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Posts posted by Al_Sparagus

  1. Hi all,


    I am fortunate enough to be able to load the game on my comp at work, however I really do work and can devote minimum attention to the game. I was wondering if sending out slicing missions ever 10 minutes or so would be marginally profitable? Has anyone do this math on this?

  2. Player is reporting an issue he see's with bot's farming credits and is reporting the lack of action against said bot. Why flame the person reporting the issue? We need people to call out problems in the game for it to get better and not flame them for reporting problems.


    Don't blame others for what they report they saw. Even if they report something in error or make a mistake we are all human. In this case the player is reporting a known exploit and the lack of response to address said exploit. That is important for everyone to know as it reflects on the quality of the game. If someone makes a mistake, prompt them with a "are you sure, because what I understand is this....and give the facts others can substatiate"


    This is why we can't have good MMO's people don't know how to be nice on the internet.


    There is a difference between reporting what you saw and then whining incessantly about it.


    First off if he really cared about fixing the problem he would properly title the thread. "are you kidding me" is not an attempt to fix the problem, it is an attempt to complain.


    Second, guy is acting like Bioware showed up at his house and killed his puppy or something. If it is really that bad then don't play.

  3. yea, cause a lvl 13 macroing a chest on a lvl 50 planet for 106 straight hours is SO good for the game.



    Please stop trolling.


    This is more about the lack of response by any ingame support than anything....


    I think you need to get out more, does it suck yeah. Do you need to move on? Hell yeah.

  4. Right now I am a level 11 sage, the vast majority of my damage seems to be coming from double swipe....does this hold true later on?


    Is it suggestible to keep two kits, one for questing and the other for groupind/healing?


    Planning on putting 5 points into telekinetics and the rest into seer.

  5. Patch the bugs!

    Don't take down the servers to patch!

    Balance the game!

    But don't nerf anything I that is op!

    I want good graphics!

    But my 2005 video card should run the game at full settings!

    Make a great MMO!

    But make sure it is nothing like WoW or any other MMO I have ever played!

    And throw in a pony!


    Really it seems that some people just need to complain, if you don't like the game feel free to move along.

  6. I have played MMOs for over 10 years now and so does my wife.


    We both have played male and female characters, because that is just what they are CHARACTERS.


    I prefer not to play female characters because every 5 seconds you get some pimply teenager living in his moms basement trying to hit on you. That really is the biggest drawback.

  7. ya the evil republicans you know the guys who think people should work for a living and earn what they got instead of relying on the GOV to supply stuff for them. your also talking about the people who give THERE OWN money personaly to charitys while the pther party likes to STEAL every last cent they can from people so they can give it to members of there own party to vote for them



    so one party in america makes most of the money while one Steals most of the money i wonder wich is the evil party???????


    LOL, wow do you really spell that bad or did you just bang on the keyboard like a monkey in a rage?


    So easy to get the rubes riled up.

  8. Bioware has admitted there was a problem with hi-res textures, and said they are working on it.


    My question is, what is your point? Seems like saying the graphics are in a completely broken state is an extreme exaggeration.


    Even if it isn't what purpose are you trying to acheive by this post? To vent? To get them to fix it? (which they are working on) To just troll? Eight days out of launch just too long for a fix for you?

  9. I can play a skinny guy, a fat guy, a short guys, or a tall guy.


    My options for female characters are normal, tall, short, and anorexic.


    Come on Bio, I wanna play a female trooper named Helga who weighs 400 pounds and carries a gun twice as heavy.


    Seriously though, with all the problems the media has about depicting women it saddens me Bio wouldn't be more progressive in this area.

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