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Everything posted by Moriganno

  1. I may have missed it, but it didn't seem like ppl mentioning about LOS. Ther terrain when dueling sorcs/hybrid operatives is a huge factor for their survivability. If they got a pillar to do some humping, then likely the fight will drag out a little more. Overall when playing the Sin tank, You're the cat, every other class is a mouse
  2. They reduced the server capacity now and require most ppl to queue for 2hrs+ to log into a "Light" Server, which basically equals in "downtime" to me.
  3. The new tier of EWH has been nerfed to curb the crybabies whine for balance in the pvpee forums.
  4. Agree. The issue is not the classes you've mentioned are gimped, but rather 9/10, Jugg DPS, Snipers, Operative DPS, Sin DPS, Jugg Tanks (and their Rep equivalent) have difficulty performing up to par, hence the general audience's perception overtime that they are weak. This thread by chukles is actually very good by changing that perception by sharing actual parses, and can actually help existing good players improve themselves if they bother to look@ the logs. Yes it is true you need good gear to make it to the top parses. BUT i guarentee you would be able to increase your DPS muchmore by improving your rotation/cast priority, than say getting more dread guard upgrades... Thumbs up for starting the thread Pines
  5. I just went and tested this again on max possible range and the PT does seem to have like a 1/4 second delay to the debuff showing up @ 17m. However I don't see this actually affecting actual play...
  6. Hi there guys. Just last night I was having this arguement with my guildies regarding taunt delays between the different tanking classes while raiding, specifically the PT and Assassin tanks. The PT says that there is a delay to mobs reacting to his taunts due to the travel-time of his "taunt dart"(which I have repeatly explained that it is just an animation) so everyone gotta wait for his taunts to "reach" his target, while for my Assassin's taunts, mobs react instantly to me. The mara who has both PT and Sin alts agree with him, citing that the Assasin's taunts are instant while the PT's taunts have a delay (due to the travel time of the dart?!!) and I should go test by taunting the dummies on my ship and watch the taunt debuff delay differences on them for myself. Frankly that's a load of bull to me because I've personally have played all 3 tank classes months before to fully understand the differences between them, playing multiple flashpoints with all 3 and have never noticed such differences. The only delay is in certain mobs reaction to my taunts (which is extremely evident when you play an Assassin tank). An perfect example would be the slight delay in reaction time of the Big round droid(who does Overload) during the minesweeper boss in HM EC. I've just went back to my ship and tested my taunts with both my Assassin and PT on the Operation dummy. Targetting the dummy and watching it's debuffs, upon pressing either my Single-Taunt or AOE-Taunt, I see no differences at all in the time it took for my "Taunt" debuff to show instantly on the dummy on either my PT or Sin. The PT's taunt dart is again imo just an animation based on this test. Both the PT and mara are good players imo, although the mara is now teething on the Noob boundry to me with his dummy testing statement. The PT I can forgive because the travel time of his "taunt dart" does make it look like the mobs need time to react to him and I suspect he's a closet clicker (which probably adds to the "delay"), he's genuinely great to raid with (and the GM ). Don't think I'm missing anything here, but what's everyone's Tanks take on this?
  7. grind ur BM gear in a few days and augment your battlemaster.
  8. His guild didn't get server 1st and now he can't be bothered anymore
  9. Cookies and Kreame (Empire) is a SG based GMT 8+ guild. We do raid, but currently don't have any open spot available. You are welcome to join us either way. Sent whisper to Joot, Pines, Chatelet or Synestron in-game for a invite.
  10. Don't worry, abbster will save the day!
  11. Cookies is a oceanic time zoned guild. Pst Joot with your interest
  12. The problem with the Match making system in RWZs is simply the lack of one. They just put random teams who queue against each other, and often scenarios like you have described happens. You are simply outskilled/outclassed by those players, and your team is unable to coordinate and work together like the opposite team. You got destroyed. So play more and learn to play on a higher lvl, or quit? Your QQ on the forums won't make you better. What they have or can do, is available to everyone.
  13. You answered yourself pretty well. Assimilate or die. Now go back to your basement
  14. http://imageshack.us/a/img405/9257/tfbkill.jpg Cookies and Kreame full cleared HM TFB as on 07:19 AM Monday 22nd of October 2012 Achievement linked
  15. Tbh only 16m HM TFB is harder than 8m. 16m Operator and Kephess and easier than 8m imo. Dread guards may be harder on 16m, but only because with all the melee stacked around the boss, its harder to see the dropping of green circles. Apart from that, they're exactly the same fight imo.
  16. It's very simple really. Because for them, daylight hours = farm, prime time evening hours = farmed. Even an imp could figure that out for you
  17. I see you guys queuing in the mornings at 8-11am more nowadays The imps@ that hr are easier to farm than reps@nite
  18. I love PvP in Swtor and I find your post to be irrelevant. Stay in your pve
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