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Posts posted by sippelmc

  1. I tried playing last night prime time (7-9EST) on Imp and it was hard to get a reg to pop. I think count was like 40 to 70 on fleet. When a reg did pop, a few WZs collapsed due to low count. I think almost every arena match I played was 3v4. I've been here since the beginning and hate to leave but I think its time to go so I can play the game....I think Shadowlands it will be.
  2. The separation of gear came because PvErs cried that the grind for PVP gear was a lot less than pve gear. When you can show up for HM OPs in PVP gear and actually contribute the pvers cried. So they separated it.


    Historically that's not true. PVE/PVP gear separation was pretty much introduced in WOW early game. There, raiders who were doing NAX40 with raid gear were entering battlegrounds and stomping on most every player. Thus the resilience stat was introduced to even it out a bit. It wasn't for a while after until the pendulum swung a bit and high end PvP/ Arena gear competed for BiS in PvE. SWTOR just copied WoW, essentially, but called it expertise.


    But, ya, there is no real need to have separate sets these days since there is a more established meta and hindsight to develop to achieve gear parity between both with equal efforts put in either side - but why change now its just another grind to keep the sheep busy.

  3. I prefer DPS gear as immortal (I assume you are spec'd that way since you are considering War Leader). I tried full tank gear and prefer 5 pieces of the vigileance gear and 2 pieces of war hero, with might augs. I take belt and bracers for teh war hero so i can buy a replacement mod that removes absorption while still getting me the 2 set piece bonus.


    You don't lose too much survivability and gain noticeable dps and can kill things quite well. Also the 4 piece bonus is very valuable (dead zone on saber throw removed) esp with utility like saber throw root; imho it trumps pretty much all the other rather minor bonuses are would be sacerificing. I find one of our biggest weaknesses against skilled players is the ability for certain classes to kite is us the 5 to 9 meter range where we have few options. This adds a counter to it.


    IMHO a shield is not worth it either since you are taking mostly tech/force damage in PVP.

  4. It would be nice if cleanses were buffed and simplified, and made a tad more available.


    Or make cleanse AOE, too, heh.


    Then I'd have much less complaint. But its ridic now. I can't walk around anywhere without my speakers throbbing at me.

  5. The only time I have minded them is when I have a fresh 60 (well, 55 at the time) and I was just starting the PVP gear grind. Some chars I didn't save comms up. I felt more bad for my teammates than myself.


    In any event I don't mind them but even if I did they are great because they only last a few minutes and you get a notch toward your daily/weekly objective in very quickly. So they never bother me.


    I just wish I could blacklist Hypergates.

  6. I looked and it doesn't apply to most sets as the bonuses are very discipline specific, but as a jugg I was not too impressed with my immortal set bonus options while the vengeance set bonus 4 is pretty sweet and applies to any disc (10m reduction in saber throw min range deadzone). I wish I could go back in time to mix/match my sets before I realized that and wasted comms on more immortal pieces than I should have. I am immortal but generally go for more dps gear, so it would have been fine and I'd be happy sacrificing a 2% bonus here and there for the range. Just saying - do your diligence on bonuses before impulse buying like I did =(.
  7. Do not want people to do sh*t in huttball?


    Easy. Do not calculate anything. Just score. When the match is done, winners get like 10-15 medals, loosers like 5-7 as a thank you for playing. Rage quiters don't get anithing, every1 else get even of what their team scored. Why it should work?


    1) No motivation to do sh*t. No additional medals for killing, healing, dps, pass, defend... well anything!!!!!

    2) You are even more motivated to win, becouse you want more medals.

    3) Which brings us to people trying to do usfull things. If you want to win, get better at the game. If you just do sh*t, you team is more likely to lose, you get less medals.


    Like I said. Easy. :cool:


    No more idiots spiking for points?


    In any event this could apply to pretty much all the objective based warzones. You might even have people wanting to do non-popular things like guard nodes since it would be the easy job.

  8. Oh, that will be really nice. So basically pretty close to comms being shared via legacy, but even a bit better in some aspects since armors can be shared.


    It would be nice if there was some kind of reward other than ranked that was harder or took more dedication to obtain, though. If that's' true then it won't take long at all to get a T2 set if you have lots of alts. Ranked is hard to count given the state of queues, trolls, wintrades and other systemic flaws.

  9. Also this is usually with me letting myself die on long story instance runs or areas leading to them with high density mobs.


    If you are non-stealth its fastest to just run your character through to the objective area and train all the mobs you'd normally fight. Then just let yourself die right in front of the green instance entrance or wherever your objective is if you are inside (since inside their aggro wont reset). You'll die but you can self res in 4 seconds, at least the first death. It can save easily 30 minutes of pointless fighting in each spot. Since you are running faster than stealth, its actually often faster than what a stealth class can do. So typically when I am doing the plow runs I wont fight a thing except the end boss, pop Heroic Moment, then move on to the next chain.


    Also a few strategic deaths can jump your char to the nearest med center, which might leap you forward, but you have to be confident where they are.


    Also another tip is when you enter an area leading to the final encounter of a chain, there is usually a QT point just a few hundred meters further. Its worthwhile to pass up the objective area first, get the QT unlock, then back pedel just a bit and complete that part of the chain. Then when you finish the objective you just QT to the newly unlocked and you aren't double running. This happens on Hoth a lot and certain points in Alderan. Or make sure to get the QT point before embarking on your segment so you can QT back to the train and move to the next area, like on Corellia -- there you are level 55 already but that area is nothnig but travel so...and you gotta get it done eventually.


    Other planets not so much, like Belsavis and Voss.


    Ultimately 70% of the 12x is travel grind - so look for ways to cut that.

  10. Everyone is different of course, but these are good estimates. Some will do it faster, some slower.


    Ya I do Makeb. I'm just giving a few examples. There are plenty before Voss when you hit 47. Another example is Taris Sith Inquisitor on second mission where the right convo choices lets you dodge farming bear pelts before meeting with Ashara the first time.

  11. Solo is about 10-15 hours doing nothing but grind and spacebars, depending on class and choices.


    You can shave an hour if you know the right conversation choices to make travel time less, for example on Correlia Sith Inquisitor if you pick the convo choice that you remember the guy from Balmorra, you can go straight to the final story instance. If you don't remember him or lie you have to run around on marking animals with pheramones which takes 30 mins. Same on other planets. Or light side choices on SW can save hours since you don't have to do fights.

  12. I watched the class streams and they commented that they have an AC change function on their internal dev server, but it is still buggy. So they are making some kind of functionality, either for internal purposes or future product/services delivery, but it is not ready either either way.
  13. I am playing a light side warrior after having done dark side the first run through. I find it pretty interesting and surprised at how much dialogue and story elements have changed and how people's lives I have spared have ended up showing up later on for various reasons. I don't always pick the wimpy choices which tend to be light side (usually there are also neutral options) as yes some of them do take my bad-assery down a notch, but overall it turns LS and its pretty darn good.
  14. legacy boost and stim in pvp will make you level from 12 to 30ish very fast. then it slows down


    i like the legacy ublock for exploration - very cheap and i notice a difference.


    are your other toons 50? i found that legacy powers basically make all class quest bosses a joke. if you can unlock those do so! unity really helps as well.


    also ive unlocked about 15 companions worth of presence bonuses now - they make grinding through mobs much faster since they are so much stronger at low levels. try and max affection and unlock the convo bonuses if you can.


    rocket boots make running around much faster too

  15. Personally, I generally never quit warzones but I have some understanding of leavers.


    I understand if they don't like the team, map, have a bad vibe, see its a premade, etc, and leave within the first 2 minutes.


    I understand if they leave halfway through (because it could be a real-life issue taking them afk, but I'll never know.)


    I don't mind being backfill as long as the match has started in the past few minutes. I don't mind coming in toward the very end of a match if I'm trying to do the daily (hey, free match played with practically no time investment!). It is annoying pre-50 and not getting ANY rewards if you don't have time to scrape a medal, but if I'm getting daily credit its fine. If I have done my daily already I'll just leave and re-queue.


    That said I do think there should be a lockout if you quit a WZ after it THE PLAYER has played for 2 minutes. Usually that's when people just rage-quit because they think they won't win. Just like a 10 minute lockout is fine. The counter should run against the players time in the match, too, and not the match itself because if I get a backfill I should have the option to quit w/out penalty since it is not a fresh map.


    They should also track /leave's after 2 minutes in your PVP stats.

  16. There is no development team any longer. Finance and marketing are running the game, and dictating to the designers. They are no longer focused on making this a great game, maintaining a sub base, but marketing to maximize profit with the least investment possible. That is why we see "re-skinning" rather then development. That is why we see focus on the cartel market while other aspects of the game are in dire need, while space missions are broken, Ops still bugged, etc.


    When applied across the board, once again, it is the only explanation that makes sense.


    Ya, sadly from the look of things they are trying to grab as much money before the game goes away. Maybe they want it to go away, maybe Disney does, I dunno, but there certainly isn't long term customer satisfaction as part of their concern - for either subscriber or F2P. And let's face it, most of their cartel market purchases I am sure come from dedicated subscribers and not free to player users.

  17. I know the robe changed to the have the chain on it (sigh, which I didn't like, but I can easily fix that at the cost of ripping mods and adding an augment to a look-a-like to the prior version), but did anything on the top robe change?


    I'm looking and it doesn't look like it, although it appears to be more grey and less black, or maybe my imagination is running wild based on these before/afters: http://dulfy.net/2013/01/08/swtor-skip-tracers-cartel-pack-and-other-cartel-market-items/. That's really too bad if so because it remember it basically being black, not black-grey. It looks a lot closer to the legacy top for Inquisitors now.


    Anyone notice anything different on the top Revan robe? Thanks.

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