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Posts posted by Fumouffu

  1. Here I got a prime example for you. I am playing huttball and the game is going well. I am a tank so I have the ball and I am scoring multiple times. The game ends, Republic 5, Empire 2. I scored all 5 of the goals the republic has. Because I was busy trying to score with the ball and ignoring kills I only get around 50-60 commendations.


    Now I go back into Huttball and play again. This time I say screw it, I'm going to kill everyone. I don't score at all and in fact, we lose to the imperials without scoring once. I did around 150k ish damage and had good guard points and so forth. I will get around 70-80 commendations for this round.


    See the problem? You don't get commendations for actually trying to win, you get them for farming. If this system remains the same, who is going to actually want to play the game to win unless they have the daily/weekly to do so. Bioware needs to give more commendations for completing objectives, plain and simple!


    /rant off


    Bioware already said medal fixes are coming this month.

  2. Are you kidding me? We're squishy as hell, especially if we dont have either of our absorption abilities. And undying rage is only good for 5 seconds.


    Ahahahaha if you do it right you can regain 18% health while having 99% damage redux. Chaining that into pacify then rebuke is back up... force camp and run. All while doing a ballsload of damage. I was squishy until mid 30's now its fun fun fun

  3. Im really enjoying sentinel pvping (on icebreaker) so I started recording and uploading it. Ima try for acouple a day on days I play. Unedited! Id appreciate any thoughts on playstyle or mistakes :)your I think its also interesting to watch my discovering of the classes mechanics. Signature link for the Vids.
  4. Check out my sig link im liking sentinel so much I started recording. The Vids are all watchman spec cause its happy times. They also show plenty of dying lol
  5. ........


    Silly thought is silly, i've been playing wow for years, and don't really plan on unsubscribing, I log in once a week to do some arena's with people I've played with for years.


    This game, I'll probably play through 2-3 storylines, and if they don't fix the pvp issues won't ever play again.


    The storylines are awesome! The pvp is fun! The noob mistakes in pvp design and functionality will mean that diablo 3 and gw2 will have me unsubscribing once i'm done with my single player mmo expierence.


    WoW will make more money than swtor for a long time still, despite the number of "concurrent users"

  6. I didn't know about this. These are such amateur mistakes.


    This is what's bugging me. These are silly noon mistakes. Pvping is the only thing that keeps me playing a game, job, all that jazz means I don't over like I used to when I was 20. The argument that its a new Mmmm release isn't valid. Mmo release is oldhat for the industry now and these arnt bugs, they are clear imbalances in design. If they want to be longterm, then you can't ignore pvping. Too many people just wont put up with it. Its actually far more important than over endgame as far as a mass draw.

  7. lvl a hybrid for pvp don't lvl pure dps classes of which there is only 2 on each side anyways.


    It's simple MMO pvp basics


    Bioware stated there is only between a 2 and 5% dps change between a hybrid and a pure dps class

    So u lose 2 to 5% but gain Shields/Defensive cds/heals pvp translation this is the spec you want to pick because it means survival in pvp. Since from a dmg perspective your pretty much doing the same dmg anyways.


    Remember kids if you see someone dual wielding or behind a cover shield there a free kill and the first target to go for outside of a healer.




    I dunno about gunslinger/snipers but sentinels have a crapton of defensive cooldowns. The higher I get the more fun escape toys I get. Fifty may be a different animal but I doubt it.

  8. See link below, on ice breaker the pop is low but the republic stomps face. I've had 4 to 5the losses to empire and im valor 27. It may be that there are only 2 level 50's pvping or a quirk. I have been queuing soloand empire seems as clueless of objectives as anyone else.
  9. Bump for great justice!!! On ice breaker the pcockrell scene is small and today bunch of us finally started grouping only to find that we had to exclude someone because you can only queue 4.


    This is no brained basic design crap. If your pci department actually pvp'd in other mom's over the past years you wouldn't have the SILLY problems like this. All the problems in the pcockrell system are sooooo frustrating because they are frustrations that have occurred and been overcome in other mom's. Not learning from what comes before is a sin ;:(


    Another example is the random nature of the loot system.


    Ignore the qq, the actual playing of pvp is alot of fun and workable, and please fix harebrained functionality issues.

  10. The only bracket id like to see is once you hit 50. Its just silly to match people with access to expertise against people who have no access to expertise. If you don't understand this concept then you don't have a desire for actual competition. Only small minded fools enjoy stomping on folks with no chance.
  11. The thing that gets me is that the resolve system makes no sense if you are getting healed and then it is completely overpowered.


    Knockbacks are ridiculous. No one enjoys being repositioned by someone else, and the part where you can't get to score in huttball without being knockback fodder.

  12. The warzones are the only place I experience lag anymore. It is ridiculously bad though. Delay for melee will make more people quit faster than anything. It's the most frustrating thing in video games. If there arnt happy lag free warzones by the time d3 drops, then this game will have no chance of keeping me.
  13. Jesus christ, why the hell arn't you using battlegroups? PvP queues are ridiculous on my standard population server. Then the games always end because there arn't enough players except at peak times.


    I expect way more intelligent design, especially when you have a model of what not to do and what works right in front of your face in wow.


    PvP may be working fine on all the completely overloaded servers but for people on standard pop its terrible :(

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