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Posts posted by sippelmc

  1. Ah, OK, thanks. So what you are saying is that I get both the damage boost and force cost reduction after VSx2.


    Thats perfect.


    I for sure always want the cost reducer, but thought it was blocking my dmg boost. When I was playing with it, as you know force cost reduce buff displays and the damage boost, each as separate buffs, but shock only consumed the cost reducer and left the dmg boost buff up on the first cast of shock, so I assumed the dmg boost was never being applied because it is not consumed. If its still working as you explained re the change in 1.4 then thats fine.



  2. Hi all,


    So Im leveling my deception assassin and having a blast. I just got voltaic slash and am a bit frustrated by something, though. VS builds up the shock damage boost but I have no way of getting it easily because induction, which reduces shock cost, is a separate buff. I can burn induction with shock, but by the time my CD on shock is up, Induction is already up, its a never ending cycle, and I can't get the damage buff. For pvp I much prefer the dmg boost over lower force cost. Is there a good rotation I can do in pvp to dip into the shock dmg boost? I guess I have to avoid VS for the CD time of shock so induction doesnt build, but it seems a waste in TTK....any thoughts/insight?

  3. There isn't much of an economic link because you can convert cash to CC to credits for far less than buying gold via gold farmer sites.


    I can easily list and sell a cash shop cartel/blockade pack for 399,000 credits. It costs me 360 CC. I can get 5,500 CC for $40. That's 15 packs, which in total sell well over 5 million credits. I am counting the GTN fees too.


    I just looked at a few gold sites and its about 2 million credits for $40, and that's on the generous side.


    A smart person would use the shop, play by the terms of service AND save money to get credits.

  4. I've read that some people choose the implants and ear pieces first. Why would someone do that over getting a main armor piece?


    They are relatively cheap and can give a lot of expertise bang for the buck.

  5. Bounty hunger ship destination area waypoint now faces into the ship, as opposed to facing the the door, and thus no longer prompting you to immediately exit your ship on login of that area.




    Here is my suggestion for patch notes that would actually bring me back to the game:


    - Fixed buggy holo-terminal, which would glow permanently, misleading players to think it needed to be interacted with as part of a quest chain, even when it didn’t.


    - Removed glowing eyes (light and dark) from the cartel market drops, and made them automatically unlockable after players reach level III of each respective alignment.


    - Fixed T’wilek clipping issues in which the head-tail would overlap with lightsabers.


    - Spaceships now only take off after players choose their planetary destination, instead of doing so immediately upon clicking the entrance.


    - Added codex entries for world bosses.


    - An all new voice-pack including a set of both male and female voices is now available to players in the cartel market for only 6000 cartel coins!


    - Because story is so central to the game, use of the group finder is now restricted to players, so that running any given flashpoint through it can only be unlocked once the players have done so the traditional way at least once. This way they can group up with their friends, go to the holoterminals in their respective fleets, and get the sit-rep (and narrative impetus) from their faction’s leaders which, previously, the group finder tool led one to skip.


    - Sound effects have been altered so as to reflect an increase in power every time a player upgrades a specific ability through their skill tree.


    - Fixed floating bodies bug.


    - Kira Carsen no longer impales herself with her own lightsaber.


    - A pulsating mystical aura will now envelop lightside aligned players, becoming ever brighter the higher their respective LS alignments.

  6. I don't understamd why there has to be expertise at all, provided that they have pvp earned gear on par with pve earned gear. I mean, you can put a ton of time in earning either set BiS, so why not let us use them interchangeebly. The only reason this mechanic was invented was from WoW when it created resilience because raiders were killing in battlefields. But every thing has changed so much now, more people are raiding, comms/tokens exist to gear up now, looking for raid, story modes, etc. The whole concept seems antiquated and just a forced gear grind to get two sets, which doest have to be that way if you keep the verticle gear progressios harmonized. There doesnt need to be a high gear gap because, hey, now you get tionese for free just like mk-2 recruit. Or maybe thats just too much work for them.
  7. I have tried to preview it with a female body 2 character and it will not show the torso....so it looks like some kind of halle berry outfit with her navel showing. I can't imagine its like that in game (can anyone confirm the robe is full for that body type/gender?) but wont buy it until I know what it really looks like...
  8. I'm one of the folks who thinks the gear divide is too great at level 50. I wanted to chime in here and say that the increased number of WZ comms and RWZ that you can now save prior to hitting 50 is a very good thing and is one more measure to help reduce the pain upon dinging to level 50. With the added number of comms you can save -- 2,750 WZ comms and 4,500 RWZ comms -- you can now get more BM and WH gear immediately at 50, reducing the grind and pain of being in Recruit gear.


    Together with the new Recruit Mk-2 set (and augments you can add to the extra gear you can purchase that you would not otherwise add to your Recruit set), this is one more measure to help the gear divide at 50 and Bioware deserves a nod for addressing this community concern. I look forward to the other measures they Dev's have discussed to make gear less of a factor in the 50 bracket. Thank you!


    EDIT: Also, the UI is MUCH IMPROVED! Now you can see your progress bar and understand the caps better.


    I think they are just paving the way for more expensive items, and thus more grind. The less max you can carry, the less max they can ask for price. Sigh.

  9. For what its worth, I have seen a lot of latency related issues in PVP lately, especially as a jugg leaping around a lot. Often I land 10m away from where my target was at when I lept (after a 3 sec delay). Best one was leaping to an enemy and after lag he used the lift on huttball and when I struck him I was up in the top of the dome, and then fell to my death lol.
  10. Yes, it is totally borked. My seethe breaks all the time.


    It's a real nuisance and should be a priority bug fix.


    If it can't be fixed due to movement exploits off cliffs, at least just give us the option to do a dark (red glow) meditate animation instead, like the Empire PVP vendor on fleet.

  11. Its not about money, its about its impossible due to the way the story is set up. You really think at the end of Ch 3 when its done, that the Republic or Empire would welcome the guy who caused their plans to fail and billions of credits to be wasted in fighting? Not to mention, killing some of their top members in their respective factions...I think they would sooner blaster them and kill em before letting them into their faction.


    luke blew up the death star, but that didn't stop the emperor from wanting him to switch factions. just saying :-)

  12. On my PT I hang back and wait until I see a clump of baddies, usually with sabers, and shoot my AOE taunt dmg reduction, then shoot my single target on a loner. Then I look for healers to mark. Then I'll pew pew until I see an opportunity like rocket jumping or pulling the healer.


    On my Jugg/Guardian (have both) its similar except I wait til I see a clump, cycle through my power ups/defenses ( enrage, saber ward, invincible,), jump in AOE taunt/stun, hang out a bit, last stand once I take a few damage, do a force push on one back into our side of the fray so people can pick him off and to reset force leap, then look for a healer to jump on and mark him. I try to keep saber throw for someone on a node.


    My sin isn't high enough with all talents yet, so so far I stealth and look for healers and stab them, and look for opportunities on using my knockback.


    Obviously I might do different stuff in context, like if I'm defending or taking nodes. I'm assuming a scenario like the big clash like you see in the mid of alderan or denova.

  13. I run Windows 8 and the game runs like it did on W7 so there are no issues at all


    Same here. It installed and runs fine. Performance is on par with Win7.


    I think the biggest concern is video card drivers, but I am using an NVIDIA card which is already released to support Win8/Win7, works great in Win8. Not sure what ATI/AMD is doing, but I assume they have the same.


    EDIT: I have been running RTM for a month+ now, so my opinion is based over the long(er) term.

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