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Everything posted by uga-buga

  1. This thread is right in every way... i keep saying the same thing to ppl. But u cannot make a thread here, or anywhere without being hated on. its sad...
  2. Sure hope they will reset Legacy tommorrow. And ill be pissed if they wanna charge cash for resetting legacy..
  3. So since Bioware hasnt told about the server maintance tomorrow, or i havnt found it on their website, can anybody tell me? Ive only seen patch notes, but is anything special gonna happen?
  4. Sup mr.perfect... First of all, im not perfect with english, but i had no idea what legacy was, it was late, and i didnt think about googling it, i was really excited, just completed my first act of class quests, got new cool companion, and then this legacy thing, so i typed in something, and next thing i know im stuck with this... Maybe you did everything good, but wait till you make a mistake. And thats the problem, your probably one of those fat geeks, who has no life other than the game, and enjoys that youve done everything correct. And why in the world would you disagree? so everybody couldnt become as cool as u, cos you got your legacy right...
  5. Will quit... Unless: Legacy name change, without paying $$$ Force Push for Marauders! More and bigger Warzones. More World PvP Cooler mounts. Better UI & targetting system. More updates.
  6. Didnt say it was their fault Just saying it would stop alot of complaining, and more happy ppl
  7. So for all of those who, was drunk, typed wrong, didnt know what they were doing. I think everybody should get a FREE LEGACY RESET. Just one! So here how its done. You get a "Legacy Resetter" in a mail, on the character you made your legacy on. Cool Way: A Vendor gets spawned at Imperial/Republic Fleet. You go deliver your "Legacy Resetter" to this vendor guy, he resets your legacy, everybody happy! :> Standard Way: You get your "Legacy Resetter" Click it, and your legacy has been resetted, everybody happy! This is only fair if you ask me. Then nobody has to complain, and everybody gets a second chance. I hope Bioware sees this and does something real fast!
  8. This is a pretty ****** up thing... appearantly you cant change your legacy name... Just warning all of you, when you complete your first act of class quest! THINK before you make a legacy. i had no idea *** would happen when i typed in the name. Either i misread or didnt understand *** it was. From what i hear ppl say you cant change it, so i ******* HOPE! bioware makes a legacy vendor or some **** that can reset your legacy...!
  9. The only reason i want Force Throw, is to throw ppl off cliffs and into fire and such ))
  10. More range on Deadly Throw & Vicious Throw. A Push Spell Cooler gear. Fixed Ravage! (It's bugged as hell! especially in pvp. It will do the motion without dealing dmg, and it cant be stopped until its done) Fixed Retaliation! (When you spam it, it will keep doing the same motion, but never do any dmg) WHAT DO YOU THINK THEY NEED?
  11. Does screenshots dont prove *****... I would like to see a video.
  12. The point is this class sucks... Every Marauder knows... so does every other class. but there is a bunch of you douches who doesnt want this class to be good, so you can keep owning it. If your a marauder and disagree then please ****. cos you must be stupid or something. This class is NOT gear dependant. This class does not get good by reaching higher lvls. If you think your a good marauder, its because you either killing lvl 1 mobs, or you think your doing good in pvp when you survive more than 20sec. Ive been a pvper in WoW, Aion & Rift... So i know what im talking about. i just hope bioware gets off their lazy butts and does something fast..............-_-
  13. I think you should suck on some nuts
  14. I think that Marauder atleast should have force pull & throw...
  15. So from what i hear, Marauders arent good before lvl 40 in pvp... which really F'ing irritates me... Since it takes 4ever to lvl and im a pvper. I dont know which class is best for pvp. but im a melee type. and i dont want to wait to lvl 40 before doing pvp.. so what do i do???....... What class is good. Or else fix your pvp bioware... EDIT: Lol alright so since this thread still seems to be active, ill give you some info about whats been going on with my marauder. I am now lvl 30, and im Ahnilation or however its spelled. and yes its changed pvp alot. But still think they are missing something. I also think we should get a force push. only cos i think its awesome to push ppl off cliffs, into fire, and such. But im a pro pvper, so im not sure if i can say the same for everybody. Its a hard class to play, and alot of the spells marauder has are bugged. Hope they will do something real soon. also hoping on more world pvp.
  16. A long long time ago, i used to write alooot on WoW forums, still do. But ive posted alot of my ideas, and it seems like all alot of my ideas, has been used in SWTOR. Here is an example http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/1776392269#13 Also posted a new dance on Aion forum, that the melbourne shuffle would be cool ingame. Not that im happy they put these things ingame. Have you had any ideas, that this game now has?
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