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Everything posted by Spyderwraith

  1. I answered your question as to whats all the whining about. Simple as that. I sense some hostility in you that I don't understand. aside from the fact that in massive bold letters you've emphasized not to go into the PvP zones which is irrelevant to the fact that the overall reason people are whining is the fact that people are *********s simply because they feel the need to limit the ability of others to accomplish tasks and missions the game designed regardless of the fact it is in a zone the game also designed to complement the ability to be a complete douche. and the fact that I can achieve my goal without said PvP quests is again irrelevant to the fact there exists in this game a specific set of circumstances that complement and allow for complete douchebaggery
  2. My response was in answer to the previous poster not understanding the whining. It was regardless of the fact "If you are in a pvp zone expect it" fine i expect it whatever I adapt to the fact that people will **** my **** up if i enter the pvp zone and have now built up enough rep tokens that i can skip the pvp missions entirely, I was just voicing the reason why people are "whining" as he had asked. That then brings me to a second reason people are complaining is that due to the gankers and the people who justify it by saying that is the way it was designed expect it, then now one must adapt in such a way that you potentially miss out on reputation and missions because others are physically stopping you from completing them. (and whats more is that people are likley pissed off that the game has designed a situation wherein now people are being limited and stopped because others are sadistic)
  3. The whining is about the fact people are trying to accomplish something and want to be left alone to accomplish it but the PvP people are constantly killing them making it not possible to accomplish said task regardless of it working as designed and "you're in the area suck it up" or whatever you wanna say to justify it people are pissed off there are players who limit their ability to accomplish tasks because those PvP people are jerks
  4. I actually learned relatively early that guard on a healer is pretty useless in FPs anyways as their healing can not keep up with DPS pulling 10-12k crits every 5 seconds. the only time i put guard on a healer is in Terror from Beyond last phase.
  5. I swap instances all the time, so much so that the actual button on the map is constantly on CD and it says i can't use it so i use the other workarounds
  6. I avoided the PvP ilum zone like the plague. I rolled on a PVE server for a reason I don't care about PvP. Nor do i await with anticipation an open world PvP that isn't broken.
  7. Because some people specifically target you personally and kill only you personally because they think its funny.
  8. I came back to the game after a long hiatus just as the last Gree event was ending in May, So i missed getting Rep and the helix's and the whole 9 yards. I'm glad it's back for a two week period. This way i can FINALLY get legacy weapons. Although I'm not to pleased with the fact there isnt a legacy shield or focus which I just noticed now. I personally cannot stand the PVP missions and i don't care if people call me out for QQ and how "it's not required to go to to the PvP zone" but the constant ganking by everybody is just getting on my fracking nerves just leave me the hell alone so i can do the missions as quick as possible and get the frack outta the zone. if they allow for rep items to be obtained via these missions they should include a PVE equivalent that gives you equal rep that doesnt involve going in the PvP zone. But once i get my legacy weapons I'll not do this set of dailies again. I don't care about a car nor do i care about PvP or the titles the PvP gives you. And maybe just maybe this round i can grind enough to be legend. If not i won't worry about it
  9. If the customer was always right then nobody would ever pay for anything ever again because everybody wants everything for no effort and refuses to pay for anything. Edit: and by the way since you don't feel like playing, bye bye
  10. Thats hilarious! I think he means instead of "You have hurt all artificers everywhere" To actually "You've hurt the one thing i actually have the schematic to make and thusly my market, so now I have to RE a bunch of crap and actually try to learn another schematic to make money"
  11. I didn't even know I could craft red/black so that is my bad, and upon my returning to the game from work i will immediately login to my artifice crafter and learn this schematic from the artifice trainer and make tons of money per day as you have apparently been doing. And once i finally am able to learn the highend 31 hilt schematics from an RE i will be rolling in money I've had some unfortunate RE failures and have yet to learn any. The guardian 31 hilt is 6 million on gtn right now. However, I think you and I are in agreement that artifice crafting is not in anyway harmed by the seeker droid "finding" level 28 purple enhancements. EDIT: I've just actually looked and the schematic is found in the section X rep vendor for 100k and requires champion status which i don't have yet but soon will. I truthfully don't pay overmuch attention to my artifice crafting so the fault is mine
  12. They told us that with this recent return due to player response that it will be boosted up to level 55. So as far as I see there is no official word so take this with a grain of salt but I don't think that they will allow you access unless you are 55.
  13. It took me 5 days to use the seeker droid missions to find the dreadseed gear that i wanted for my alt vanguard. in those 5 days I found 2 purple level 28 enhancements which were actually pretty much garbage for any character that i had. For every one player who will sit on the planets for hours upon hours upon hours ad nausea to "find" purple level 28 enhancements you will see 90% of players get so fracking fed up with it they will just say eff it and buy the top end purple enhancements from the GTN. Artificers have not been hurt by any stretch of the imagination. As for the people that say "We got dyes" REALLY? REALLY? Yes let me just craft you a dark brown light brown dye kit. Or a lime green dark green dye kit Or a light blue light brown dye kit. ROFL
  14. This forum is rather civil I will say that, I was more speaking towards the other infinite number of pvp based threads where a select few and not all were behaving in a manner not very mature. it is unfortunate that it is this way and also unfortunate that those who do are very vocal so it also seems there are more of them
  15. No I likened a large number of posts in relation to the topic at hand to that (and not in this forum topic specifically but all over the forums in other related topics), I did not broadly just paint the entire "PvP community" in that light. But you bring up a good point about human nature. People hear what they want to hear and see what they want to see regardless of the evidence in front of them.
  16. I agree, and appreciate when discussions progress logically and sensibly.
  17. Did they just remove a wackload of posts? I feel as though an entire page was just removed...
  18. Nah they aren't back, not yet anyways I think this was a in general when i do the gree event i hate gankers thread and people are regaling past experiences
  19. On this topic it is even affecting my guild. We have multiple HM ops groups with one active NiM run group. The tank in our NiM group has an alt dps in one of the HM groups. His DPS is geared to the teeth and doesnt need anything from HM. He naturally wants to progress but the HM group is a bit behind core raiders on vacation etc so they dont move to NiM. So now the DPS steps out and says "I don't want to burn my NiM lockouts on HM when i dont need anything" Which makes sense sure but there is nobody else available to replace the guy so the HM group falls apart. Easy to say "recruit new guys" but the issue is this would not even be an issue if the HM and NiM had separate lockouts
  20. When I get ganked I go "hey guild lets go to the pvp area of the Gree event and camp" they say ok, then i make a 16 man ops group full of PvP players in my guild sit near the gankers spawn point and then they destroy him everytime until he gets so pissed off he rage quits. Problem solved
  21. ok so yeah i should have realized people would say "it isn't a requirement" let me rephrase. Piss off PvP gankers. I rolled on a PVE server for a reason
  22. I don't want to have to have PvP gear just to do the quests one requires for the reputation you need to get the legacy weapons i'm missing. Either don't make it a requirement to go into a PvP area or give me the quest rewards that come from the PvP based missions in that area without forcing me to go into the area. I don't like PvP i rolled on a PVE server for a reason.
  23. You only have to leave if somebody finds the special item in the area and it will say in big red letters "(player name) has found the special item your droid no longer detects anything"
  24. QQ more. I personally cannot stand PvP so the more PVE stuff I get the happier I get.
  25. Nah, in my opinion not, your opinion yes which is fine. But i personally think the star forager hat looks too much like a Crocodile hunter wannabe. I'd never put that set on any of my characters
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