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Everything posted by CelestialsDragon

  1. Well I do agree we need a damage boost or a revamp to our dmg classes or something.
  2. If you want to DPS as an Assassin in PVE go Madness, all other specs are obsolete for it as Madness dose way more damage than the other two specs AND is a lot more fun to play as you have more tools to use and actually have to pay attention to what you are doing and in what order you need to do them. For instance a Deception assassin: Stealth<Maul<Voltaic Slash x2<Shock<Dishcharge(Surging Charge) = OK damage. Madness: Death Field<Shock(Procs Unearthed Knowledge granting a bonus to damage)<Lightning Charge Discharge<Creeping Terror<Thrash(until Raze Proc)<Activate instant Crushing Darkness Repeat = Insane damage. I have learned from playing madness that if you play it right meaning by popping everything as they are supposed to be you can keep three dots on your target and just sit there whittle them down with Thrash. My thrash hits for around 1.5k to 1.6k non crit on each hit which is way more than the damage i was doing in deception using voltaic slash.
  3. Pants vs Robes? Pants win all day. Just so you know stepping on your robes equals you falling over looking dumb. Pants on the other hand equals maximum flexibility when doing said acrobatics which of course do not exist in this game.
  4. NewsFlash: Shadows/Assassins DONT have or do any kind of acrobatics in this game and also real men where pants.
  5. I use LC because of the Raze Talent in Madness and the extra 3% crit from Charge Mastery. I would advise the use of LC when playing Madness, not only because it is intended for such but it adds to your damage which is based off of your DoTs and your heavy hitting Thrash hits. In PvP i often come out with a minimum of 9Medals and sometimes 11 after switching to DC midway through to gain some of the defender Medals. But yes like you have said since the damage meter isnt out yet I cant really speak on the damage but from what I have seen in PvP and PvE Madness is indeed the way to go.
  6. I have been lvl50 for a while and must admit I did start off as a Deception Assassin just like 90% of Assassins that play this game. Sure they do 'Good' damage but I dont think the tree and or spec is optimized enough. I realized this at around lvl46 or so which is when I started looking at other specs; Madness to be exact. Course playing as deception for so long made me a bit skeptical at going a completely different route and adapting to a new play style. In my opinion Madness does way more damage than deception. Sure the rotation and amount of skills available is a lot more, along with the skill required to play Madness effectively. Deception= Voltaic Slash x2 --> Shock Madness = (Depending on how you want to open or start) Spike --> Shock(Trigger Unearth Knowledge) --> Death Field --> Creeping Terror --> Discharge --> Thrash(Till Raze proc) --> Rinse and repeat I have also notice the amount of damage Thrash does over Voltaic Slash and it is a considerable amount. Not only just the crits but the base damage. I have been able to his for 1.6k dmg with both strikes of Thrash(Non-Crit). With Crits I have seen it go up to 1.8k to 2k. Course I am not stacking all power I am mixing Power and crit because of the fact that Raze needs a melee crit to proc. Either way this is just my observation after playing both specs and doing a few test runs with both.
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