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Everything posted by Sardonyyx

  1. Yes, I wouldn't have said anything about the spec had I not ever run it before. While I'm not disagreeing that oil slick is a good cooldown it does not work with the spec, and if you read more I provided solutions, and I think energy rebounder would be far more valuable than Oil slick for tanks. Shoulder cannon, save it or use it? It generates threat so I want to use it when I jump in, but oh wait, I have full health. And what you described is a highly unlikely situation that you would have both of them lined up perfectly. And Kolto overload doesn't heal you if you go over 30% so using shoulder cannon takes away from the healing done by it. Shoulder cannon should be replaced with pyro's Kolto overload cooldown reducer, and also make the ability that heals you while the health monitor is up actually heal you, PTs would be on par with juggs in terms of cooldowns if this happened.
  2. As I write this I think of how badly they would screw it up if they tried it, but I think it would be nice, especially for some guilds that don't have a voice chats or can't pay for one. Also don't charge us for it, please.
  3. If you never use inc Missle then you are not good. Common sense is to keep dots on uptime constantly, if you're not using it you aren't performing on top. And everyone else you play with must be absolute garbage if you're still on top. Or you're lying, lol
  4. People that are clinging to the powertech saying it is fine, I implore to roll a sniper or a marauder and tell me that your powertech is still fine. Because I can guarantee that if you're good on a powertech you will be even better on a class that can perform.
  5. Sniper is better. Lol JK It's just play style, Pt is in your face with fire, merc is hanging back filling you full of holes from unload. mercs can heal, PTs can tank. That's all you need to know.
  6. Or it could just deactivate during the channel
  7. Sorry ,I'm not paying 5 mil credits that I have to use to pay my ridiculous repair bills, extract mods, or dump my money into whatever credit sink at the time, just to get an appearance item, which I then have to buy an aug kit for then pay to put it on, then extract from old pieces losing more money. Not to mention crafting, I have never seen such a lazy crafting system.
  8. Another /cry thread...oh boy. If you don't want to level a toon, then you don't want to play that class, if you wanted to play it bad enough, you'd level one. 55 levels is NOTHING compared to WoW and EQ2 that required millions of experience and did not have group finder at lower levels. Also in those games they had alternate skill points, where you had to do more leveling to get, in EQ you had a max of 350 points. That's way more than 45 points that you get by simply leveling up. It's not hard, you're just lazy.
  9. Just let us buy the stuff we want from the collections tab at full price there's no need for gambling packs, they suck, they're taking everyone's money and they're getting crappy items from them. No other mmo has done something as silly as this, making their players pay money to get a chance at a rare item. If people have enough money you should let them buy the items they want. It's not our fault the game went f2p and EA wanted money still. we didn't want that, we didn't want the cartel market and we didn't want all these crazy super servers that lag all the time.
  10. No, never What are you 10? Wanting Batman armor...good lord. This is Star Wars, they don't have light sabers in DCUO. Plus do you even realize that in order to get Batman armor all the crap EA would have to go through because that design is trademarked (and so is Batman himself) by DC, so they'd have to pay them a but load of cash to get it. EA does not spend money.
  11. Ok so if you're gonna turn them off why the hell do we need them. Personally I think there are bigger things for them to worry about than this, this is a VERY minor problem and is not something I would be willing to pay money for in the slightest, and if they try to charge for this implementation I think I'll just let, cuz that's ridiculous, I know they're greedy SOBs but there's a point when that becomes ridiculous and unnecessary.
  12. Stupid. You probably want Ewoks too.
  13. I made a post about all aspects of the powertech, its not prefect, but there's some good stuff in there that I think would be nice changes.
  14. Were jet charge a skill that I actually cared about I'd be on your side. although i dont understand the whining about this, after 1.4 yeah I'll admit, I wanted it pretty bad, but then I just adapted, realizing that BW will NEVER do it. You got three ranged abilities that you can open with while you move (what a concept!) into melee range, if you're in pvp and you're chasing someone just yank him, stun him, he is now in melee range.
  15. Thanks for the reply! And yeah I didn't even mention the jet charge lol, I gave up on that in 1.4, I always open with ED anyway since its ranged, only time I ever use it really. Idk I've been doing a lot of tanki on my pt lately and I just hate the tree, same with AP, pyro is fine, just squishy, hence the shoulder cannon thing (pyro is the only class that didn't get a buff to it, which makes ZERO sense since they nerfed everything else) the rebounder for tanks is just so they can use their crappy cooldowns more lol.
  16. You must just run around and dot things to get top damage, real easy to do, look at your kills though, I bet a sorc who does100k less than you has 3 times as many kills. Also can we stop saying that pyro was such an easy class..ffs, all the classes are easy! There is not one class where I really had to work at, and I've played them all except a marauder. Pyro is EXACTLY the same as it was, no mechanics changed, nothing is different except that you do less damage. How do you work harder? By spamming dots in pvp? Everyone did that before, you didn't come up with a revolutionary way to play pyro.
  17. Yeah, I'm not saying Oil slick is useless, just not a good CD for PT tanks, the energy rebounder and oil slick should be switched IMO. It's a good one for pvp yeah, but for pve it really loses its edge considering the bosses rarely miss an attack, hence the lighting it on fire in AP lol
  18. You're either on crack, or have never played a sniper. Engineering/Lethality hybrid,Explosive probe then cluster bombs from it, plus a cull...dude, things just fall. I'm sorry your little 4k hidden strike 4k backstab with 3k poison damage got nothin on a 7k EP, cluster bombs doing 12-1500 a piece, and cull doing at least 2k a second. Not to mention the three dots in that spec...I ask you, where's your burst at now?
  19. Here we go again..."they beat me so they obviously cheat" Come on...just grow up, please.
  20. I don't mean to burst your bubble, but you're only level 43 and 32, you can't accurately tell us any info about the class because you're not max level, which is mostly what these are for. When you get to 55 is when it matters, until then you shouldn't complain about underperforming in the class because you don't know what everyone else is doing, they could be higher level than you, or just have more expertise. Also the fact that you're not 55 makes me think that you started paying post 2.0 and had no idea what the class was capable of before in the spec you're running. Not trying to be an arse, just hate when lowbies come on here and complain when they have nothing to complain about yet lol.
  21. So we know that our class has suffered long and hard through the time that the game launched, but its gotten to where its almost unbearable. At least for me. The skills in the tree just do not make sense to me and there are a few things in the skill trees themselves that I think should be moved around. I do not mean to hurt feelings, or say anything bad about your favorite class/character but powertechs are broken, and not the OP broken, the broke broken. Lets start with the shield tree, right off the bat you see that the increase to aim is in this tree, that is pointless. Arsenal Mercs have the aim increase in their tree, why shouldn't we have it in the AP tree, or even switch it with the endurance increase in pyro's tree. Second, oil slick, while this is a good defensive cooldown, the powertech does not benefit from it in the same way that a Jugg benefits from any of their defensive cooldowns, and to be honest in ever notice a boss missing me when I throw that down. shield spec obviously runs off of shield and absorb rating, you shield and absorb a lot of damage from most attacks, why make them miss a little too if you're already taking reduced damage, nah that needs to be replaced with something that works with the way the shield spec is run. What they need to do is give that skill to advanced prototype, switching out the energy rebounder for it, giving shield spec a built in defensive and a better shield cd. Ill touch more on oil slick in a second, the next thing that I don't think belongs is the healing ability to shoulder cannon, I feel like this ability will be better utilized by a dps spec, preferably pyro because of its lack of defensives, switch out the Kolto overload cd reducing the pyro tree for this skill, effectively giving PYROS a 1.5 minute 8% self-heal ( maybe bump the percentage each Missle heals to like 3-5%) In Advanced prototype there are a number of things that don't make sense to me, first of all, I don't think the build should utilize rocket punch at all, I think the free ability should be rail shot, and in order to get it to crit automatically you would need to stacking ability, maybe procced from flame burst, the rotation currently just is too wonky with the cooldowns being so long. Second is reduce the CD of immolate to 12 sec, or let us spec into something that lowers the cd of both rail shot and immolate by like 3 seconds, I would love for them both to be 9 sec CDs but that's ridiculous lol. Third, change the animation for PFT, bigger, hotter, badder, idk something, make it to where you know that this isn't just a regular flamethrower, also some sort of visual/audible cue would be nice, like the PPA laugh in pyro spec. Just something to let us now we got a PFT ready to go. Back to oil slick, one thing that would be really awesome is if you could light this skill on fire with a PFT. The ability has a one minute cd, this would add burst to AP spec and also give it a solid defensive, because let's face it, it's more useful to a dps than it will be to a tank. I also think that there should be an ability to spec into that allows movement while casting a PFT, and only PFT, simply because that's what they've decided to base the spec around and it's incredibly easy to just move out of, they either need to let us move while channeling, or root people in place for the duration if they get hit with it. Another gadget type skill I'd like to see added is a shield that's active while you have shoulder cannon out, reducing your damage taken by a little bit while active and for like 10 seconds after you use the last Missle give us like 20% damage reduction,just to make upfront he loss of energy rebounder On to pyro, ill gloss over the obvious in this one, we need our damage on our cylinder and rail shot back, everyone one knows that except for BW, and theyre probably not giving it back to us so heres my solutions.The shield cannon is an ability I'd like those moved over and honestly replace that stupid Kolto overload reduc. I personally wish they would have just left the skill alone as its now become just an, eight seconds before I die bull ride in pvp, while being next to useless in pve content. Inc Missle should have a 16 heat cost, TD should be switched out for a heat blast type ability in the tank tree(not the same skill heat blast, but something that consumes stacks, but offensively instead of defensively), maybe giving us increased stacking damage on rail shot and flameburst. This ability would also vent eight heat, be on maybe a 20 sec cd, and do med damage, after you expend your damage stacks to use it. After you use it there should be like 20 seconds of automatic rail shot crits...now you'll only end up getting a max of like three out in this way but those three guaranteed crits might be able to make up for the loss in armor pen and damage. Another thing is to take that stupid volatile igniter skill away. Just throw it out and give us like a lower cd on flamethrower or DFA, something useful. So those are my ideas, I'm pretty frustrated with the class itself, and I really feel that it starts at the skill trees. You might not agree, but I think its safe to say that some of these changes would make the PT enjoyable again. Some people might question my doing away with TD, but trust me, they aren't going to put it back the way it was lol. Most build in pve didn't utilize it anyway.
  22. Good points, but I disagree with your flame burst theorem, PPA makes you're next rail shot vent 8heat, so it would make the cost of rail shot 8, not flame burst. Also Rocket punch has a 65% chance still. Another tithing that I notice you didn't mention was the nerf to the "Puncture" skill, we lost 15% armor penetration from rail shot, making us way less effective, 90% armor pen was crucial to the build, being knocked down to 75% sucks.
  23. That's just a silly mechanic. Not really a defensive cooldown if that's the case.
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