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Everything posted by Xaeberain

  1. I'm equally sick of the apologisers. I call them like I see them and this game is bad. Not the worst I've ever played but then again I played Too Human. You're just as bad as the ranters on here by making excuses for Bioware's poor game. Maybe worse. At least the ranters could inadvertently complain about somthing that might get attention and get fixed.
  2. Good MMOs do draw people in and they in turn become invested in their character and time spent. This game, however, isn't like that. Our characters don't really feel like our own. They're Bioware's creations and we're just following a linear story path of their choosing to see the conclusion. I would equate it more with reading a book where the conclusion is forgone. The story may be interesting but it isn't ours.
  3. I agree. Going to be a great game. (See I don't hate Bioware, I just hate crappy games.)
  4. The only reason anyone (aside from the staunch supporters who would play even if it was a text based game) is playing the game isn't because it's all that good. There just aren't many other choices at the moment. Most people here have played WoW to death and are just tired of it. Rift is good but it's just a updated copy of WoW. Aion is a grindfest and the rest are just old garbage whereas TOR is new garbage. Lack of options isn't a choice, it's the lesser of evils.
  5. Community. Yeah they're mean and cranky and outright hostile but there is a community to talk to in endgame WoW. TOR has no community. Players don't talk to each other, very rarely group up and that's on a good day. Most days you wouldn't have a clue you weren't playing a single player game. Interaction is another big thing that keeps people playing MMOs at endgame and another big thing TOR doesn't have.
  6. How long does it take to do a raid in endgame? A half hour? i know it's under an hour. I'm sure it takes longer to get the raid together than to complete it. How many raids are there? 3? So they made a game that a person could easily cap out in less than a week, put in 3 very short raids that are shorter than most of WoW's dungeons and that's going to keep people going until they drop a new x-pac or big content upgrade? yehrite. They can reroll I suppose. That's what we were told. The game is meant to reroll until you've seen all 8 storylines. I've gotten all of my characters up to around 40. 6 of the 8 classes and I play infrequently. Now what? Finish them to 50 so I can do the 3 raids and the buggy as hell PVP? I can barely get interested enough to finish the stories let alone drudge through another 10levels of mindless cut-scenes. Doesn't matter I've cancelled my sub. I won't be missed and I certainly won't miss the game.
  7. Fine you want to know what this game is missing....A compelling reason to play. This crap was fine for WoW. TOR is not WoW. The same tired old bull gameplay and a decent story isn't going to cut it. WoW had the benefit of being the game that took over when everyone was tired of EQ. They took that scenario, polished it, improved it and made it feel new.That was 7 years ago. This is a brand new game with very similar gameplay. The problem is it isn't 2005 anymore and they couldn't even copy it right. You want to know why this game will die? They churned out a game that was only intended to do one thing, make them a ton of money. They thought they could grab a big chunk of the MMO market by making a Star Wars WoW. Well, they're doing it wrong. They gave it a flimsy premise that belongs in a single player game and half-*****ed content at endgame that wouldn't have been acceptable in 2005. Deny it all you want. You put crap in, you get crap out. See you at the 6th month reunion of ex-TOR players.
  8. You're missing many many things. I'm not going to convince you of anything so I'm not going to try. Just trust me on this. TOR is going to collapse like a supernova and all the forgivers and excusers in the world aren't going to keep it alive. The flaw is of their own design.
  9. The other MMOs had a little thing called gameplay and endgame content.Some even had a ton of fluff to occupy people after they burned through the main content. Story was just a added bonus not the entire premise of the game. Sure they can add more story but they'll never be able to add it quick enough to keep people playing and paying. If you take this game at face value we all should have just waited for the book.
  10. To answer your question "How far into the future do you see yourself with SWTOR?" I will pose another question. What time is it right now?
  11. None of the things I posted about are why it will fail. It will fail because the basis of this game is self terminating, the story. The story is finite and there's little to nothing to do after the story ends. End of story.
  12. I wonder if the OP is intentionally being ironic or he's just sputtering nonsense?
  13. They didn't leave out character animations or quickslots or chat screens. None of the little things that players really want would have been any more difficult to implement than those things. They left them out because they didn't know we would want them this badly. Now they're scrambling to get them in game. They didn't learn from the games that came before TOR. They just used the old SPRPG method and didn't bother thinking about how much different MMOs are. They didn't reinvent the MMO with TOR, for certain, they regressed the genre back to the 90's in all the bad ways and none of the good. None of this matters anyway. This game doesn't have the longevity to need all the little tools that make a MMOers life easier. By the time they get them functional and in-game everyone will have seen all 8 class stories and moved on to the next big game.
  14. It's a sad state of affairs when the only games we can truly rely on being made for nothing but multi-player are solo grindfests that we have to pay subscription fees for.
  15. Trolling...I guess. But trolling, if indeed that's what I'm doing unintentionally, is more entertaining than the game. I'd like to think I'm just being critical of a game I've dropped nearly 100 bucks on.
  16. I think all TOR is doing is catering to the casual players, maybe not the level 50 casuals but the rest of the game has the difficulty level of Farmville.
  17. EQ devs I can agree with but SWG...NGE, NGE! You just made the whole scenario even worse. Stop that! SWG was a great game but the devs ***** and pillaged it into a horrible mess. This is all starting to make sense now.
  18. As far as I know this is the only MMO that Bioware is working on currently so what else could they possibly want with a MMO developer? Ray Muzyka said that the flow of info would be one way and Bioware wouldn't be funneling help toward Warhammer or any of Mythics other MMO's so it has to be Mythic sending help to Bioware's MMO projects.. I'm not stretching the facts much if at all here.
  19. http://www.escapistmagazine.com/news/view/101848-Mythic-Entertainment-Becomes-BioWare-Mythic Notice the new division is RPG/MMO specificly. And also note that this happened early during development of TOR. So it's not very hard to make the jump to Mythic being a big part of TOR. Do you know for a fact that there aren't many Mythic members at Bioware Austin? Or are you...just spewing made up facts?
  20. Bioware Austin is comprised of some Bioware staff and a load of Mythic Entertainment staff. Why they would put the same MMO devs that gave us the terrible train wreck Warhammer Online on a new 300million dollar MMO is beyond my comprehension. People are people. They may try to improve themselves but in the end the same egos and flaws will surface because they have to be who they are. So here we are again with another piss poor MMO(yes I called it an MMO) produced by the same guys who made the last piss poor MMO.
  21. I usually just find a set of orange gear that I really like the look of and upgrade it. 90% of it was from quest rewards. The other 10% dropped on random npc's. I would like to think that doing heroics and FP's was worthwhile but comparativly speaking I've not heard of anyone my level with better gear than mine. I truly feel like I'm being force fed nice gear that only requires me to do the class stories to get and it's the same gear everyone else is getting from the same quests. I'll stop trying to convince people that this isn't a MMO but they need to look at it how it really is and realise that somthing is amiss in this game and it isn't a bug or a design oversite, it's how the game was intentionally built.
  22. I have a full set of orange gear on most of my characters which I upgrade with commendation gear from the vendors. You're telling me that there is better loot in heroics than the oranges I have and better upgrades than the commendation ones? There might be better upgrades that drop but I've yet to see any that were so much better or even equal to what I already had that I would go out of my way to find a group to do them. Maybe you're right and there's stuff that is much better but I find it hard to believe that after doing as many heroics as I have and wasteing as much time getting groups as I have that nothing substantial has ever dropped.
  23. Not true, there was benefit to grouping in WoW, better loot, better gear. Better gear meant easier leveling and higher damage in PVP. That is not the case in TOR. I've done several heroics and haven't seen anything nice for loot drop, ever. So there's no bait to hook me in to doing them. So why waste time spamming for a group for an hour for what...a couple bars of xp?
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