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Posts posted by Theidan

  1. I bought a brand new car yesterday.


    It was delivered today.


    It had no tyres, the indicators constantly flashed, the seats didnt have any padding so I was sitting on raw metal and the CD Player kept on playing music by Jedward with no off button.


    I happily sat in my new car and enjoyed the smell, extremely happy that I had bought a a brand new car with all these problems that were going to get fixed real soon.


    It's been 6 months now, so far I have some seat padding..... still waiting on those tyres.


    It's okay though, its a brand new car, you expect problems like this right?



  2. This will be the day after the free 30 days of play time will be over. That means all the WoW fanbois will be leaving and going back to rescue the Panda's. Then we can read these forums without sifting through the 1000's of QQing post.



    Yeah Fat Jabba, less people means less money spent on development. You will have more content playing Moshi Monsters

  3. Made up statistics are made up. *rolls eyes*


    9.9% of people will fall in love with a company so much they will blind themselves to any truth


    The same 9.9% will also tend to die from putting their hand in a blender whilst it is switched on and plugged in because they forgot to put the lid on and that last bit of hard stuff that needs to be mushed just wont budge.

  4. I login

    I'm on my ship

    I fly to fleet

    I get loading screen

    I run through space dock

    I get loading screen

    I get off the lift

    I get loading screen

    I do some pvp

    I get loading screen

    I finish pvp

    I get loading screen

    I get back on the lift

    I get loading screen

    I run through space dock

    I get loading screen

    I jump on my ship

    I get loading screen

    I select Hoth

    I get loading screen

    I get off my ship

    I get loading screen

    I get to to the lift

    I get loading screen

    I get off the lift

    I get loading screen

    I do some quests

    I do some pvp

    I get loading screen

    I finish pvp

    I get loading screen

    I do some more quests

    I bump into a glass wall

    I do some exploring

    I get exhaustion

    I use my fleet pass

    I dont use my fleet pass its still has 18hours of cooldown left




    I get back on the lift

    I get loading screen

    I run through space dock

    I get loading screen

    I jump on my ship

    I get loading screen

    I fly to fleet

    I get loading screen

    I run through space dock

    I get loading screen

    I get off the lift

    I get loading screen


    Good things these loading screens are pretty damn awesome because I sure was annoyed that I was getting interruptions from a game in between.

  5. I can comment for the United Kingdom only, but statutory law overwrites anything that a Eula can or may contain.


    If the product you purchased is:


    A: not fit for its intended purpose


    B: not as described


    C: not of satisfactory quality


    Then you have the legal right to reject the product and request a refund.


    If you purchased the game within the last 7 days ONLINE, you can pursue a refund through the distance selling regulation Act.


    Any rejection of your statutory rights by Bioware/EA employees means you would have to pursue this through Civil Courts to obtain your refund.

  6. I went to the doc out of frustration and here is our conversation:


    Doc: whaz up?


    Me: I'm frustrated


    Doc: whys that?


    Me: I've been hoping for an MMORPG for sometime now but I'm just getting the MO, what's wrong?


    Doc: ah you got swtor


    Me: what? What's swtor?


    Doc: its an MO that's trying to trick you into thinking its an MMO some patients even thinks its an MMORPG, some even say its a SOG!


    Me: ah that's why I have all these bugz?


    Doc: Bugz? What bugs?


    Me: to be specific


    - music intermittent

    - sound effects intermittent

    - cut scene visuals not loading properly

    - mounts and flight path mounts not spawning so your character floats

    - attack animations not going off

    - delayed spell animations

    - extremely long loading screens for some planets, Hoth and Taris uh uh

    - mobs in the floors and walls

    - invisible mobs

    - mobs with extremely irregular aggro ranges

    - companions with poor pathing that aggro mobs

    - map indicators not showing correctly

    - inconsistent damage output from the same mob types

    - warzone lag

    - getting kicked out of warzones and removed to the Korriban shuttle

    - companions spazzing out with their heads going berserk on lifts

    - getting one shotted by boss mobs on your class quest at appropriate level

    - mobs inconsistently breaking stealth

    - companions breaking your stealth

    - getting stuck in combat when you killed everything

    - stuck on combat and can't stealth

    - mezz a mob and get stuck in combat

    - random crash to desktops

    - group quest progress not updating

    - intermittent issues sharing group dialogue

    - intermittent visuals on group dialogue scenes

    - raid frames intermittently working


    Doc: okay okay, stop, I get the picture.


    Me: what can I do doc?


    Doc: well, you could keep on paying a fee in the hope that the swtor gets better, but as many have complained a sensation of being in a fish bowl with its instancing and extremely linear path, I wouldnt advise carrying on paying a fee for something that has this many things wrong with it.


    Me: uh ok


    Doc: it would be like buying a car with so many engine faults that you could just sit in it, enjoy the smell and have fun with the windscreen wipers, but as for driving it, forget it.


    Me: your so right doc, I would have to be a crazy capitalist to think a company would have my interests at heart instead of their profit margins, but I can see how people can get easily brainwashed; like those religious nuts on the telly.


    Doc: Yup, I'm going to prescribe you some patience. Patience and hope that MO's are consigned to history and MMORPG's return.


    Me: cheers doc, now what can you give me for these crabs!

  7. Well as a shareholder I wish you would have gathered your other shareholders and held a knife at SOE's throat when they announced what they were going to do with the NGE kick off. Assuming you were a shareholder then. Part of the dip you saw was me and our 600 signed people demanding SOE not incorporate the NGE changes. They closed our accounts as a response. Coulda used that shareholder power then...lol things would have been much different w/o the NGE.


    It was the NGE that caused some of us to invest in SOE so we could have input and communication with them, but unfortunately our share size wasn't large enough for SOE to pay attention.

  8. I wasn't aware that one game determined the profitability of an entire company. Nor that SOE, king of all ruthless cash grab companies, would keep an MMO alive at cost to their profitability until LucasArts ordered them to shut it down! Tell me more about this new theory of economics and contracting that you have!


    The sub censuses were clear. It was profitable.



    Also, if this game is so doomed to failure, why has it not done as AoC did? AoC sold a million units in the first week or so due to the hype the developers made for it, then sales dropped off considerably, as did subscriptions.


    So why is, contrary to this ridiculous belief of yours, it that the subs are still rising?


    I have no idea what your referring to about one game determining a companies profitability.


    SWG hemorrhaged subscribers after CU and dipped in an out of profitability until WoW launched, then it fell into deficit until they scaled back development and the supporting team and subsequent marketing failed to attract new subscribers.


    At no point have I mentioned SWG determining the profitability of SOE. As an SOE shareholder I am entitled to information pertaining to the direction of my investment. Pulling the plug on a major IP was considered a detriment to both SOE and Lucasarts, the game was kept on lifesupport until swtor launched so it could now out respectfully. If SWG was profitable then why would the plug be pulled?


    When you have played as many MMO's and understand that base subscriptions and pre order numbers are extremely vague in providing a future picture of profitability, then you will grasp what I'm saying.


    And my economics is fine thanks, I regularly trade in Forex, hedge funds and FTSE 250 futures.

  9. SWG wasn't profitable I'm sorry to say, as an SOE shareholder, my portfolio said differently.


    And if you think swtor isn't full of false promises just like AOC, watch the dev interviews on how different combat is supposed to be in swtor.


    Only difference I see is no auto attack and ability delays which are bugs.

  10. There is over a million of people playing this game. 50 of those are whining about the game on this forums.


    I dont think this is even remotely close to ever become a generic mmo failure.


    Please be realistic.


    Tell that to Funcom, AOC at launch had over 1 million subscribers, after the first month they hemorrhaged players; it is now free to play and you pay for I game items.



    So I'm being extremely realistic.

  11. SWG was not profitable and hadn't been for a number of years, it was kept on life support because Lucasarts didn't want their reputation damaged from having the plug pulled on it IP because of poor design decisions.


    Gamers will vote with their feet and the more that leave the less development will be invested in this game, so even the fan boys suffer, so it's rather ignorant to say the whiners should go away, because they are paying customers too and are entitled to just as valid opinion on a product they paid for.

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