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Everything posted by Gadrak

  1. i play full arsenal merc no im not gonna play an hibryd spec to stay competitive,my guild needs me to do some damage not to be a nurse just because a class is playable as an hybrid that doesnt mean we are fine
  2. you cant dispel sorcs/sages dots,just sayng,while they can dispel yours the fact that you are doing CRAZY burst dps is because you are facing undergeared players how many times do i have to explain that? about we cant have everything in the arsenal,i agree,but an aoe knockdown a stun with 1 min CD and an incapacitate with 2 second cast time are hardly enough,leave alone the sorcerer,do you know how many tools the assasin has to tear us to pieces?,sprint vanish force pull cloak of shadow,and they have the exactly same amount of our CC abilities,aoe knockdown stun and incapacitate plus the interrupt that we lack,there isnt a single thing that we can do and they cant besides heals this makes the class more versatile and guess what?,more fun,the only thing that we can do is shooting missiles at people when we have a jetpack that it's not useful for anything besides a cool looking animation from DoA and avoid claiming that classes that seems OP are guys who actually learned to play the class,there is a sage on my server that im never able to kill,(he is equally geared as me),because he has the tools to counter me in any possible way. i cast tracer he interrupts me he cast the dot i cant dispell it he cast teletinetik throw i cant interrupt it,and what if i try to use the rocket punch knockback to do it? I CANT,he slows me with it and i cant reach him without eating 5k of damage im finally able to land 2 tracers?,his shield eats them if im miracolously able to burst him down he can activate force speed and disappear instantly and since my only snare is a channeled one that ALWAYS delays a second before activating i cant stop him i can literally write every scenario with almost any competent equally geared class,(with the exception of someone)but in the end im getting my *** whooped everytime and before starting with the same crappy statement"lololol nub L2P" im valor rank 64 and i own 3 pieces of the battlemaster set combined with champion gear,i know that gear and rank does not mean skill but trust me,i know how to play my class slighy above average. to those who think that we are fine,yes we are fine till we get targeted,if you are able to escape it's because you are on a ledge,your opponent doesnt know how to play their class,or he is undergeared or underleveled.
  3. ^ this pretty much sums up every dumb statement on this topic
  4. if i wanted to play pyro,i would have surely rolled Powertech,they pyro tree is insanely better than ours,considering 30-40% of their ability are flames attack,arsenal on the other hand does much more damage and allow us to take down healers(unless they are sorc/sages,in that case they can just run away)
  5. im valor 64 and im wearing 3 battlemaster pieces,i have 40% critical rating,73% surge and 13%,expertise,i managed to hit 2.3k crit on an assasin that was battlemaster/champion geared like me,stop comparing the damage on lowbies to our actual damage,i can crit too 6.5k crit on someone with 0 expertise by simply activating a relic and the expertise charge oh well seems that we have to wait for the 50 brackets till people outthere realize the truth...
  6. if they are not gonna nerf sorcs and sages,then i demand some extra ability for the mercenaries as well because im sorry but heavy armor doesnt justify that they have a knockback with 20 sec CD,while ours is 30 sec CD,20 if im specce arsenal they have a shield that absorbs 3.5k of damage with 30 sec CD and that can be casted on any party members,while our shield has 2min CD and grants 25% damage reduction for 12 pathetic seconds they can literally escape from every ****** situation,as arsenal mercenary if i manage to bring them at low health they can just run away from me they have an interrupt,i dont have an interrupt,if i cast tracer missiles they can shut me down while i cant do the same thing to them they do more damage then me,mercs damage is very good,but i never managed to reach the damage of a madness sorc,EVER. some people think that they are just sitting ducks with zero survivability,have you ever played an arsenal mercenary?we have no way to escape from any melee class in the game
  7. PINK TYPING IS THE CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL! emh emh pyro has a nice mobility,and a good damage,but makes impossible killing healers and assasins healers because we dont have an interrupt and because they can dispell your fire effect and because they can heal themselves until you get overheated and start fighting back assasins because with a 30 second CD on jetboost,you are going to have an hard time against them,sure it can procs and slow them down but they can use the sprit to break the snare,cloak of shadow(or whatever is called)to grant immunity to every attack,and you cant use concussion missile on them,because every single attack on your arsenal is a dot people keep claiming that pyro is better for fighting assasins,it's a lie while formidable opponents arsenal is much better for dealing with them(when played smart)
  8. we have great what?,we dont have any speed boost,unless you are pyro,you have to stand still to activate anything,plus we have a jetpack on our back and we cant frikking use it,is this is your idea of great mobility?
  9. ironically the next patch will make things worst for us Guardian and Juggs,get a second gap closers,meaning that the only class that was actually possible to keep distance with will be on our arse during the entire fight 50 only brackets,yeah,no more 3k tracer missiles on poor lowbies without experise gear,im really curios to see the community reaction after they realize that against equal geared(and skilled players)we are utter trash
  10. guys are you serious? there are a lot of abilities of the Arsenal tree that are arguable,but HSM it's surely not one of those it does slighty more damage than tracer 25% more damage with 5 heats signatures on the target(and if there is another mercenary who is stacking them even 50%!!) instant cast with only 15 seconds of CD 30% critical bonus damage,if this beauty crits,it destroys the enemy!!!
  11. forgot to mention that it's a castable ability and is our bread and butter ability,interrupt that and we are good as dead. heals are pathetic if you are not bodyguard and Specced it's a 2 sec Cast time heal that can crit me 2.5k (Im half battlemaster and half champion geared if you are wondering) my highest tracer crit was 2.8k,on a level 17 sage,with me that i have 12% expertise,if you are getting an higher crit is because he has the biochem upgrade and the expertise overcharge,even a jedi guardian can crit 9k if overbuffed sherlock if you are having problem dealing with a tracer noob,you are worst of that noob,interrupt him or guess what go away of his LOS,as i said 21414142 times,if you stand still like an idiot with a guy that is shooting missiles at you,you DESERVE to die. arsenal mercs and gunnery commandos are the worst 1v1 class outthere and you are seriously asking for a nerf?
  12. im starting to mind YOUR ability to read english,s\he started the flame debat and the elitist actitude returning to the op the fact that a lot of arsenal mercenaries think that the class is fine,is because they are backed up by solid teams,and they dont have to worry a lot about 1v1 fight,since when you play with your teammates they can cover pretty much every your weakness(i currently play with a Sorc healer and everytime im getting jumped on she uses the friendly pull ability to get me out of trouble),since the only thing that you can do is burst damage,when you are backed up,you became unstoppable,and that's what gives to most mercenaries the feeling of being unstoppable but what you have to keep in mind is THIS HAPPENS WITH EVERY CLASS IN THE GAME good support or good teamwork can make every class much more enjoyable when you are not supported(1v1 fights)things start to go grim,anytime that you get jumped by a melee you use your knockback attack and since all the classes(on the next patch even jedi guardian and the juggernaut) have at least 2 ways to close the distance you are going to use the stun,but what happens now?,he trinket the stun the resolve bar is filled and since your main damaging ability is interruptable and you dont have any other escape,you are good as dead. atm i feel like arsenal mercs are very similar to warriors on WoW(wait dont laugh read it all),you are a good teamwork player,but on single you are absolutely atrocious. we just need an escape tool even with a long CD(only for arsenal ofc)and the class would be absolutely fine powertechs have 2 tools,one for bringing the enemy to them and one(talented)to close the distance to their enemy why cant we have both a tool to knock the enemy away and a (talented)tool to get away from the enemy?
  13. mercs could surely use a jetpack escape tool,as it is know the merc doesnt have anything to deal with melee untis besides a knockback that is only useful at huttbal plus besides shooting missiles there isnt a single thing that is actually cool too see on merc perk list anyway i think that i would make this a talent for arsenal mercs,pyro mercs have alredy a good mobility
  14. as i said the only thing that the merc need is an ability to escape from the enemy,even with a long CD,having a snare and an escape would be too much,a single CC or an escape would be enough to make the merc some way competitive on 1v1 i was hironic because everything that crack is sayng is "lololol im pro you suck l2p"cant say that he is contributing a lot on the op besides calling other people unskilled and acting elitist
  15. Godmaster Crackcarton has spoken sacrifice virgins in his name
  16. the damage is good but absolutely not over the top,there are classes outthere that can do double of the damage of tracer instantly,our heals if we are not bodyguard are pathetic,have you heard of something called interrupt?Why dont you start to using it? mercs are the worst 1v1 class out there and if you stay on LOS without interrupting someone that is shooting missiles at you,you DESERVE to die.
  17. jedi consular can be beaten by outbursting them,activate the shield cast tracer and when you get interrupted open with unload,then keep using tracer till you get heat signatures on him and use HSM,the problem is that he can escape pretty easily with his force speed,unload snare is pathetic and will rarely work in short you can make him retreat but not kill him
  18. allow us to jump with our jetpack and im absoluteley fine with my merc
  19. i personally dont like pyro,the pt version is insanely better,since he has much more burning attacks,that combined with the high survivability can turn him into a beast(not to mention of the railshot of a pyro PT ignores 90% of the enemy armor and deals 9% more damage) plus i like much more arsenal,im mobile like an house but dare to ignore me 5 seconds that i blow the crap out of you i dont like the actual situation of arsenal tbh,but the game was just released i guess that we have wait ps:i would sacrifice virgins to bioware if they allow us to use our jetpack as an escape tool
  20. you sound like a very elitist and arrogant player that doesnt add anything to contribute to the op at least he is contributing in a constructive way instead of just whining "ueeeee mercs suck ueeeee" anyway returning to the topic i just got my first 3 pieces of battlemaster gear(head,boots and gloves),and i have to say that when im backed up by my healer im a nuclear warhead,(again im fighing a lot of undergeared players),but when i fight on 1v1 without my healer support(fight a geared guy) there are not a lot of option that i can use,recently i tried cybertech and god if i love those grenades,the one that deals 2000 kinetic damage and slows the enemy for 8 seconds is neat,if i dont have this beauty on CD i can fight even equally geared assasins (i throw the grenade after they use the force speed,if he is specced tank there is the chance that he could break the slow by using it),the grenades are giving to me the bit of cc snare and survivability that i need,it's once every 5 mins but alas,at least im not eternally a free kill for assassins.
  21. A small circle with 20 secs cd?Is this your idea of a counter?,sure maybe If im lucky enough i could catch him 1 or 2 times out of 10 but this is hardly a counter,at least The stealth Scan of The PT can stun The enemy that reveals. Sure i can heal myself,but since The opener drains 80% of my health pool how is this any different? Look i understand that they need to be bursty to be pvp effective,but as arsenal merc since im mobile like an House and that my main ability is castable and interruptable,i need something to fight back,jetboost is good but If im not on huttball it's not enough.
  22. i fight a lot of time a buddy of mine that is an operative full champion equipped,with me full champion equipped,yes i die in a single stun,if i pop the shield he just vanish and wait that it finish to came back on me and terminate me instantly we can discuss about the bounty hunter reliabilty on pvp all the day long,but please stop defending the operative/scoundrel outburst,even for a burst class,it's just too much
  23. news flash they have stealth and they can kill you in a single stun
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