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Everything posted by ZhukovGK

  1. I don't like it either and I believe it was poorly implemented. However, it was put in place to address a problem and so simply advocating its removal is not a real solution. I would keep Level Sync, but adjust it so that gear on the planet you are leveling on remains meaningful. I would also increase the overall difficulty of game content as right now it's just about faceroll easy. This would maintain the RPG staple of character progression while still discouraging griefing behavior. There is a downside to my suggestion. Right now there is very little 'Gear Grind', in SWTOR and for many players that is a real plus. So changes to existing systems should be undertaken with due consideration to all factors.
  2. Bioware has made some questionable design decisions. But sometimes the cure is worse than the disease. Personally, I would rather see some older companions even if they might be dead given some more potential time. If, through player choice, that companion died then their place can possibly be taken by some generic 'red shirt'.
  3. I believe the basic skeletal rig is the same for all races, so you could just reuse existing animations. Where you might run into problems is with Player expectations regarding the uniqueness of each class.
  4. Well, at least one person seems to get it. As for completing content in empty shells, that's a whole different issue which suggests that not only is the current implementation of Level Sync garbage, but that the relationship between character power and content is badly out of balance.
  5. From my previous post: Let me again state that I support Level/Ability caps for each planet. What I am objecting to is the implementation. I am a fairly experienced player, so yes, I can adapt to this garbage. But it's still a garbage implementation that didn't need to be this way. Even Blizzard (World of Warcraft) has never, as far as I know, done something this ham fisted, and they've done a lot of questionable things.
  6. I guess you've totally forgotten what it is to be a low level character. It has a very real and very noticeable impact on Character Power at those low levels and came as quite a shock when I first encountered it. Now if you want to argue that Player Characters are in general over powered, then that is a different discussion and one that I might agree with you on. But the solution to that should be more incremental throughout the leveling process. Not nerfing the Character into the ground at some level threshold.
  7. I believe greater choice in weapon usage would be a good thing. At least where the Player Character is concerned. The IA Operative should have the choice of using a sidearm rather than rifle. The Sith Assassin should be able to use a single bladed light sabre rather than the, IMO, awkward looking sabre staff. There are others I am sure.
  8. The ease or difficulty of content is not the subject of this discussion as it is not material to the issue. It is the fact that when I leveled from 10 to 11 on Korriban and 17 to 18 on Dromund Kaas my primary abilities were dramatically nerfed. Secondary stats are not a significant contributor to character power at that level and are likewise immaterial to the issue. I tested this issue on a new character on Korriban. At level 10 equiped only with gear containing level 10 Armor/hilt, Mods and Enhancements my character not only vastly exceeded the hard cap for Korriban but was very slightly above the hard cap for Dromund Kaas. This is not merely wrong, but ludicrous. Let me again state that I support Level/Ability caps for each planet. What I am objecting to is the implementation. IMO, the way it should have been done is as follows: 1. Naked Character at Max Level for Planet. 2. Equip with Best Gear available for Character of that Level That is your Level/Stat cap for the Planet. It should apply to both primary and secondary stats. But, all earned abilities should be kept and attenuated to Planet Level Cap.
  9. True, an alternate strategy would be to level aggressively, but largely ignore gear beyond a cosmetic device. Use each planets level sync as the power up and only gear to that level sync.
  10. That is a very interesting question. I do admit,that it seemed that my Level 17 character and, for that matter, my Level 10 characters were more powerful than I had remembered. It is possible that the scaling or level sync or whatever is adjusting characters to an appropriate power level. However it is doing so in a manner that is frankly infuriating. Right now it appears that the smart player must be very narrowly focused. No side quests. No purchased xp boosts any kind. Target only level cap for each planet and move on. Seems like poor game design and a very poor business move, but it is what it is.
  11. I fully support a level cap appropriate to each planet. However I am absolutely opposed to having my character lose power. Dromund Kaas' level cap is 17. If I have 3600 health at level 17, then at level 18 I should still have 3600 health while questing on Dromund Kaas. It should not be increased by leveling beyond 17 while questing on Dromund Kaas. But it should also not be decreased to 2200, or whatever it is. That's just demoralizing.
  12. I remember levels being capped for each planet and agree that it is a good idea. However, I don't remember losing around 1400 health when I leveled from 17 to 18 on Dromund Kaas. I only remember not gaining any further power after I hit level cap for that world. I mean, I'm not in particularly good gear. Just green mods and such from the fleet vendor. It certainly makes doing side quests a fool's errand.
  13. So, I overlevel a planet by one level and my character gets nerfed into the dirt? I just returned to the game, so I don't understand, but its making me want to quit again.
  14. It is unfortunate that Assassins are still stuck with the awkward looking saberstaff rather than the traditional single bladed lightsaber. After all these years a little weapon freedom would be appreciated.
  15. I'll limit myself to classes where I have finished the 'story'. Since I largely can't stand The Republic this will mostly be about Imperials. Republic: (Liberty, Equality, Fraternity and Unicorns!) Smuggler, Human, Male, Light Side: Sure he wants to save The Republic. But he's also in it for the Fame, Fortune and um... Companionship;). So, win win, right? Now to the 'good' stuff... Sith Empire: (Passion is beautiful; Unbridled Passion is Glorious!) Sith Warrior, Human, Male, Dark Side: Doesn't engage in needless cruelty. Bang up alongside needful cruelty. All in on Darth Marr's vision of an orderly, united empire dominating the galaxy. Sith Inquisitor, Human, Male, Lightside: Devoted to the defense of The Empire and its citizens. Driven to restore the House of Kallig to its rightful place of leadership. Ally of Darth Marr, but knows better than to trust in the friendship of a Sith. Bounty Hunter, Cyborg, Male, Neutral: Honorable, Professional, doesn't let anything get in the way of getting the job done. Imperial Agent, Cyborg, Male, Lightside: Doesn't like the Sith, hates the Jedi. Protects The Empire not because it's good, but because it is Home.
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