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Everything posted by Dred

  1. I am only a 15 or so, but so far it is less a rotation, and more a priority system... Against a normal mob = leap-battering-vicious til dead (assault when needed) Against harder mobs = leap-battering-rupture-ravage-vicious (assault as needed), use rupture/battering/ravage as they come off cooldown. I am sure this changes as more skills are gained, but it's a start at least.
  2. I settled on Teren. Hit me up on Dred if anyone is looking for someone to group with on Imperial.
  3. I logged on a couple months ago to find Intrepid gone and myself serverless. I think I will log on tomorrow just to see how they are handling it. I was there on day 1, may as well be there on the last day as well.
  4. Dred Bain of Intrepid here. Used to run with HOPE and DLE back in the day. Choosing an EST PvP server tonight, just not sure which one yet. Anyone signing on to SWG tomorrow for the grand finale?
  5. Westchester here, just above Yonkers on the river. Anyone love their server so far? Just got access this morning.
  6. Ha, soon as I posted I got the invite. See you in game all!
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