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Everything posted by FLScuddie

  1. that's pretty crap. I run max settings with a 700 dollar rig i built. Even on ilum. Game looks great and no lag. Game looks a thousand times better.
  2. It takes 4 days to get to 50, I have a couple, big deal. Believe whatever you like. Just saying it might be nice to have a server unaffected by all of the junk from the first few months of paid beta. I got the game as a gift with a 2mo gamecard.. I have nothing invested so whatever whatever.
  3. you are right.. nobody took advantage of the ilum exploit. Nobody was getting, like 1k valor a minute.. I don't have a BH that went from valor rank 18 - 60 in one night. You are right.. the game is totally bug/exploit free and has been since launch.
  4. The sudden influx of overnight BM's and war heroes. Since there won't be a rollback.. how about a post exploit server.
  5. How about a new server once all these crazy exploits have been fixed?
  6. if there was no incentive then yeah, there'd be tons of "for fun." However, while you and your guild are out farming noobs on tat.. other people are getting gear..
  7. The fact that on the first list, damage on you breaks most of those. On the second (swtor) you sit and take damage for 6 seconds unable to do anything.
  8. PQs are the best thing that ever happened to WAR.
  9. I did it in 4, it's not that hard if you got 1 other 50 that can help. 42-50 can be done in just over 8 hours if you bust ***. Get to ilum no later than 48.5. the quests there will get you 50 in under an hour. Also, get a loan and carry sacks of companion gifts.. you'd be surprised how crazy the xp is from just 4 minutes of talking to em. after each planet. Space missions.. only do the green and better ones, obviously... 26k xp each when you first get em for an easy 8 minutes of your life is worth it.
  10. it's an exploit, you can make it happen whenever you want. a bug randomly happens.
  11. last week tera beta was low rez graphics. Make sure to dl the new client/patch. this weekend is high rez.
  12. ***.. I get 30fps in heavy ilum pvp with max everything onna system i built 4 days ago for 700 bucks.
  13. Yeah i just had a voidstar with "twirly lightning stun, another twirly lightning stun, followed by lay on the ground and have a tantrum stun, followed by another twirly lightning stun." Fun times were had by all while i watched my screen unable to do anything for the full duration of each.
  14. I just built a new rig lastnight, and was re-downloading the game to check performance gains. I havn't played in over a week. Happened to log into the forums and read this. Download canceled. Sub, canceled. I never thought I'd see the day where a game was WORSE than Warhammer.
  15. Warhammer online was a steaming pile of ****. The devs are very familiar with pvp.. sucky pvp.
  16. I'll just keep presuming the worst. It's worked sofar.
  17. Uh, I've done him plenty of times with only a shadow and a jedi tank(can't rememebr the name at the moment) inturrupting.
  18. They've done a bang-up job so far.
  19. Because the truth is.. If it CAN be.. it WILL be. If you don't believe this, you are new to the internet.
  20. I enjoy it over in 120 seconds from the starting buzzer.
  21. I actually prefer the lagged morter volley. You can start running away before the last 2 shots land. Drop it on the door in voidstar, and as soon as the cast time hits the end start running or charging something else. The last two shots will still fire. I use hail of bolts a lot in wz for interrupts. People start to expect it, then you drop a morter on them, with 2 grav rounds during the last of the volley, and a demo at the end, and you end lives.
  22. btw, I'm one of those multiple 50's with sets of top end gear so I'm talking from experience, not some QQ jelly thread.
  23. it's prettymuch trash. 3 warzones.. all broken. "open world" pvp that only matters on one map. lvl 1-50 in 4 days (less if you do zero fking around). Gear is insanely easy to get. (Barely over a month in and people with multiple sets of top tier pvp and pve gear) You can roll both factions on the same account, on the same server, and there is a cross faction market... Obvious favoratism to the Empire. I'm not just talking skill imbalance either. The stories, the modeling, etc etc. It's no wonder there was a huge imbalance away from Repubs. Yeah, it's got an ok story, but who the fk pays a monthly sub for a single player rpg. I'm really not surprised. To be honest, the game is more like an MMO than I thought it'd be. I'm just glad i got it as a gift with a time card, and didn't put any of my own money into it.
  24. @OP dunno what to say. Every single WZ counted for me yesterday, and Ilum (at least on Warriors of the Shadow server) was counting better than before they broke it.
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