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Posts posted by Theidan

  1. Forums are a good temperature gauge of how healthy a game is if you understand it objectively.


    I was playing SWG during the introduction of the NGE and the CU an the forum community was the voice SOE should have listened to, but they didnt and they regretted it.


    That was THE greatest movement of players against developers that had ever happened in all of gaming history, so much so, even broad sheet newspapers were reporting on it.


    Fellow players and the developers should head the general consensus of forum content or ignore it at their detriment.

  2. This games entire future isnt based on your induvidual boredom.


    And Modern Warfare 3 is the new Doom, we heard it all before.


    My individual boredom appears to be not so individual if the forums are to be believed. I paid £40 British pounds for this game, you really think I want this game to be another generic MMO failure?

  3. This game is not even close to Age of Conan at launch and you comparing to it is ridiculous :rolleyes:


    I fail to grasp where you read I was comparing this to AOC's launch? I'm talking about the games concepts which caused mass exodus of players, the very same sufferings swtor has now.

  4. Well, you sure aren't going to like a lot of MMOs then. Not just TOR.


    I've played


    Anarchy Online

    Star Wars Galaxies

    Eve Online

    Ashton's Call


    World of Warcraft

    World War 2 Online

    Everquest 1 & 2


    Lord of the Rings Online


    Age of Conan


    So I am well versed in MMO gameplay; at the ripe old age of almost 30 I've been around, so have much to compare swtor to.

  5. You buy mass effect because that is what the game is, dialogue and options that EFFECT the outcome of your gameplay, not so in swtor.


    And sorry but first an foremost swtor is suppose to be a MMO not a MUD, so basing it's whole concept of success on its dialogue is extremely risky.


    I you had played AOC, you would know that running Tortage X number of times listening to the same dialogue over and over again got old extremely quickly.


    There is only so many ways you can tell players to go fetch apples and by level 40 in this game it's boring, rolling an alt you discover the same unfortunately.


    When you get past the excitement of the dialogue, what exactly does this game have? Part from the star wars setting, currently, very little; which is why I reiterate my point that the game lacks any real substance at the moment.

  6. I think I'm just going to go back to playing Skyrim and give up on MMO's completely.


    It's a shame that games like Skyrim, GTA, Saints Row and Assassins Creed etc create a more believable, interactive and free roaming worlds than most MMO's released today. The massive means nothing, the RPG was lost years ago, now we're just left with M and O.



  7. I'm not a grinder, I have enthusiastically enjoyed the dialogue and story so far, but at level 40 both the class and regular quests are repetitive, which I'm sure you will see.


    I've played at my own pace, I'm on holidays afterall so don't consider I've rushed through the content at all.


    And the light/dark choices have very little impact on story development which has been of great disappointment.

  8. Has anyone played that?


    I joined at launch and the voice acting an cut scenes in that were a great novelty at first but got tiresome the 3rd or 4th time around, even mashing buttons to bypass the conversations was tiresome.


    It was the same with Tortage, where you were forced to run the same area over and over again and listen to the same dialogue over and over again each time you wanted to create an alt.


    The game had a large launch but very soon, players released what little depth the game actually had and started the mass exodus until it is now Free to Play.


    Bioware have used the same kind of model, except, the dialogue is applied to the whole game!


    I've been playing for only 8 days and have a level 40 assassin and a level 10 commando; and I'm already space barring the dialogue because it's all very samey, repetitive, guises and worded slightly different but not enough to remain interesting.


    I've become tired of the levelling process because it's all the same yet the higher I get in level the more travelling I have to do just to complete one quest; it's not so bad but the amount of loading screens and the time it takes to load these areas is boresome.


    Crafting isn't very interactive as I just send crew off to gather and craft and I just wait.


    PvP has been good fun but the battle for alderan is extremely laggy, the other defend attack map is extremely buggy so I only enjoy huttball, but the loading times in and out of the pvp zones are dire.


    All in all I seem to be doing nothing but waiting, waiting for loading screen after loading screen which gets worse the higher level you get because of more travelling.


    I loved this game at first, I didn't play Beta, but after only 8 days I'm bored it doesn't bode well for the future.

  9. Everytime I try to enter a Warzone when I'm on Hoth, I spawn into the Warzone but within 5 seconds I'm taken out of the Warzone and appear at the shuttle on the imperial fleet.


    This never happens to me on any other planet other than Hoth.


    I would also like to mention that the loading time for Hoth is crazy in comparison to the quick loading times for other planets.

  10. I understand that the auction house should be centred on our prime planets, however, the amount of travel needed to reach the auction house is probably playing a big factor in the amount of use it gets.


    Please would you consider moving the GTN to the Imperial and Republic fleets as these appear to be the most logical central points due to the plethora of vendors and trainer here and access to flash points etc.


    Perhaps move speciality vendors onto prime worlds or alternatively provide a 10% deduction of auction fees if using the GTN on your prime world.


    We must stimulate the economy, quantitive easing is not needed as of yet, open up more routes of trade and provide a discount and you will stimulate the economy.


    Should you wish to use my financial consultancy skills again, it will be charged at a rate of 1 billion credits, per hour, delivered to me in 100 credit batches in the backs of naked Jawas.


    Should there be any discrepancies, I will feed said naked Jawas to my pet Wampa who has just had a perm that's gone wrong and is feeling sorry for herself so I need to cheer her up.


    Yours faithfully

    Sith Lord Theidan

  11. With all my kick butt abilities I would find it extremely useful to have an additional row of action slots in the main centre of the interface.


    Having to put abilities off to the left and right hand sides means I can't be as pro-active with them as I'd like and I find myself prioritising importance of what should and shouldn't be on there, but I would love all my combat abilities in the centre please.


    Turn my sad face upside down.



  12. Am I missing something in that my ships droid has healing capabilities albeit poor, but when taking him out into the field he will not automatically heal me should I come under attack.


    Is this correct in that he is only for utility and not for any form of combat assistance?

  13. Please I beg of you, don't even consider implementing cross server groups for either PvP or LFG.


    I can speak from a WoW experience and how so badly it damaged the sense of community and renowkn amongs your fellow server players.


    I am loving this game, because you have to travel to your group locations and spend time looking for players whilst doing other things, I have talked to more people in this game in the last 3 days than I have probably done in over 6 months in WoW.


    WoW zones died because of the LFG, they are barren of players and the world is dead.


    PvP cross server also killed any sense of server community and nobody could gain notoriety or infamy because you never saw anyone from you server so you couldn't build tactics or socialise with fellow players from your server who had a common interest or goal in PvP.


    It's so nice just meeting people in the world, being able to help out lower levels when I can and seeing the same players in PvP just excites me to play more so I can revenge my death etc.


    Don't emulate WoW in this way as once you have crossed that line, there will be no going back and the world you lovingly created will be a barren deserted waste of space.

  14. Hi Bioware,


    Your game is splendid and I am having an excellent time immersed in the worlds you have created.


    I just wanted to let you know not to be disheartened by the whining on the forums, they represent a very small vocal minority and it is to be expected during launch of such a highly anticipated game.


    I was there when WoW launched and it was the exact same, so many flames to BBQ with, but it's the way of the MMO.


    So I just wanted to say thank you for making my Christmas and free time that little bit more enjoyable through your great game.


    Haters goona hate me

    Fanbois goona love me

    Why can't we all be friends

    DIE Republic!!

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