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Everything posted by SoggyHotDog

  1. I bought both TOR and Skyrim. Both games are incredibly fun with great graphics, and both games have people with unrealistic expectations stomping on them.
  2. I think you need to read the EULA before starting threads like this. Just like on the RP servers, there are the usual holier-than-thou name reporters, when at the bottom of the server list, it clearly says there are no special name requirements compared to the rest of the game.
  3. There is not one MMO where a solo player can take on premades. Proposing that organized players should be punished is selfish and silly.
  4. What are you talking about? Tanking in WoW is brutal. Most of the DPS players complain about the tanks and healers all the time.
  5. First people want more servers to get rid of queue's, then the same people say there are too many servers and can't find anyone.
  6. Yeah, buying a $60 game every month is cheaper than paying $15 a month.
  7. What are you talking about pal? The entire internet has always been a steaming hot pile of stupid.
  8. Six hours is nothing, you can watch two soccer games in that time. Remember when you stole the world cup in 1966? That was fun.
  9. Every time a new MMO is released, there are tons of posts like this. I swear it is the same 5 people. I keep on thinking I can see the bottom of the internet, but someone always manages to dig a little lower.
  10. Here is one more reason to occupy wall street!
  11. Speaking of "cut ant paste", every MMO has quit posts at launch. I have no sympathy for metrosexual edrama.
  12. People are irritated because of unrealistic expectations. The generation that grew up as spoiled brats has finished college and are all bitter about not getting 100K a year on thier first job. My advice is just to enjoy the game. No matter how much you tell them to be quiet, they will just yell longer and louder. However, their head explodes when they are ignored.
  13. I have no idea what to think of the community. On the RP servers, people spend more time debating on the correct way to RP instead of just RPing. Other than that, most people are alright. I'm not happy with the lack of "arrow in the knee" jokes, though.
  14. Good to see TOR continuing the MMO tradition of bringing out junior accountants to the message boards.
  15. I know how you feel. I thought it was Star Trek, not Star Wars! I was trying to create a klingon character for 3 hours.
  16. I see a lot of men playing women characters with really bad elf names on the RP servers. It reminds me of WoW that way.
  17. I totally understand these people. They are the same ones who throw a tantrum as adults when they don't get what they want for Christmas.
  18. I'm staying until I get bored of the game, then I'll probably resub a few months after when I have the itch to play again. These immature "I quit" posts are hillarious. I especially love it when people go on about how they have wives and kids.... no you don't, you live in your mom's basement. Nothing wrong with that if that's how you want to live your life.
  19. Almost every single aspect of the internet is full of jerks. Gaming, social networking, everything. You don't even need to be on the internet to be a jerk. I almost got pushed down an escalator doing Christmas shopping. The game has good points, and bad points. What you are whining about, is your thin skin.
  20. No need to fix the queue times! After the free month is up, there won't be any wait times. Just like every single other MMO that has gone live.
  21. How much of you day did you waste writing this "review"?
  22. Alright, I won't ask you, I'll tell you to go play on another server.
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