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Posts posted by kasanth

  1. Could not say. But no matter what MMORPG you look into. There is a portion of the player base

    that will always claim the game is dead, or dying. That it sucks now, and all that other crap.

    But yet, they are still playing and in a lot of cases, still paying to play.

  2. My vote would go to starting over. I did so on my main characters after returning. Just like you, I was here on release day and loved every minute of going through the stories again. The story while leveling is about the only reason

    I still play. That is one thing they did a good job on.


    There may be some spec changes that you will find and like a different spec. You could try different professions.

    With the leveling going by quickly. You can enjoy the story again and be back where you were in very little time.


    The only bad part would be if you had something you like on said character that is bound and cant be acquired

    anymore. But other then that, go for it. I think you will have fun.

  3. It does not matter how good a game is. Does not matter how successful it is. Does not matter what MMORPG

    it is. There is always a very loud group of people that claim that the game is dying, and how bad it is.

    They off course always come up with some excuse as to why they are still playing.

    There is not a single MMORPG that does not have its "This game sucks and is dying" crowd.

  4. Exactly what servers are they suppose to merge? West coast has one PVP, one PVE, and one RP.

    East coast has one PVE, two PVP (might be other way around), and one PR-PVP, and one RP-PVE.


    They could merge the two east coast PVP servers as long as they are low populated.

    But if they have too many players on them. It would be more of a hassle to the players

    then its worth. But they are down to the minimum for west coast already.

  5. I'd ignore it as forum posters are at best, 5-10% of your game population. Thats not a guess but a statistical average that was conducted a few years ago.


    Not to say the devs completely ignore forum outcries, but forum posters are just a very vocal minority.




    They also complain no matter what the devs do.

    If you listen to the forums, the game was the same as EQ and WoW. It was dying a month after it went live.

  6. It is kind of funny, isn't it? People will complain they're going to be too high level(making them overpowered for the content) by the time they finish their story, and then there's people that complain that level sync makes them underpowered on a planet.





    That is why game companies just do whatever they think the majority will like.

    No matter what they do, a number of people will complain.

  7. What would your reaction be if every time you walked into a room and told people what you were working on, or why something is a certain way, the people in the room called you liar, every name in the book, and accused you of

    not doing your job? What would your reaction be if no matter what you said, people would twist your words

    and try to make it sound like you dont care?


    I tell you exactly what your reaction would be. You would quit walking into that room.

  8. To be honest I haven't seen much trouble getting around on level sync'd planets. You can usually just drive right past them with little effort.




    Yep, I drive right by them and even through them and they dont even slow me down. I get out of their range before they can even do anything.

  9. My view on the subject is the same I have for EQ back in the day, World of Warcraft, and any game for that matter.

    That view is the game is as easy as you make it. If you are looking for a challenge, you need to go do the

    challenging content wherever that may be in the game. If you refuse to go do that content. I dont see where you

    have any right complaining about the game being too easy since it is you that is choosing to only do the easy stuff.


    They are trying to make the game so it is fun for different people. Make part of it easy so anyone can get through it.

    Add in some harder challenges for those that seek them. It was that way for EQ, and its that way for WoW.

    This is no better than players on WoW who wont go PVP. Wont do anything with any challenge to it.

    But yet, they are the first to complain that what they are choosing to do is too easy. While they are complaining,

    the challenging content is still wiping the top guilds in the world hundreds of times before they finally complete it.


    While I cant say that the hardest content in SWTOR is wiping the top guilds. I can say that there is still

    challenge out there. But its up to you if you want challenge or not. But dont claim you do when you refuse

    to do the challenging content.


    As a note. I do not know if you have done the hardest content. But from my experience in MMORPGs dating back

    to EQ. The only people that claim the game is too easy are the players that refuse to do anything difficult.

  10. I agree, and those make up a majority of the "Star Wars" part, which is awesome.


    the PVP, raids etc are just reskinned WOW, and get old fast.




    The story line while leveling is the main reason my brother and I play.

    You are correct about the rest. But it isnt just this game.

    Every MMORPG is just a copy of others with different looks.

    They all repeat everything over and over again. The difference is how fun the other parts

    of the game, such as story while leveling, are. As well as how many times players want to do

    the same thing over again before they leave.

  11. How did it use to work?




    The same as it does now. Everyone choosing the same due to it being the most

    effective. The only difference is they are being forced to choose the best spec

    instead of looking up on a website which to choose.

  12. Go to a auto parts store and get some exhaust tape and a wide band clamp.

    The band clamp is a wide clamp that covers a good area of the pipe for holding

    pieces of pipe together. Use the tape to hold the two pieces together and put

    the clamp over the top of that. When the tape gets hot, it will weld the pieces

    together better and will seal the hole while the clamp will hold it together.

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