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Everything posted by Samrat_

  1. /sign I'm loving SWTOR, however I see no problems ripping off good ideas from other games. The crafting, harvesting, and merchant system was top notch in SWG. It would be sooooo nice to see that here in SWTOR. In fact....I would be in MMO heaven if they were to take those things you mentioned and added them to SWTOR! I will say this though...SWTOR knocked it out of the ball park with the story and cut scenes! I love that abt SWTOR! =)
  2. About the same for me. I sometimes play 4 hours after work during the week and 10-12 hours per day on the weekends. (as long as the spousal unit doesn't have other plans for me) I'm 40.
  3. The OP made me seriously LOL!!! So true!
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