duel of the Star Wars saga was between an elderly man and a man in a cumbersome suit. It was an adaptation of fencing, and while not visually appealing, it was a classic duel. Luke Skywalker v.s. Darth Vader - on Bespin, Skywalker and Vader fought in the iconic duel that culminated with Vader's admitting to being Luke's father. This fight moved away from classical fencing- while retaining many elements- and closer into Kendo and Aikido style fighting. Choreographics were spectacular, in that it looked like a real duel. Luke Skywalker v.s. Darth Vader II - in the shadow of Emperor Palpatine, Skywalker and Vader had their final duel. It was dramatic, and nearly abandoned all fencing qualities, favoring a Kendo-Kenjutsu hybrid. This duel, I felt, was a little more choreographed than the one on Bespin- meaning that I could tell it was being acted, and it looked less like a real fight. Obi-Wan Kenobi, Qui-Gon Jinn v.s. Darth Maul - while I have no respect for Maul as anything more than a mindless animal, this duel was very quality. While not fencing, it employed a lot of Kendo. The fight looks like a real struggle, rather than a series of dance moves. Obi-Wan Kenobi v.s. Count Dooku - overly choreographed, it looks more like dancing. Anakin v.s. Count Dooku - again, far too choreographed. Favoring flash and pizazz over realism. Obi-Wan, Anakin v.s. Count Dooku - far too choreographed. It's so phony it gets sad. Mace Windu v.s. Darth Sidious - this was excusable, in Ian McDiarmid being elderly and not a swordsman. Not exactly awesome, yet unrealistic as well. Obi-Wan Kenobi v.s. Anakin Skywalker - the most overly choreographed, played out thing. It looked like Kenobi and Skywalker were dancing with one another, and not in a fight for their lives. Too much acrobatics. Just offering my opinion, based upon over a decade of experience with swords and martial artistry. Opinions?
  8. Indeed I do I go as a Sith Lord to Star Wars Weekends every year, and I'll be rocking the black cape and boots at Celebration too
  9. Definitely going. Packing up the girlfriend, prepping the posters and action figures, clipping my lightsaber to my belt and getting a haircut. I am psyched!
  10. Does anyone know if you need special tickets or passes to get autographs? Some pretty high profile characters will be there, and I think it'd be pretty awesome to get autographs- specifically from Mister Ian McDiarmid
  11. Seconded. Plus Selkath, Nautolans, Kel Dor and Vurk!
  12. Peaceful Mandalorians. Ahsoka Tano as Skywalker's Padawan. Darth Maul's ludicrous return to life. General Grievous's overplayed venality. Asajj Ventress being altered from Rattataki to Dathomiri. Anakin Skywalker. Jar Jar Binks's asinine continuing appearances. All I'm saying is that the Clone Wars really degrades Star Wars...now it does have its awesome moments, primarily when they leave Anakin out of it entirely. The clones are very cool, as are the background Jedi brought into the limelight. The rest of it is pure bolshevik.
  13. I won tickets on the radio today for saturday. It's my first time going, too. Not sure what to expect.
  14. I just won three tickets to Star Wars Celebration VI in Orlando for this saturday...my question, would it be worth it to go? I've never been to one before, has anyone here? What's it like?
  15. Valid arguments, unfortunately there is no proof for either side. I was merely espousing my personal opinion on how the galaxy would work. The United States of America accepts people of all colors, while remaining precarious on the homosexuality issue. The Sith Empire is also ruled by more than the Sith Code alone- it's a government, and an extremely rigid one at that, comparable to endless amounts of dictatorial armies and empire's in earth's own history, which were intolerant of sanctioned homosexuality- I stress SANCTIONED because I am not against homosexuality, just its place in politics.
  16. Anyone in the belief that The Clone Wars currently poisoning the minds of children and adults alike is 'awesome' is quite unfit to walk outside unassisted, but to even suggest anime- which is the final and utter degradation of dignity and refined class- is complete, unmistakeable madness. And the Star Wars setting more resembles ancient Rome. Specifically the fall of the Roman Republic and the rise of the Roman Empire. Let's just leave Japan and it's nonsensical nonsense...over in the eastern world.
  17. Jar Jar Binks is excusable. Anakin Skywalker is by FAR the worst. The MOST emo, pouty, simple-minded, weak-willed, whiniest, most disrespectful brat to have ever disgraced the Star Wars lore. Then there's Padme Amidala, whose obviously not mentally stable enough to exist in modern society. Anakin: "I killed them...I killed them all. And not just the men, but the women, and the children. They're animals, and I slaughtered them like animals. I hate them!" And after hearing that Anakin butchered an entire tribe of people, living, breathing people, Padme Amidala says: "To be angry is to be human." Yet she's shocked when Anakin murders a room of children. Um, Padme, that's just Anakin being Anakin. Killing children, ************ people out, especially friends, and crying.
  18. Think about it from a lore point of view. You must be bat-crap crazy to think the Sith Empire would tolerate or sanction homosexuality. Then, there's the Galactic Republic, who has probably spent centuries debating on homosexuality's validity. I STILL maintain that this is the MOST insignificant issue. We're talking romance within a video game. Let's focus on the real issues before branching off into silly triviality.
  19. The Cathar woman from the first KotOR is not documented to have a romance with Revan, who is canonically male. A Mandalorian named Bavin was homosexual. Who cares? Personally, BioWare has FAR bigger issues to fix (first and foremost completely lack of playable species and customization) than sanctioning same-sex stuff in the game. If you're so strapped for in-game romances...perhaps you need to see someone. That being said, I hope BioWare fixes the slew of problems it's currently facing before they turn to rectifying digital romance, homosexual, heterosexual or otherwise.
  20. Some of the people on these forums, my God. Wookiees cannot speak Galactic Basic. HOWEVER Trandoshans CAN. Selkath CAN. Selkath spoke their native tongue on Manaan- those of you in the U.S. generally speak English on a daily basis, right? It's well documented by The Clone Wars (yeah, I hate it too, but it's cannon) that both Trandoshan and Selkath can speak Basic (Bossk and the Selkath bounty hunter that attacked Padme) AS far as races go, I'm unexcited by Cathar. It shows BioWare is taking a step- a lackadaisical step, but a step nonetheless. The species I'd like to see, in descending order of importance, are: Selkath Nautolan Togruta Kel Dor Vurk Bith Mon Calamari Ithorian (impossible, but I'd still love to see it) Please, if any deities are listening, please do not allow Wookiees to become playable...this game has sunk low enough. Let Chewie be special and leave it at that.
  21. Agreed. If you're looking for cool, small species, I'd go with Xexto. Long neck, four arms, stout and short, they'd be very cool without being...lame.
  22. I agree with all but Wookiees. I know how popular they are, so I won't rag on them...but they utterly bore me. Gungans, I can see as a dignified species, Jar Jar Binks notwithstanding.
  23. It would require creativity and work- what a shocker. And, every species can speak Basic- in the Clone Wars television show, there is a Selkath speaking Basic. I understand, though. I was just tossing around ideas and questions.
  24. Wookiee: lame. Droid: What? No. Lame. Mon Calamari: I agree! Jawa: What?? Really? God, no. Rodian: Eh. Sullustan: I approve. Trandoshan: Eh. Quarren: Cool Duros: Yes! 1. Selkath: bloody awesome, extremely original 2. Ithorian: exotic, exciting, a classic. 3. Nautolan: popular, exotic, interesting 4. Duros: slick, pretty awesome 5. Togruta: beautiful, exotic, interesting 6. Mon Calamari: exotic, a classic 7. Bith: classic, exotic, exciting 8. Kel Dor: stylish, exotic 9: Vurk: what's cooler? Exotic, interesting 10: Nikto: classic, exotic
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