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Everything posted by Mjollnir

  1. A good example of what I was stating. If it does happen, it would have been nice of the Devs to let us know here in order to appease the community.
  2. Any chance you can put a link up to the Twitter post Tom? Would be interesting to see if we get a response there again. The Devs need to start showing a little transparency in their decisions for this game, especially when it comes to upcoming features that will keep the existing player base here. Case in point is what is happening with APac servers. To be told "a few days", then silence for weeks makes it look like they want to bury the thread and hope all is forgotten, and people stay subbed. The occassional update, even if they were to say they are still crunching the numbers, or waiting for F2P would at least keep some people happy. On a side note, would really be nice to have info posted on the official site, and not have information solely released via Social Networking sites. Maybe I'm a bit of a ludite, but i really dislike Facebook, etc, and I should be able to find relevant information about the game on this site as well.
  3. Seeing as it has now been a week, any chance we might be able to get an update on this evaluation?
  4. Thank you Bioware for the additional slots to place us on par with the other servers. Any chance we will get some news soon about the server population issues? It has been past a few days now, and any additional feedback would be greatly appreciated.
  5. I have to agree with you here. Many a time EAware has said they will take action on various tasks, yet have not followed through. Thank you Joveth for the official response. I'm glad the Developers are taking notice, though I would like to see these words put into action.
  6. From memory during the GM Summit, it was brought up and Legacy Datacrons was something they said they were working on. Whether it ever sees the light of day is another matter.
  7. I decided to vote with my wallet. Even though I still enjoy the game, I don't see why any of us should be paying the same subscription without equal benefits. It may only be something as slight as 4 additional character slots, though it is the principle of the matter. As you said, it feels as though we are being ripped off.
  8. Here's the response from forwarding a ticket about this several days ago. Apologies mean squat if nothing is being done. Like the most recent Dev post, it's the same 'ol generic slap in the face to the Oceanic community. Decent customer service would at least try and appease us, rather than continuing to upset the player base. EAware has show total disregard to any issues that have arisen from this weeks maintenance. Even the US/European have been getting vague, uninformative responses to issues regarding character names, last minute announcements of additional server mergers, etc. They seem to have all their hopes pinned on F2P making this game successful, yet they seem to be happy to drive off their actual paying customers.
  9. "Oops, we forgot" and the "we'll get around to it soon" responses are not exactly helpful. As paying subscribers, Oceanic players should be receiving the same level of service as US/European customers. Oceanic servers made it into the Consolidation list here, yet nothing was done due to negligence.
  10. Maybe they have a 12 month return policy on the hardware. +1 and /signed
  11. 1) When will Oceanic servers be receiving their four additional character slots as has happened with US/European servers? 2) What is the future of Oceanic servers? Will these be merged as the community has been suggesting, or will they be emalgamated into the US servers again? 3) Will we still be seeing the Same Gender Relationship content any time soon (originally slated for this year)? 4) Are steps being taken to improve artwork for endgame character items (armour especially)? 5) When will we see decent communication about the future of this game, rather than the continual "soon" response? There have been numerous "promises" that have been made in the past, discussed, or even promoted, and yet the communiy no longer knows what will is still being worked on, and what has been binned (eg SGR, Space Battles, Story Content, HK-41, etc.)
  12. Still waiting on my four as well. It makes me feel like a valued customer when I pay the same subscription as everyone else, without equal benefits.
  13. I find this quite insulting that a whole server community was overlooked regarding this issue. Not only were the Oceanic servers down for 12 hours (including the 4 hours of extended maintenance), but we do not get the additional character slots seen on other servers. And this time, unlike the games launch, you decide to tell us after the fact instead of hours before release, so I can't even say communication is improving. Seeing as we are still paying you money to play this game, why are we getting a service of lesser quality that those on US/European servers? (I'm only referring to character slots here, as there is a major debacle as well regaring queues and lack of English speaking servers in US/Europe).
  14. I think it was more the case that people complained because the game was not being launched until approximately 3 months after the rest of the world. It was only later we found out it was because they were opening servers in the Oceanic region.
  15. Yep.. Exactly what i thought. Death Watch have not changed. The general populace of Mandalor are pacifists according to the Clone Wars series, with Jango Fett being an exception to the rule.
  16. I wonder if any of them watched the original series of Star Trek. For good ol' Kirk, as long as it was bipedal, he would bed it.
  17. Because Lucas is a control freak over his franchise. It's understandable he needs to protect his franchise, but he is happy to change his own canon if it means makiong more profits. A classic example of late is cancelling the Republic Commando novel series due to the Clone Wars cartoon suddenly deciding Mandalorians are now pacifists. As for Wookiees, I have no idea. Back when the Republic Commando game was being developed, the original concept was for the main character to be a Wookiee freedom fighter on Kashyyk fighting of Separatists, and presumably Clone Troopers. Lucas had the idea that players could not attach to a character where you had to read your dialogue, so put a veto on the idea. Once again he placed a veta on Wookiees for TOR as well.
  18. Try the Enjin recruitment page. You may be able to find something there. As previously stated, healers are in high demand.
  19. It should also be noted the Group Finder was near the top of their list during beta, though the community kicked and screamed about how it would destroy the playing community, so it was dropped from launch. Sure EA/Bioware have made mistakes in the game, though the community needs to also take some responsibilty as well.
  20. I am wondering why there is so much negativity towards Same Gender relations being in game. So two characters of the same gender is bad. Inter-species relationships are ok. And let's not forget the incestial overtones within the original Star Wars movies. Personally it should be an option for people. If you don't like it, don't use it, but at least allow others to be able to make a choice in their game play as well.
  21. Found this in stock in France for 49 Euro Sweden for 829 kr
  22. Any chance you can share a link with people on how you "know" they will allow repecs? Hopefully if you provided that information, we could stop the multiple threads on this topic.
  23. My intent is to state that this was brought up back in beta, and they would not budge prior to release. Once anybody made level 10, you are directed to your quest to choose an advanced class. Part of that quests states you should choose carefully, because it can not be changed and decision is final. No idea how this could be made any clearer. I think EA/Bioware have some higher priorities in game that need to be fixed rather than respeccing advanced classes. I'm sure it's not as simple as switching a button and you Guardian is now a Sentinel. They're will have to be a whole other level of coding to swap out gear, etc... unless your happy to have your respecced character with an inventory of gear that they can no longer use.
  24. I'm not for it at all. The devs have been pretty clear, even back in beta, that they had no intention of allowing advanced class respecs. All the information regarding classes is there, along with previews of the talent trees, both online and in game. It even states your decision will be final, as it should be.
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