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Everything posted by Zeetofox

  1. If you didn't feel the need to prove anything you would have never said anything.
  2. Did you just say that finding a bunny fossil in the Cretaceous is easy? Because that's what it seems like you're trying to say.
  3. Generally you'd have someone actively watching such a huge thread answering questions and trying to let the community know that you are in fact listening.
  4. It appears Bioware failed to hire forum 'people?'. It would be nice to have them get on the thread and start talking to us, as much as i hate to bring up WoW for the 100th time in the thread...they'd have blue posts on this already.
  5. Hmm...2800 player from WoW i think i'd know better then you that they use their trinket the second you CC them. Yet again i'm not accustomed to facing players so bad that they sit in a CC and get 2v1'd. A smart player would trinket the CC, or interrupt it, or perhaps his trinket isn't up and he fails to interrupt his buddy CC's you back until his CC is over. Or maybe his buddy dispels his CC. So yes, you are in fact correct i would not understand how wining 2v1 is not pro due to the fact that everyone in the bracket i played in was extremely skilled.
  6. If you truly believed that you wouldn't be posting this yet alone be playing the game. The fact of the matter is they either fix it or lose 60%+ of their players.
  7. I'm sure the other guy has just as much desire to win as you. and if 2 guys are coming at you you're screwed either way unless they are playing with their feet. The problem effects all players in PvP. So there really is no way to say that it is unplayable since both sides are at equal disadvantage unless of course it's 2v1 as you said...in which case you're at a disadvantage no matter what. And really don't reply saying 'hey bro im pro at pvp i can 2v1 all day cc one dps the other' because the reality is you cc them they PvP trinket and stun you then proceed to gang bang you. Unplayable? No extremely irritating and without a doubt needs to be fixed asap? Yes.
  8. Well...the way you're making it sound is that you're at a huge disadvantage in PvP. I couldn't go as far to say that PvP is not playable. Keep in mind that the other player isn't avoiding the problem either, but yeah it is very annoying in PvP no matter who you are and needs fixed.
  9. This is a game breaking issue due to the fact that a large amount of skilled competitive PvP players came from WoW and possibly other mmo's to play SWTOR. I came to this game from WoW because i was getting bored of it (I had played WoW on and off for 6 years) but if this issue doesn't get fixed or even taken seriously for that matter, ill go back to WoW.
  10. Exactly my point, if they cant show they have the ability to build a good PvP foundation i see no reason for myself to play this game. I of course am willing to give them a chance and give them time to fix this before i jump the gun and rage quit the game. Although with all the years they spent developing the game and the beta testing you'd think this would be priority number one...if only a cut scene would fix this it'd be done.
  11. I suppose the word competitive is relative, to me any PvP world, warzone, arena, etc. is competitive because PvP is all i play MMORPG's for. With that said it's the only thing about this game that i truly dislike. Other then this single yet important problem this game is great.
  12. With combat in its current state i think it's impractical for any competitive PvP to take place. I came to this game from WoW being a 2800 player wanting a change of scenery. The slow responsiveness in combat is going to drive away a lot of people who came to the game for PvP. Of course it wont just run PvP players away it will run off the raiders. Which really leaves the game with a bunch of casual players who like to quest and make alts. Please fix this.
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