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Everything posted by Burgdawg

  1. Usually in lowbies each team is half *******. Do what I do, roll a sin and win entire matches by yourself while the noobs are playing team death match in the mid. They get to hack at each other for 15min and I get my high xp via the win.
  2. If you go MM and just burst down the healers... don't you negate the healing probes by killing their source? /thread
  3. Dark side = evil. Light side = good. Light side = healthy. Dark side = cancer. No one can draw from both at the same time, you're either tapping one or the other at a given time. That's from Lucas himself. Now shut up about this misunderstood bs. /thread
  4. How about you whiners stop sucking at pvp instead of complaining until they dumb the game down to your level. And don't give me that seperate solo and group que crap, the servers don't have the population to support that.
  5. Very good rotation, but, why you no explosive probe at the end of ambush when off cd? :*(
  6. My advice is to find a headset, in the $50-$100 range, that can be used with a 3.5mm plug.
  7. ^ This exactly. Trying to be serious on video games is a one way ticket to getting trolled. On a related note: There are countries where stuff like this is a daily occurrence. I've been there. People get blown up and killed everyday. We're just overly sensitized here because we've lived in the nice, safe, lap of luxury for so damn long people have forgotten what the world's actually like. Anyway, I come here to read about SWTOR, not your people's delicate-*** sensibilities.
  8. Stop being pu$$ies and roll full tank spec in pvp...
  9. The question is when one begins to augment/switch stuff around, what numbers is one aiming for? Also, power augments vs. surge augments?
  10. Dear 6 most recent posters: You do realize that the people/ comments you are quoting were talking about the game from patch 1.1 right? Just sayin'.
  11. If I'm in a bad pug vs a good pug/premade you can still generally tell by the numbers and medals, because you can pick out the campers. Ranked is all well and good, except when I'm leveling alts.
  12. Not directed at you, just saying everyone would have more fun if bads would stop being bad, or stop playing all together.
  13. ^ Find your own group or quit sucking, or both.
  14. The golden rule of PVP for noobs: Don't que. You're much cuter running around in PVE than messing up my warzones and causing me to up my med dosage.
  15. Of course he's not taking into account guilds like mine who have enough max level max gear toons that we make twinks, kick the crap outta lowbies and leave before the wz ends for fun. You can't escape we elite!
  16. A: Because they won't get exposed to homosexuality through, idk, real life? B. Did you seriously, seriously, buy a Bioware/EA game and NOT expect there to be homosexual relations in it? Where have you been the past decade? Under a rock?
  17. Being that the Empire is, well, an empire, so the will of the Emperor is the policy of the Empire. So the Empire is inherently evil.
  18. The next species is going to be Cathar, sorry.
  19. DS Jaesa is *********** HOT! Personality and looks... I want to level another DS Warrior just to have the pleasure of romancing her again.
  20. You've never leveled a warrior? Pretty funny and ****** story. Knight and smuggler are pretty fun too. Cosular is good only if you want the Obi-Wan story, operating behind the spotlight. Haven't leveled a trooper, though. Also, side note, you said no interaction with your imp toons, but you can mail crossfaction, fyi.
  21. I understand how unappealing pvp tanking can be. However, in my experience a pt tank can be a huge annoyance to the other team. Charging into crowds, free flame sweep for damage debuff, rocket punch into a rail shot that spreads ion charge to 3 targets. The heat screen from flame burst (which I understand is changing 2.0). And, as with all tanks, you can guard a healer. I think it can be viable in the right hands... just takes a little know-how.
  22. PT tanks are ok in pvp now. No significant dps output but they're freaking annoying.
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