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Everything posted by uga-buga

  1. So i had an idea, since the only really way to get social points is by questing and flashpoints, which both is pve. What if social points got into the pvp system like this. Passing the ball in Huttball = 4 Social Points. This way ppl might actually Pass it and do more teamwork. And make it so that social points is not granted if its passed to the same guy within 15sec. that way you wont be able to grind. Im not sure about the other 2 warzones, but just an idea...
  2. Let's see, how can i make it easy for you to understand... Daily + Weekly = 20 bags. + the bags you buy yourself, lets say thats 1 each day. thats 27bags. 15 centurion commendations x 27 bags is 405 commendations 7 champion commendations x 27 bags is 189 commendations. An avarage centurion item costs about 40 commendations. So you can get about 4 centurion items. an avarage champion items costs 70 commendations. so you can get about 2 items. thats 6 items. maybe u even get an item from a bag if your lucky. and if you buy the cheap stuff first you can have more than 6items. You have 14 slots to fill out, and after one week youve already filled almost half your gear.
  3. Cool comment. you feel popular now?
  4. What i dont get is why everybody is complaining about being unlucky with gear in bags... If you want easy pvp gear go play WoW... I hope Bioware only did this because theres a new tier comming real soon.
  5. If this gave you a good laugh which it did not, then your a pretty wierd guy. It doesnt have anything to do with being against other people with good gear, you are always facing people in wz's. the biggest problem it is too easy to get. which makes unskilled players get pvp gear in no time. Which first of all makes it hard to spot the good pvp'ers from the bad.
  6. It isnt terrible. i guess you could call it a pvp starter edition. and then you work your way up to champion, and then battlemaster. but thats my opinion. I just dont like the way it is atm
  7. No offense dude, but if your a skilled pvp'r you would know what im talking about... Champion gear is not the lowest tier... Centurion is. So stop complaining about being unlucky getting champion...
  8. This is how i think the pvp system should be. Champion bags drop 15 centurion commendations, with a chance of a champion item. Battlemaster bags drop Champion commendations, with a chance of Battlemaster Commendation
  9. Why do you even waste your time?
  10. Lol to the people saying its not possible to get 6 pvp items in one day... Yes it might be a bit lucky, but still... 15 Centurion commendations for one bag? thats one relic already.
  11. Making Champion Commendations drop from Champion Bags was a bad idea. I think it was fine as it was, but now, now its just like WoW. PvP gear is waay to easy to get. A friend of mine had 0 pvp gear, and now he has 6 peices just after one day. Now its all about skills. no more fun owning people without pvp gear. Now it all depends on skill, which is fine, but i would rather have rated warzones and arenas for that... Now its hard to see if people are good or not, cos everybody has good gear in pvp. Why did you change it? Why would people complain about changing it?
  12. As the title says. What are you doing bioware? enjoying your cash??? Get to *********** work and fix your game.... Im *********** tired of being kicked out of warzones because of a dc or being kicked to character screen because of a bug... Im *********** tired of my marauders spells not working as they should... Ravage, Force Choke, Force Charge, Obfuscate, Disruption. Im *********** tired of warzones not counting as win when you win. Im *********** tired of getting stuck everywhere you go. Most of all im getting *********** tired of this game... **** better happen soon or else im unsubbing... if you Forum ban or even game ban? okay so be it... but atleast fix your game ffs...
  13. The most *********** annoying thing about this game is, when you get kicked out of a warzone, when you get dc or crash... please *********** fix this... and get some better customer support... ive had ticket for weeks now without being answered... Can you get more lazy.... If i get forum ban or game ban so be it... but this is true. you guys a ffffffffffffuuuuuuuuu lazy....
  14. You get a Disconnect, log in and your kicked out of the *********** warzone.... You die, and a loading screen randomly pops ups, and your kicked out of warzone... **** this ****. seriously... stuff like this shouldnt be in the game. get it fixed...
  15. You say you listen to the community... well doesnt really feel like you do... Let me make a little list of the things you should have fixed by now... 1. Spells. My Marauders spells are bugged as @!"#... That counts for most of them. Ravage = Doing the emotion, but no dmg, and stuck, and repeats the emotion if you click the spell again. Same for force choke. Predation, Saber Ward. all those dmg reduction spells bug. sometimes you can spam click them and they wont do anything, but then if you target somebody it suddenly works???? 2. Warzone win, but doesnt count for daily? This really irritates the poop out of me. It happens almost all the time in Alderaan and Voidstar, and you have to let the other team score, so you cant win 6-0 otherwise it wont count... 3. Targeting. When your in pvp and have to target nearest enemy, ohh boy do i spam the "TAB" buttom alot. I dont remember it being this anoying in WoW... 4. Ilum. When you kill somebody, its not always that it count for daily, which is understandable in some way. If im right, its that it wont count if you kill somebody uve already killed earlier. But its still pretty anoying, when your in battle with like 30vs30. and when battle is done you only gotten like 5-10kills. And the missles you have to farm, they really need increased spawn time 5. When is name change, server transfer, legacy name change, Barber Shop comming? I just want those things answered, when will you do something about this? :/
  16. Things i want. MOUNTS: Much faster mounts! i think its ridiculous that you can get a mount in lvl 25 with 90% speed, then lvl 40 a mount with only 10% extra speed. and then again at lvl 50, with another 10%. I hope to see alot faster mounts, and i mean really fast. maybe like 300% Speed. Mount ideas. Pod racers, like the ones from the movie. Animal mounts (Tauntauns for example.) SPACESHIPS!: Ship customizeation. New ships. i got Fury atm, and i dont like it at all, especially not the inside of the ship. PVP/WARZONE: Alot bigger warzones, so you can have a little more 1on1 combat Better rewarded for world pvp. Pod racing pvp or minigame ( like the space combat ) CHARACTER FEATURES: Barber Shop! Legacy Name Resetter Dual Spec WEBSITE FEATURES: Server transfer Name change CREW SKILLS: Better rewards from Treasure Hunting, and Artifice needs buffing, i picked Artifice, in hope that it was the crew skill that was able to make purple color crystals, i havnt learned it yet, or discovered it yet, or found a schematic. I hope you will give a buff to that crew skill. Feel free to add some stuff you would like the game to have.
  17. Yes but it was a lousy thank you..... and thats what you dont understand.
  18. I seriously dont see why you guys get so mad and frustrated over me asking for better. I mean who wouldnt prefer something better. Im not mad about getting the title, im just saying. I think a title is a little lame for an award, when you get alot cooler titles ingame... :/
  19. LISTEN UP! Would you guys complain if this was it for SWTOR. NO MORE UPDATES! NO MORE STUFF. The game stays as it is... cos this is what u fanboys paid for... We dont pay them to patch the game. nooo thats free... You only pay to play. You dont pay for updates, or new mounts, or new gear.
  20. Yeah cos in 5years its gonna be cool running around with the Founder title... yeah. You guys clearly dont know whats cool and whats not lol....
  21. Can we atleast get something cool. I mean... a title... and not even a cool one. And you think your gonna get more players by saying. "DON'T OWN THE GAME?" "THE FOUNDER'S MEDAL WILL ONLY BE AVAILABLE FOR A LIMITED TIME!" "SO GET YOUR COPY NOW!" Please... you can do better....
  22. Would rather punish other players then
  23. Well i know Social abilities are useless, but still. Punish isnt really social when its only working on your companion... Can we please get a new one...
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