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Posts posted by Kheld

  1. That's not entirely correct. 20 people might be a low point potentially. I run conquest for my guild, and I track participation. We've had as little as 31 players participate, and we won the planet we were on that week. Typically speaking those 31 players pumped out a lot, and ran through their alts to cap so potentially those same 31 players represented more than their individual status as one player.


    When crafting was a repeatable Objective, the small casual guild i'm in regularly got in the top 10 (I used to hit the personal target on 10~12 toons a week). Since it was scrapped, we haven't, so no one seriously bothers with conquest anymore.

  2. I didn't know raising influence was such a comparative pain, but if I'm not mistaken, you can use Jawa rewards from Conquest to get the gifts you need for "free". I never had a use for those rewards before, and have so many stocked up now. If this is indeed the case, should make getting its influence to something reasonable (20 or above) not too bad.


    For companions I normally get a new one up to level 15 with credits, you cant do that with CM companions. The gifts they love cant be exchanged for Common Data Crystals either.

  3. A guild needs to be a group you socialise with not just a group of players who get together to farm gear.


    Im in a multi game social guild, we do Ops, H2s, Tauntaun Races, Stronghold visiting & we also play TSW, Rift, Warthunder, World of Warships etc etc.


    The people you spend time with online need to be your friends the same as the guys you have a beer & curry with.


    As a guild we are probably busier than ever right now.

  4. The EC is in some way a solo Operation, in that it requires the same rule of entry as an Operation.


    1) You need to know the mechanics.

    2) You need a highish influence companion to increase your chance of consistent success.

    3) You need a set of gear (208 or above) to increase your chance of consistent success.


    Even then, when you have it on farm you will still occasionally die if you misclick at a key moment or balls up on a required tactic.


    Im doing the weekly on 3 toons a week (216~220 gear with Inf 50 companion). I still die reguarly.

  5. “You’ve never heard of the Millennium Falcon? … It’s the ship that made the Kessel run in less than 12 parsecs.”


    After recruiting Bowdaar, I decided to rerun the Eternal Championship the following week, then realised I had NO IDEA how to get there. In this endgame meta of H2 teleports & travel to contacts, I had forgotten I had a Starship.


    "Chewie, we're home."


    The Millenium Falcon / X-Wings / TIE Fighters / Star Destroyers are some of the most recognized shapes on the planet. Yet in the only Star Wars MMO we have, the (PvE) endgame has no GROUP Starship action in it.


    "Never tell me the odds!"


    Yes there is GSF (which I personally love), but its learning curve is brutal & most PvE players wont tough PvP with a Bargepole.


    "Ive made a lot of special modifications kid"


    I like rolling alts, as we get our ship, fly missions & upgrade the components. We need something like this at endgame.


    Imagine in a galaxy far far away..............


    1) Free flight Co-op PvE Space Missions (even Operations!)

    2) You upgrade your ship with components sourced from various ingame sources (speed/firepower/shields/special skills/crew etc)

    3) No two ships have exactly the same stats.

    4) An interior capable of being decorated & dyed, that other people can visit.

    5) A variety of external Hulls that can be modified & dyed.



  6. No, they never implied your reward depends on what others do. Just that your reward depends on how many points you have.


    The alignment of the character will be decided on the total LS or DS points accumulated by EVERYONE.




    When you play the game, the sum of all the dark side choices and light choices that everyone made during the event will impact the game and rewards you get – i.e. One of the new companions you can get as rewards is a brand new companion we havn’t seen before. Depending on which side wins the companion will either be a light side based or dark side based companion. This will change their appearance, personality and combat abilities.

  7. Ive been thinking for a while that Bioware had forgotten the "Star" part of "Star Wars".


    When I wanted to do the Eternal Championship again after I had recruited Bowdaar, I had no idea how to get to Zakuul (in this age of teleporting to H2s or Alliance Contacts).


    Then I eventually remembered I had a starship!!! Its been that long since I used it.


    I love GSF, but its got a brutal learning curve as a PvP arena, and the majority of PvE players wont touch PvP with a bargepole.


    We need a co-op, free flight space battle PvE experiance in a Star Wars game.

  8. So, my goody two shoes Sage was doing some Heroics with Darth Marr, and a surprising thing happened. She fell for him. I guess its true that every good girl loves a bad boy. Then I did KOTFE.....


    This ones for you Marr (sung to Queens Bohemian Rhapsody).


    "Imperial Rhapsody"


    Is this our real life?

    Is this just fantasy?

    I'm caught in carbonite,

    No escape from Zakuul you see.


    Open your eyes,

    Look up to the sky and see,

    I'm just a poor Sage, I need no sympathy,

    Because I'm Lightside five, no dark at all,

    Lightside high, Darkside low,

    Now anyway the Force flows doesn't really matter to me, to me.


    Darth Marr, just killed a man,

    Put a saber through his head,

    Force choked him, now he's dead.

    Darth Marr, our life had just begun,

    But now you've gone and thrown it all away.


    Darth Marr ooh,

    Did you mean to make me cry,

    If your not back again this time tomorrow,

    Carry on, carry but nothing really matters.


    Too late, your time has come,

    Sent shivers down my spine,

    Body's aching all the time.

    Goodbye, you've had to go,

    You've left me all behind to face the truth.


    Darth Marr, ooh (anyway the Force flows),

    I didn't want you to die,

    I sometimes wish you'd never been born at all.


    I see a little silhouette of a man,

    Valkorian, Valkorian, will you do the Ziost dance?

    Thunderbolt and lightning,

    Very, very frightening me.

    (Vitiate) Vitiate.

    (Vitiate) Vitiate,

    Vitiate Emperor



    I'm just a poor Sage, nobody to love me.

    Marrs just a poor boy from a Sith family,

    Spare him his life from this monstrosity.


    Easy come, easy go, will you let him go?

    Darth Marr! No, we will not let you go. (Let him go!)

    Darth Marr! We will not let you go. (Let him go!)

    Darth Marr! We will not let you go. (Let me go!)

    Will not let you go. (Let me go!)

    Never, never let you go

    Never let me go, oh.

    No, no, no, no, no, no, no.

    Oh, Master Satele, Master Satele (Master Satele, let me go.)

    Valkorian is a devil put inside of me, of me, of me.


    So you think you can leave me and die in front of my eyes?

    So you think you can love me and run off to die?

    Oh, Marr, can't do this to me, baby,

    We Just gotta get out, just gotta get right outta here.


    (Oh, yeah, oh yeah)


    Nothing really matters,

    Anyone can see,

    Nothing really matters,

    Nothing really matters to me.


    Anyway the Force flows.

  9. Yuun used to give a Gand version of "Geronimo!" when I sent him into combat which was highly amusing (to me).


    Now hes virtually silent.


    Any chance we could get it back?


    Or even have an option to turn on & off companion in-combat chatter?

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