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Everything posted by Gulthaw

  1. How do you expect them to create new content when they still have to fix 30% of the game? They should have wait before launching the game but EA is famous by destroying games this way, they only care about money and deliver unfinished products. I'm sure the devs care but the guys who give the orders don't.
  2. QFT! But they didn't delay because... is EA we're talking about here. Do you know what they did with Spore, right? The same applies here.
  3. Let me guess, you are from the US and play in a US server. I play in an european english server, and somehow I have the feeling that while we both pay the same you get better service.
  4. Honestly? I stopped grouping because of this. I play to enjoy, not to teach how to play to other people. I might want to some days but not everyday. Had to do it in almost every friggin game and I'm tired of it. If people are idiots is their fault not mine. If they forgot how to play because they've spent the last years using addons (/puaj), is their problem. I know I will find a good guild, eventually. Either that or get my friends together at the same level, so I don't worry. Am I GOD? Nop, but I spend hours reading my skills and trying them, understanding them and learning how to use them; I don't want the pain of playing with people who could use only 3 buttons.
  5. They could also call Blizz for help. No, seriously. With my character in IF and the computer doing a gazilion other things I could press the windows key and be on my desktop and tab to the game and.. tada! ready and playing in less than 3 seconds. SWTOR in that aspect is really bad. My current computer is waaaay better than what I had whem I tried that and I have to close everything for the game to run smoothly. Even then it takes almost 1 minute to reload if I swap to windows for anything. Among other things I always valued WoW because is a really well programmed game, SWTOR is... depressing, to say the least.
  6. High quality service? WHERE? I still have 1 ticket opened and unanswered since 9 days ago and my other 7 tickets received an automatic answer and haven't been fixed. High quality service? My ***...
  7. Today I'm sick (I mean, real sick, fever and all those things) so I wasn't really in the mood to play the game, decided to be in the forums instead. I've read a lot of posts and there's something I have to say. I HATE SPOILERS!! I understand people wants to explain what is happening and all that joy but sometimes they will say something relevant to the class history, thus spoiling me that class history. There is an option in the bb code that you can use (bracket spoiler end-bracket, then you write whatever you want, then bracket slash spoiler end-bracket). Please, use it. You might not care but some of us do. Thanks.
  8. Heh, have you seen Star Trek Online? Is even worst... is so bad it makes you cry... Coming back to topic I want to add one thing regarding "guild symbols", and it has a lot to do with customization. Back in SWG my guild had "official colors" and everyone had an armor (or clothes or whatever we needed) as good as possible with those colors; "the guild" even paid half the armor if someone couldn't afford it, and we would wear that armor whenever we did something together. So, please, give us customization! My character in SWG was so similar to me, even the formal clothes, that in our first guild meeting in RL I didn't have to say who I was Honestly, I don't see SWTOR as a good game for RPing.
  9. Really good post. I agree with the OP, I see a lot of potential but I also agree it feels like it needed a few more months of development. Day/night cycle would be good but it will complicate things too much (players would need a lantern, unless they are jedi/sith and use the lightsaber). And while I understand the reason why capital planets are inaccessible to the other faction we need more world PVP. The servers feel deserted, and mine has always 100+ people in the fleet so is not that bad, but so far I've seen 5 imperials while questing. Booooring! Where is the excitement of questing in Stranglethorn or Hillsbrad knowing that you would eventually have to fight someone? One detail that the op didn't say and, for me, is really important is the customer service. Absolutely inexistent. I've been playing online games for 15 years (ouch!), never in my life have seen a CS as bad as this one. So, tell the guys to stop counting money and start organizing things or they will see people leaving by the thousands (if it's not happening already).
  10. A lot of polish on Basilisk Droid Republic, and I've seen two (apparently big) spanish guilds.
  11. QFT!!! What the hell man! Login servers down on a Sunday morning? Are you crazy or what?
  12. 1. The game took ages to load so I bought a new computer, a whole new computer. I have to turn off shadows and texture detail to low in order to do PvP, and even then, sometimes I got kicked because the $"%·$ speeder bike doesn't appear so I cannot click on it and leave the safe zone. The loading times are just horrible, also when you go to windows and back to the game it takes too long to reload the UI 2. There is a draw here: The crew skill messages appearing in the middle of the screen. & The º key takes you straight to the "create ticket" window, you have to press esc three times to get back at what you were doing, in a spanish keyboard that key is the one above tab... pretty ease to accidentally press it. 3. No combat log.
  13. At launch Basilisk Droid had a heavy population, so I went there hoping to find a lively server or at least a server with a lot of activity on the kiosk. Now is depressing, I have to roll my out crafters because there's almost nothing there. The worst thing is, I convinced some friends to come to my server and we're too advanced to re-roll on a different server now.
  14. You are wrong in so many places that I don't know where to start. - I'm usually a solo player, want to know why? because people suck at playing, either they are too slow or too dumb or I just don't find the pace to play with them. If you force me to do more grouping I will leave the game. Of course I enjoy grouping but is so frustrating trying to find a good group that I don't even try anymore. I don't even know how to answer to that. I like PvP every now and then but I know a lot of people who just hate PvP. So, again, if you force people to do things they don't like they will just leave. I agree with the customization and uniqueness, the character creation is poor... is so poor that my girlfriend asked me if the game was still in beta stage.
  15. I've been playing online for years, that means (at least for me) the same level of implication in forums. The only times I've seen a company ignore customer feedback or not even appear every now and then the game ended falling. Even if the game is amazingly brilliant (and it isn't) if the customer feels ignored will abandon the game.
  16. So far I haven't reached 50, I don't want to. After 6 years playing WoW i never did end-game. I got to a point to leave characters almost there and create another one. So, as a mainly solo player (who enjoys a party every now and then) Lvling: 7/10 The histories so far are quite interesting and I'm currently leveling characters to 35 to see the "act finale". The game is buggy though and, for me, it takes ages to load (imagine when you want to swap between characters to send money and buy the item at the kiosk), a total joke. PvP: Well, is interesting and sometimes really fun but, only 3 battlegrounds? and you cannot choose obviously. Pretty lame. Also, the difference between levels is something that really matters - although it feels really good when you can beat a 50 with your 26 Space: How do I say it? The first time I saw it I wanted to cry, and I wasn't joy... it was sadness Why? Well, let's say I'm one of those lucky ones who grew up with the X-Wing and Tie Fighter games ^_^ Please, fix it!! Other things: The customer support is... well, there is no customer support at all. More here. That is something you really don't do, not with a game as ambitious as this one. Overall: 6/10 The main base of the game is just amazing. The possibilities are incredible but it needs a lot of work. I said when it went live that it was unfinished, I still believe the same. I guess they wanted to do too much but some marketing guy said "no! we will do expansions and charge them for that!" so they had to rethink the whole system. Anyway, can be a good game but so far is only addictive because: a) I want to know all the stories b) Is Star Wars... ^_^ So please, give it some more love, get more people and work hard, we all want this to be legendary Edit: typos
  17. After a few days of horrible work I was coming home thinking that I would finally be able to sit down and enjoy TOR, yeah right. I did my pre-order, pay a good money for it and now the game is telling me that I don't have an active subscription and I have to pay 13€ more!? Are you friggin nuts? Everyone can see EA hand here, expert in RUINING games (earth & beyond, spore, to name a few). I'll pay them, only because I respect Bioware (no, I don't respect EA, they don't respect us as their clients so, why should I? ) but imho this is WoW in the Star Wars Universe. Yeah I'm pissed, I don't like when companies scam me, and charging for the frigin game AND for the first month is a scam. So, good job EA, making friends... like only you know how.
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