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Everything posted by Evel

  1. Guilds ultimately keep MMO's in business. I bet if BioWare ran their metrics on the number of people in guilds versus not it would be heavily favored to those in guilds. I know I would likely not play a MMO unless I play with my group of real life and online friends that I have known for years.
  2. Reusable Stims, Medpac's and Adrenals are also the only reason I really use BioChem. However, they are phasing them out and it won't be long after 1.2 when the next line of Medpac's and such are available and they won't have "reusable" ones. With Medpac's being limited now to a single use per combat this is going to lower the demand on the markets. Implants and such on my server has been dropping lately, but they are still an OK way to make some money and I hope the market improves with 1.2 RE'ing.
  3. So I have been debating on dropping BioChem come 1.2 with all the love other professions are getting and the lack of love BioChem is receiving. I'd appreciate any feedback current BioChem's that are (or recently have) switched to another profession. I am currently contemplating switching to Synthweaving and I am a Sith Assassin Tank.
  4. Obviously you have never encountered a healer in Mind Trap and the other in Whirlwind by Soa. If fights going forward have this sort of RNG then players need to be able to use multiple Medpac's per fight.
  5. I disagree with this change as well. What BioWare should do is see (on average) how many times Medpac's are actually being used per fight and then base future encounters on that average for difficulty. They should not want to punish players that want to use Medpac's nor punish BioChem's that are already going through huge changes making the profession less warranted.
  6. This is not true. I asked Georg about it yesterday:
  7. I asked Georg about this on Google+ and here is the response I got:
  8. It must be BioWare's goal to have everyone drop BioChem in favor of other crafting professions. I know I will be.
  9. I would be fine with that if getting the titles weren't so buggy. We did HH other other in an hour and 37-minutes on Nightmare, did not reset the instance and wiped one time on Fabricator and we did not get the title supposedly due to a bug with Crusher respawning. If BioWare made it so things were not so buggy I'd be all for them retiring those titles, but until they pull their heads out their asses and fix stuff they should stay in.
  10. You mean top 38% since BioWare announced that is the number of accounts that have participated in Operations. Get over it.
  11. Wow so you didn't get the free content patch 1.1 or any of the dozen patches since the release of the game? Oh yea what about 1.2 coming next month? I'll take a subscription based game any day over a free 2 play game full of idiots. And yes, I've played several free 2 play games and the communities are just ridiculous.
  12. I agree with the OP. They do it purposely for a bottleneck and it serves no real purpose. They should want people to try out off-specs or even uncommon group compositions. If someone can bring a tank and seven healers and want to try and clear EV then they should be able too.
  13. You're not even taking advantage of the full scope of end game so how can you say you are bored. This game was never meant to be a focused PvP game like Warhammer Online or Darkness Falls. Get a guild (or pug) and do some Operations. I can almost guarantee you 1.2 won't be out before April 6th (PAX East). They will use PAX East to help promote 1.2 and then release it the week after is my best guess.
  14. Not going to happen. This is standard faire in MMO's.
  15. I can understand the problem, but who really does this during game play? It is not like you can switch out gear mid combat... This does not seem like a priority issue to me and would be more concerned about people that experience lag like that during normal gameplay - not some element of play that no one would realistically do.
  16. Even BioWare has acknowledged that Ilum is dead with respect to PvP so why try? If you are having a problem finding a group - look for a guild. I never pug because I find guild members to run with that I know are reliable and not tools. There is plenty to do in the game and it has a ton of leg left with the upcoming Legacy system and playing alt characters, which is something I never really had an interest in before with previous MMO's.
  17. I agree. I have a pretty powerful computer and I have none of the issues you are experiencing. I run at max settings for everything. It is likely something with your specific configuration. The only real difference is I use Nvidia instead of AMD/ATI.
  18. They said Early April just to clarify. It is not pushing me away.
  19. It is based on the base class - not Advanced Classes. So you only need 8 to unlocked everything. Nice try though.
  20. This Basically PvE gear should be focused on PvE and PvP should be focused on PvP. No one says you have to do both equally every week.
  21. Great information. This is indeed a completely different paradigm compared to games of the past where Taunting would only boost you temporarily. I will definitely be including this into my rotation going forward. <3 sithwarrior.com
  22. It is not really a new planet like Tatooine or Hoth. It is an instance based planet specifically for the new Flashpoint, Operation and Warzone. So I would not expect a free-roaming planet.
  23. People complain about the horrible drop rate in WoW and then people complain it is too easy in TOR. Make up your mind people! There is PLENTY to do in TOR right now and there will be even more to do in March when 1.2 comes out. If you are that impatient /shrug bye.
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