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Posts posted by kckkryptonite

  1. I've found Tharan to be more useful than Qyzen, his healing gets decent with better gear, he's allowed me to solo a lot of Heroic +2's easily. Qyzen just dies if you draw to much adds and don't kill them fast enough, Tharan allows you to fight for a sustained amount of time and doesn't have that annoying EMP grenade you have to disable all the time because of the buggy skillbar. I've also found it more useful to sap the stronger enemies pre-fight. It depends on what tree you go up, but for Infiltration I like Tharan the best.
  2. Well it's become quite clear, you the OP, are an incompetent hiding behind cheap rhetoric calling everyone who does not agree with you ignorant, jaded, simplistic, etc. You manage to write paragraph after paragraph, but the liquidated form of your message is "make this game easier", this is the definition of a macro - if not, the term is being used incorrectly here. Automation is what arbitrarily raises skill, not the lack of it.
  3. Macros decrease the skill cap of the already low ceiling on MMORPG's, so I don't support. You argue that macros make the game harder, but by definition macros make it more convenient. If you're having problems using all your important skills, get a better kb set-up and enable the quick bar extensions, yeah it'll take practice and hard work to learn these things - that's what I believe was the intention in increasing the skill cap. The same reason auto-attack does not exists, timing becomes more important.


    Macros turn MMO's into carebear land. I had a 50 warrior and 50 mage in Rift and for PvE I never had to go past setting 3 main keybinds using macros - lofkinl - and maybe add a few more for PvP. The fact that there are a lot of skills to utilize and no macros only helps players with skill standout. I would hate to see SWTOR implement things similar to WoW; MMORPG's shouldn't feel the need to copy WoW to be successful (Rift). BW does something different from the MMORPG scene and you condemn them.


    If you just want focus indicators and mouse targeting (which I don't have a problem with) WHY ARE YOU CALLING THEM MACROS? You're confusing a lot of people. We are thinking you want the ability to hit one key to execute a sequence of skills - please clarify that this is not because you keep using the word macro, if it is, then: NO. How does this "increase complexity" when you pre-write your actions outside of battle and press one key instead of thinking up your strategies on the fly and pressing multiple keys? So should StarCraft 2 also have macros so you don't have to remember the order in which to do things or at what frequency? Seems like it just decreases difficulty. So please explain how it effectively raises the skill cap.

  4. The Republic gets more newer players AKA low levels and therefore more get filtered into the WZs meaning losses - hopefully this balances out once the initial surge of players dies down. However, the good thing about Republic is that it has, on average, lower queue times than the Sith. The exact same thing happened on Rift, Guardians in general lost more - unless they had more Pyros than the Defiant side =]
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