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Everything posted by Srqt

  1. I have already switched to DPS. Healing in WZs is pointless now.
  2. This was a known fact and getting 1k of each was still the best way to be ready for the patch. I am not sure what you are complaining about this was all spelled out in the patch notes and discussed at length in the PTS forums.
  3. Cant you order the physical authenticator still? I think it is only 4USD.
  4. I was confused I read your OP wrong. Yeah I do not think there is anyway to do what you are asking unfortunately.
  5. Maybe I am confused about what you are asking but all I did was click on the world map/voidstar score card etc and go to the scale slider (not global scale) and adjust it. http://i124.photobucket.com/albums/p40/Srqt82/swtor2012-04-1212-29-59-31.jpg That is an image of a really small mini map and VS scorecard with my cursor on the correct slider.
  6. I thought I saw a PTS video that showed a way to adjust secondary elements independently. I could be wrong though. I am about halfway through the patch DL , I will post back if I figure it out.
  7. I have never done a PvE daily (outside of Poisonus strat 2 or 3 times) and I am sitting on around 5 mil and have nothing to spend it on. A credit dump seems like a good thing to me. And before you call me a "fanboi" keep in mind that I unsubbed last night when RWZs got dropped from the patch I am just trying out 1.2 for the next 6 days to check out the other features.
  8. guess they should have listened and let us copy toons then.
  9. Congrats, you actually got me to unsub. I didn't even think that would be possible.
  10. weird, I have done HM EV and KP as well as all the HM FPS. Going to start working on NM next and they have been very playable. I have had Soa bug a few times but nothing that clicking exit area and rezoning didn't fix. Annoying yes but not at all game breaking.
  11. Neither EA nor Lucas Arts will allow this game to go F2P. They will shut it down first. Honestly anyone who thinks this game will go F2P after SWG never did is just fooling themselves.
  12. Same here. I have never had this issue once. The closest I have had is getting kicked to a load screen when I try to accept a queue pop.
  13. This is how I play (Naga Epic plus Nostromo) and I just use my KB for chat. JUst a mouse though would be a challenge.
  14. It used to be around the end of march now it is the beggining of April (as announced at the guild summit). It is already on PTS. What are you complaining about again?
  15. But that means that Revan was powerful enough to not only resist but also redirect a power great enough to turn her to ash. I would say that it was not just her lightning that killed her but also Revan's ability to control said lightning.
  16. I had a good amount of flirting options with my female BH, but I have had very few with my female shadow. (lvl 25).
  17. You dont think a 4 person premade would kick an undergeared fresh 50 so that they aren't "burdened" by them anymore? The issue with making a system like this viable is t hat people suck. AFKers who want the easy road suck and elitists who you give a tool to let them choose who is good enough suck. On the plus side you will supposedly get no rewards if you AFK a WZ and do not contribute so I am hoping that will be the biggest incentive for people to actually play. There is no content patch or Dev solution that can fix people's self entitled attitudes.
  18. Funny 295.73 gave me nothing but issues. Maybe it was a bad install might give it another shot.
  19. I sell the reusable biochem stims for 50k easy.
  20. You mean besides the forum announcement and the periodic warnings that start 15 mins before the server went down?
  21. Yes there is. This is just one of many posts on these forums asking for an option that already exists. Reading your options is apparently hard.
  22. Srqt


    That's why I said at least
  23. Depends on CDs really. If I have my bubble and stun break up I'm not going down to a solo DPS (usually not going down to 2 either). Without them though a good DPS who knows when to interrupt will get me but I will still make them work pretty hard for it.
  24. I played 2 civil wars today and didn't have anything like that. I will try on my shadw when I get home though.
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