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Posts posted by kasanth

  1. People can voice their reasonable concerns and they shouldnt be attacked.

    But how many reasonable concerns do people make?

    For every 1 resonable concern voiced, there are dozens of selfish, self entitled rants

    because someone wants something that they cant get. Or was killed by "that class".

    But if you ask them, their self intitled whinning is reasonable.


    Then theres us people who have been through quite a few MMO launches.

    Who have seen launches that you couldnt even play the game for days at a time.

    But have stuck with the game that became one of the best, most fun, games.

    These people understand that there are going to be bugs no matter how many times others say there wont be. That no launch is even close to perfect.

    These people are not defending the game. They have just seen alot worse when it comes to launches and understand what it takes to work out the kinks.


    Theres also the fact that the forum trolls will attack anyone that does not treat their favorite game as a god. They are trying to make people make posts as the OP.

    Because they know they got the attention they crave and got to the OP.

    Thats all they wanted. To make you mad.


    As for this "Bioware has no experience in MMOs".

    Yes, this is Biowares first. But, people forget that World of Warcraft is Blizzard's first.

    A companys experience running MMOs means nothing.

    Its who they have within running it that counts.

  2. I guess that would depend on what they did to get there.

    But if someone was banned, they probably did something worse and wont say what they really did that got the ban. So they say it was something that was the fault of Bioware.



    EDIT: Reading the rest of the last few posts. I can see thats basicly what it is.

    People intentionaly did something that got them banned, and now they are trying to make it look as if it was Biowares fault.

  3. Only thing that matters is how many they have on January 21st after the free 30 days ends for pre-orders.







    This (and no, I'm not being "payed" or paid)

    It does not really matter how many people played while it was free beyond getting people to at least try the game and hope they enjoy it enough to stick around.

    If over half of the people bail as soon as their free time is up (NO, Im not saying they will). Then it really does not matter that they had so many.

  4. I just got to ask...when running around a planet in TOR, when do you ever get a loading screen???







    Cant say much for the planets as I havnt been on most of them yet.

    The running around I have done is just leaving and entering instanced areas alot.

    I guess I made it sound as if I was getting loading screen on the planets.

    The areas I have been in I see alot more loading screens then any other MMO I have played.

  5. I play them both too, and you need to clarify your statement better. You can go from one edge of the map to the other and fly ANYWHERE now that Cata is in game. Up until that expansion you could not. So don't bring it out here as if it was that way forever and SWTOR should have it that way too.


    And yes I too wish BW makes the rule, if you cancel your off the forums immediately.





    I was not saying it has always been that way.

    But it has always been you could run from one end of the continent to the other.

    I'm only stating the fact that its more open for exploring.

    Not saying that SWTOR has to be that way as well.

    If I didnt like how SWTOR is set up with its zones, I wouldnt be playing or even on the forums.

  6. I actually play both games.


    WoW world is more open then this game is by far.

    You can run from one end of the map to the other in WoW, and never get a loading screen.

    You can get on your flying mount, and fly ANYWHERE on the continent Even if there is nothing there and no place to even land, you can still get to that part of the map.


    SWTOR is what it is. If you dont like it , dont play it.

    Almost wish Bioware would be the first with a new rule of if you cancel your account.

    You cant post on the forums even if your account still has time on it.

  7. where do you get that bull**** from?


    dual specc was introduced because raid encounters where so different from one boss to another, that you needed 3 tanks and 7 healers and 15 dps for one boss and 2 tanks 5 healers and 18 dps for the boss right afterwards







    Edited by Bashiok on 3/1/11 3:54 PM (PST) An oldie but a goodie! :D


    The question used to be, why don't we have a way to keep a spec for PvE and PvP? And to a lesser extent, wouldn't it be great if I could swap roles with my hybrid if needed without having to hearth and make everyone wait on me?


    Those are the specific reasons for why we agreed with the sentiment of those questions, and dual spec now exists in the game. It's great (kind of) that some people have found uses for it outside of that, having two slightly variant builds of the same spec for different situations, however, it's not our intent with multiple specs to encourage that type of gameplay, and thus it's not our intent to offer tri or quad or quint, etc. specs.


    Obviously having an array of possible specs to choose from would be convenient for any number of reasons, but it would also encourage situations where people are using it to shift their builds around for each individual encounter or task. Those are the kinds of options that quickly stop being options, and instead become a requirement. And as they become a requirement our necessity to design and balance around it changes it from a nice convenience option to a core piece of the game design puzzle.


    A lot of people like to throw the phrase 'slippery slope' at us when we make certain changes, and dual spec is actually truthfully one of those systems. Once we have two specs, why not three? If three, why not four? But, we have our hiking boots on, and don't intend to lose footing on this just yet. BUT sliding down muddy hills is a lot of fun, so you never know.







    From them saying it.

    Anymore questions?

  8. Think of it as say a carnival.

    Carnival "A" has been around for 7 years. In that 7 years, the owner has learned what rides are popular, what rides people really dont like.

    What games people enjoy wasting money on, and what games never get played.


    When carnival "B" opens up, the best thing they could do was look at carnival "A" and see what they have and how they run things.

    If canival "B" has the rides and the games that do not interest people. People will just go spend money at carnival "A" that has all the rides and games they do like.


    SWTOR is being compared to the 7 year old WoW because that 7 year old WoW has features in it that all MMOs need in it to be good to some people.

    Features that any company making a MMO should look at and make sure they, or something like it or even better, is in their new MMO.

  9. The "whiny- self entitled- instant gratification- shape the game around me and my lack of effort" people that are playing MMOs now.


    I'm no "hardcore" or "elitist" as they can be just as bad.

    But even I sometimes miss the EQ days where if you couldnt get something because you cant raid or were not good enough. You accepted it and moved on with what you could get

    and never expected the game to change around your lack of time or skill.

  10. Looking for healer, and tank problems happen because people do not want to heal or tank.

    We could have 10 specs, and if someone does not want to heal, that isnt going to change their mind. The extra specs will be used for other stuff if used at all.


    The dual spec idea is about having one spec for doing PvE, and one for PvP.

    Or having one for DPS, and one for healing.

    If people would use them as intended, that would be one thing. But they wont.

    Take WoW for example. The idea behind dual spec there was the one for PvE, one for PvP

    so people could switch easy.

    But what happened? They have people using both specs for the same roll and saying "if I had a 3rd spec, I would tank/heal".


    I would say if they want to give us dual specs. make the second one usable in Warfronts

    only making it very clear what its intended use is.

    If they give us dual specs to use however we want. Make it very clear that there will not

    be a third.

  11. World Of Warcraft, Age of Connan, DC Universe online (when it was P2P), Champions Online,

    Rift, Aion, i could carry on but i think i made my point!




    I have played EQ, EQ2, EQOA, WoW, LoTR, DCU, Rift, FFXlV (had to buy tokens of some kind using a CC) and now SWTOR.

    I have had to input in a CC number, or a gamecard number to login to any of them with a full account (non trial).

    The only time I didnt have to is when I tried the free trial of Rift before buying the game.

    As soon as I went from trial account to full account, I had to put them in.


    The free 30 days is not a trial account on any MMO that I have ever played.

    To access those free 30 days, you still needed to have a CC or gamecard number.

    A trial account is completly different then the free 30 days.

  12. If we can use it to judge ourselfs on how well we are doing and only we can see it, thats one thing.

    But we all know that it will be used to judge others and keep people that dont do better then the ones using it out of content.

    Since thats the case, no.

  13. If SWG can survive as long as it did with what was left of its players. SWTOR will be around for even longer.

    Id say look for this one to be going good untill the next Star wars MMO comes out and they shut this down to make everyone move to the new one.

    As long as this is the only Star Wars MMO, it will stay going.


    As for player base. I would say they will probably lose a good chunk when it comes time to either quit or pay.

    I will still be here as Im having a blast. But there are people that made this the perfect MMORPG in their minds and of course are disapointed when it isnt.

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