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Posts posted by Fumouffu

  1. Jridiculously frustrating that animations don't clip. Easiest way to understand what's happening is kill something with riposte. The other problem has already been mentioned. When attempting to use abilities in warzones as melee you can be on top of your opponent and have actions not work. Nothing is more evil than that.
  2. That alone wouldn't be enough.


    The stat inflation from the gear would still pose a problem. They'd have to ignore whatever gear you're wearing and replace it with stats from level 49ish green stuff.


    ...basically, they'd have to ignore all the gear progression at 50. I'd be fine with it (rank 57 valor btw), but many others wouldn't be.


    Because they can't wrap their minds around gear making you better than other people isn't competition just a grind grind grind until you get to competition.

  3. Yeah this will kill warzones totally for me. Ill be playing an alt instead when 1.1 goes live cause there wont be any warzones to play. Too few lvl 50.


    Yeah the republic level fifty population on ice breaker is low. There are some dedicated folks though so I hope there will still be warzones at all

  4. You really are butt hurt huh.


    Rogue classes have been around for a very long time.


    Deal with it, or don't play mmo's.


    Have a nice day watching your back.


    -Signed the OP that kills people for breakfast.


    Lol this is why designers put stealth in, people with misguided delusions mixing reality with the game.


    I've played a rogue and warrior since molten core, the rogue for over and warrior for pvp, not the other way around because stealth is silly.


    I bring it up here because I like and enjoy this game and would rather not see the loss I saw in vanilla wow from people who couldn't deal with it.


    Feel free to try and kill me, it doesn't work well.

  5. Any half decent player, with their CC break up, can easily counter an OP.


    1. Hidden Strike, fall on face

    2. CC Break

    3. Apply CC to OP

    4. DOT up and keep them at a distance

    5. Kite around and win


    Yes, I'm an operative. Yes, I've been killed many times before by better players. If your CC break is down, well, tough luck. If it's up, may the best player win.


    You is not smarts. No other class's require a trinket to defeat. Think about that.

  6. For too long you have lived in a paradise of victory without effort, of success without resistance, of achievement without talent, and prosperity without risk.


    Tomorrow, the facade will be ripped away and you will be exposed for what you are. I will dine on your supple carebear flesh and quench my fiery thirst with your ever more abundantly falling tears.


    Finally, you will be removed from your ivory tower and placed into the arena with foes the likes of which you have never faced...gladiators of equal power to your own. Your mind must numb at the thought of entering battle without certain victory. Your heart must race at the thought of your utter lack of the slightest modicum of skillful play resulting in the truth being known.


    Enjoy your final day of unchecked power while you can, for tomorrow you die.


    Win! There's some folks in for a rude suprise

  7. I dunno, everyone complains about ops/scoundrel damage and I always seem to see inquisitors and juggs on the top of leader boards... *shrugs* but who knows.


    Killing a healer or solo defender at a point or door in 4 seconds wins more games than topping damage.


    This is exactly like vanilla rogues, killing people inside of stuns and cc is never viable. Trinket and you win is a *********** retarded argument in a game with enough cc to hold a blue whale. Stealth is inherently dumb in mmo's.


    Too bad bioware didn't get that.

  8. calm down, the game is new and those people that "rushed" to 50 also deserve to do warzones so that is why 10-50 are together, and now that there are plenty of 50s they are doing the 50 ONLY warzone so it doesn't take ages for them to warzone.


    come on guys the game just came out, give it some time.


    Problem, cross server pvp should have been implemented with launch.


    If it had, there would have been no need to have bracket-less pvp.


    Problem, brackets are being implemented before cross server pvp.


    Leading to devs TELLING PEOPLE TO REROLL on servers that arn't heavily populated, when bioware assigned guilds to servers to begin with.


    Cross server pvp needs to be introduced as soon as physically possible. It's as important to the game as fixing the speed hacking exploits.

  9. Growing pains. It gets better


    Oh no, if you notice all the other vids on my channel, its quite clear that I'm understanding whats happening.


    That it's ridiculous to put 50's premades vs level 12's and also ridiculous to not have cross server pvp because you can't have a rich enough enviroment to implement brackets without it.


    The video just highlights how silly it is. If you were a new mmo player, and this happened to you, what do you think would happen?

  10. Im enjoying the heck out of sentinel pvp. Its really twitchy though, and if you don't have defensive cooldowns keybound and arnt spanning them you wont have fun. See signature link for examples.
  11. Blah blah blah blah, you can't balance stuff!!!


    Ya'll are missing the point. The reason for this thread is STUFF ISN'T WORKING AS ADVERTISED. The bugs and incredibly silly functionality **** ups are what are frustrating people. No one with a brain expects a game come out balanced. Force choke immobilizing me when I have a full resolve bar? Having full resolve and still being susceptible to root effects? All the bugs listed in the op? Silly. Wanting them fixed is only reasonable. So stop whining about balance because you are scared of nerfs to your easymode classes.

  12. Um....a 50 should leave you as a large red smear on the ground. The fact you have a 50/50 win ratio in those fights actually is a concern, just not the one you think it is.


    Funny, I don't seem to have those problems with other classes that I fight against and outplay. At 41the I have access to my tree's last ability and to all my trainable cooldowns. So a greater level of utilization should have no problem beating someone with gear. Bolster means you can take out a fifty at ten if you do it right.


    Way to miss the point

  13. Consumables working in pvping is just another indicator telling us that the people who designed the pvping have no clue.


    Just remove consumable use.


    Will still need class needs eventually because of resolve and how negative stealth classes with burst are on pvp communities. If bioware were smart they wouldn't have had stealth in the game at all.


    I don't really want op/scoundrel needs but its just not balanced. As a 41 sentinel I can live half the time I get jumped by a fifty operative with pacify and every defensive cd I have, if my trinket is down though then it its pointless. That's fighting people not using consumables.

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