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Posts posted by Wrathoran

  1. i need help knowing if elara is bugged for me



    When i told her i liked her and we kissed, i chose the Flirt option and she told me it was against the code but at the same time, the code was saying that people should be together. After that , i won over 1000 point with her and still have no dialogue... was this all? is she bugged or do i need to be over 7000 to see the rest?


  2. @blackfriar : im sorry for your bugs but i dont have them. I never have to reboot for memory leaks. I am lvl 42 on my trooper and i dont have any sound bug so far too. Not saying this to sound like a jerk, just to let you know and perhaps look on your side more for the problem :)


    Alot of people go on about pvp>pve or pve>pvp. I do play both but one i found that have the biggest crowd is the pve. I know enough about pvp to have played it alot (won season 8 frostwyrm on wow) and was full +10 gold ranger on Aion. Ive played mmo for countless years too like the other.


    Does pve players would leave make the game crash? Yes and aion is the perfect exemple of it. There was so much people hunting lowbies, those griefers (i was not griefing but i was damn well equiped for it) were running around , one shotting every lowbie they found, they couldnt quest at all sometime. People were crying on the board , most of them wanted to try pvp and get better at it but being oneshotted, run back to your questing zone, get one shotted again is not actually fun. Pvp players said, "go back to WoW carebear".. wich they did. We got from 13 servers down to 4 in an instant. After that, griefers were on the forum saying "wth, the zones are empty! its no fun anymore". Because they said to their helpless victims to go elsewhere and they did. Thus Aion is dead. (well its pretty empty and still not very fair since pvp is based around item more then skills). We can get good exemple of how pvp broke some games too. Vanguard when they introduced pvp... they stopped working on new content, classes were destroyed in process, no more able to do content. Same goes for EQ2 when pvp started, it was a mess, a solid mess.


    Does pvp players would leave make the game crash? No and Yes, that depend of the game. Most of the games are composed of 70% pve players and 30% pvp. (talking about being hardcore about it, not someone who try it once or twice and dont go back because of premade). Im talking about a general mmo. If we are talking about Aion or Warhammer for instance, the pvp portion grow bigger since the game have a huge emphasis on it. Of course pvp population always look bigger because they are the most vocal of the people , they are mostly those who whine on the forum (im a pvp-er too). Most of the post or conflicts that you see on the board always have something about pvp and unfairness. People love to win, people hate to lose and its understandable but it is THE main reason of complains on every mmo, pvp. So lets go back to Warhammer a little bit. They managed their classes balancing sooo bad ... soooooOOOoo bad that it was horrible. In an interview (i would need to find it to show you), the developers even said that they made Order a bit stronger to make them appealing. There was so many players in the Chaos side it was disturbing. They had to make video about Order propaganda and buff them so they would be more powerful then their Chaos counterpart to interest those who only seek to be stronger. Of course it worked and both side were pretty balanced in term of population but not in term of strenght since they never switched back their ghost changes leading all the latest fort open world to be order controlled. Order were on the forum, taunting Chaos to come fight and how boring it was with empty zone. Why play when its not fair? So alot of people got away from warhammer and since it was mostly pvp-er, the game took a damn huge hit from it.


    So its just a matter of who that game was made for. Clearly starwars:ToR is meant to be a pve game. So seeing the pvp community go away, it would hurt the game but it wouldnt kill it. If all the pve-ers were to leave, yes it would kill it.


    Edit : so for people saying PVE carebears or PVP idi ots. You need to see the two side. I do raid alot as a pvp alot. For me in pvp, its easy to spot a carebears and use it for free points but as a pve guild leader, it is easy to spot a pvp-er idi ot. They jump around , do crap dps ,pull other pack etc. Of course there is blend in between, people who are able to do both.


    People just have to accept that their will is not the same for everyone and its not because they leave a game that it will stop existing. Ive seen my share of people that think they are a god amongst men and if they say "stop breathing" everybody will do.


    This game is brand new, i do feel that it should be better considering it got released near 2012 and that they aint patching the good stuff but it is my own opinion

  3. You've clearly never PvP'd or played another class if you think Juggernaut DPS is fine.


    Her let me fill you in on what 'fine' DPS looks like.





    sorry i had to get your attention.


    This video is ********. This is only a small small small fragment of the pvp, wich is the best 10 sec of a full bg. Ill start saying this for people who played rift. Pyromancer. You need all the planets align to do that.


    Just look at her buff bar, what do you see? Double dps increase battleground buff most of the time, epic adrenals, maxed out stims, cooldowns popped.


    So you are asking that a tank class that you probably play badly seeing how impressed you are with this video to compare with an AC that can only be dps (gunslinger and sniper have only 3 dps tree) that you will never be a healer and a tank, you are confined to only dps will match head to head? Thats ********


    look on the jedi forum , in the new post there is some pvp video. A jedikngiht with some pvp buff too reach some 7k crit in aoe etc. It is doable but you need to align stars and consumable , blow cooldowns to reach that


    your video is just some pvp ******** hyped moment.

  4. Please, don't tease me. I cant wait for the fanbois to drop the class. The good players know how to utilize the strengths and mitigate the weaknesses of the class. If you're juggernaut for straight dps, you're probably not part of this group.


    lol! same thing i was thinking reading the post.


    People dont realize the potential. I dont say we need need some tweaking , every class does (small nerf, small buff) but nothing dramatic , im doing everything i want just fine. I got a maxed out jugg and a 44 merc and now im leveling a jedi knight. Im really please with my jugg

  5. That is essentially killing you unless your healer can instantly get a heal off that heals for more than the next hit delivers.


    depend of the group of mob you fight. If you are in a boss fight, as soon as your EP drop, click on a medpack, 80% i survive. My healer is my wife so she know perfectly when to pick me up, timing her heal with the last second.


    If it is lesser mob , do the aoe stun + medpac

  6. Cept that DPS don't really care and they go all out.

    I usually let them die and don't taunt back if they go all out.


    A few wipes later they'll learn pretty fast.


    exactly , like a WoW hunter that dont misdirect and go pull before everyone else and keep jumping asking for healzzz. You let him die 2-3 time and let him run back, he usually learn that he is a total moron

  7. There is one problem with the Guardian that needs to be address. The damage rarely procs for the minimum about on the tool tip. For example if saber throw says it does damage of 1180-1300 on occasion it may proc for that but rare it generally hits for under that amount even when it crits. If they fix the damage output to simply what the tool tip states Guardians would be a steam roll class.


    i know you probably know that but its the raw damage it does before applying defense/talents/skills etc.


    So your saber should do 1180 to 1300 on a naked guy. If you throw it at a juggernaut maybe its 900 because of its armor. That same juggernaut is spec immortal and have invincible on, reducing that 900 by 40% making a glorious 540 damage. I usually see the "expected" value on really low value mob (that one that die almost in one shot).


    At lower level ,most mob dont have alot of armor or abilities to mitigate so up until 30 , mobs die pretty fast and you usually see the number you are supposed to. After that, the mobs become harder to kill , more hp/defense/abilities to counter us so the value is reduced by X amount

  8. Sorry but you can't read. At what point did you assume I wasn't solo in my pvp example. I am significantly more useful in warzones. I find a healer and guard them the whole time. I also keep my taunts on cooldown and interupt the other healers as much as I can.


    It has been said a few times now by people that understand the true issue. The class is underwhelming. I am a very skilled player and that is the reason that I notice it. If you can't tell that your guardian character isn't as good as the other tanks/classes then maybe it's just a case of ignorance being bliss.


    or you perhaps think you are the MMO god? Alot of people played mmo now. Alot of people do theory crafting and alot of people keybind/maccro too. Its not because you are not satisfied with the class that it is broken/underwhelming. I dont say we REALLY dont require a buff but so far its doing what its suppose to do. I tank every dungeons, no problem with threat/survivability. I got through all the questing on my jugg and mostly done with my merc, im around 40 with my guardian. They are different, more powerful? less powerful? grass is always greener on the other side of the fence.


    Like i said, ive been playing mmo for about 13 years, on every mmo i hardcore raid, got some server first on wow/rift/warhammer. Most of it was playing tanks since i love doing that job. Am i ignorant? I think not. From your perspective since i dont agree , i am.


    Its still the internet law

    Be against me and your a troll/baddy/QQer

    Be with me and you are right, flawlessly right


    Like i said, we could be tuned up a bit but i still feel like we perform "correctly". I would vote to get a Force pull though..

  9. Thanks for the expected response. Happy trolling to you, sir.


    when someone defend his opinion he is a troll

    when someone bash something because he is mad he is correct


    flawed logic


    Your rotation depend on your tree, the guy wont give you 3 sets of rotation to do. Some go Defense with dps gear , some go Defense with tank gear , some go Vigilance and some go focus. Depending how you gear yourself and how you spec yourself, it will change the way you play and we cant say a clear rotation. Try making a post explaining how you are spec, your gear etc. and now well be able to work out something for you.


    so no, he is not a troll, you are

  10. And as the playerbase learns how "bad" Juggs are there will be fewer invites for Juggs, no matter how good you may be. And if you're a perfect little snowflake who always gets invites, no matter what, congratulations but that doesn't mean the class doesn't need help.


    (And yes, I can tank as a Jugg, but I also have a Vanguard and know how much better the other side currently has it.)


    i dont see it like you. My jugg is way more single target damage and better mitigation then a powertech so far, jugg will be perfect for tanking a raid boss.


    I dont say jugg doesnt need perhaps a buff somewhere but so far im pleased with my class.

  11. the thinking is...


    i lose aggro from a tank ... ok, he can aoe taunt, he can single taunt , he have perhaps better aoe? perhaps aoe with high threat? does he have an early start on me to get the initial aggro boost? do he have guard on me? (if its possible to do that i dont know) Why are we attacking the same mobs? (tank should each tank something seperatly) Why are we 2 tanks in a 5 man? (change stance and do some dps) Is a regular party member (dps & heal) have aggro? no ? everything is fine then


    So if nobody else then a tank have aggro, you cant cry because trying to take aggro from another tank depend on skill , level, gameplay experience, the pull , the resistance of the enemies and your own way to play (skills).


    So if i was in a situation with my juggernaut where there would be a Powertech lifting off to do Death from above, i would search in the if there is a Boss (golden/silver) or if there is a golden star mob. Let the AoE king handle threat on all the ranged/runner etc. Of course you can drop a smash in to make sure that healer doesnt take aggro or whatever but concentrate on what you do best , take the highest damage dealing mob or the strongest in the group and single tank it, there is no way (except if taunt) that he will rip it from a jugg.

  12. 1) Because it would allow a single character to fulfil all roles in the entire game.

    2) Because no other game MMO-formulaic game allows you to switch classes.

    3) Because it would reduce the number of available classes to 4 from 8.

    4) Because it would discourage rerolling.

    5) Because it would discourage experiencing the different paths available in any single class reroll (because there would be no incentive to reroll the same class to begin with).


    These may not all be valid from your point of view, but they're definitely viable from the developer's point of view. It just so happens that I agree with all of them, to boot.


    i do agree witth that +1


    its not ok to level as dps then change to a great tank. Then after that people will have to catter in special roles for the raid since they can change when they would want to be let say an operative dps , the guild would make them change for snipers.


    its perfect as it is.

  13. I just read the whole post one shot. All i usually play is tank in every mmo and like Yfelsung, i did alot of wow in my career but i did try almost every mmo.


    So what's my point of view on that? I think Yfelsung is really right about everything that was discussed.


    Most people on the forum are blind people that wanna see their favorite class upped because they feel subpar, i can understand that but that doesnt mean i do agree.


    Im around 40 with my jugg so far and i got no problem tanking. The only time i was having a hard time was 1 to 13. Since i got guard and soresu form, its a breeze.


    Just to make a small WoW notice on that. I love to compare to wow too since there is alot of different class and ALOT of people played it, i could compare to everquest 2 or AION or Warhammer but not that much people played it compared to wow.


    So lets give an exemple , we are in Burning crusade, sith juggernaut is a warrior and bounty hunter is a paladin. One is king in single target, the other in aoe. Both can do what the other do, the paladin could single target tank and the warrior could aoe threat but they were not the "BEST" at it.


    So how would i react having a Powertech BH taking aggro from me?

    1- What the hell are we having 2 tanks in a 5 man group?

    2- Why the hell is he tanking MY mob(s)? (some fight require 2 tanks for mechanic)

    3- Did that ***** put a guard on me or something? (never saw if it would be applyable but i can be a reason if it is possible)

    Is it bad if he take aggro from you? No he is a tank.

    Is your class worthless and broken? No he is a tank.

    You shouldnt have that dilema under level 40 because everything is a one man tank fight. I always did fine with my jugg so far, i dont see what is the problem. As long as any other group member other then a tank dont have aggro , the rest is an epeen contest.


    ----My view on tanking with a jugg at lower level----


    I find my Juggernaut an incredible tank but if i need to go lets say on a 4 mobs pull, it require a little bit of work.


    So first of all , the juggernaut is a TAB tank for aoe, like a tabbing sunder warrior

    Lets take a low level priority i was using. So first put your defensive stance (soresu) and put guard on the person who do the best dps. Force charge in a group , smash the ground , free scream the target you wanna make sure YOU NEVER LOSE AGGRO ON (#1).


    so lets put fake number to help you guys out.

    #1 mob : 100 aggro

    #2 mob : 50 aggro

    #3 mob : 50 aggro

    #4 mob : 50 aggro


    Ok so one mob is well underway! now its time for the technique alot of beginner tank dont know about, tab attacking! You see, if you use saberward or if you got alot of defence, the skill retaliation will only cost you 1 and will come back quite often. This is the perfect ability to start mashing on different target while you still keep yourself on your main target. So tab and hit a target with it. If youre like me , sometime i pick up mob with my mouse that i know i have been neglecting and deal some damage. The goal is to keep the above number as high as possible on every mob. Those number are invisible and they are here for everyone. So its kinda like a race where you gotta beat people to. You know the mercenary gonna drop some heavy AOE, quick , smash and try hitting everyone a little bit, even if its your combo builder. Your goal is not to kill the target but to get the aggro and keep it on you, so even if you spread your damage everywhere, nobody care as long as you do your job.


    After a while you can be around


    #1 mob : 405 aggro

    #2 mob : 440 aggro

    #3 mob : 195 aggro

    #4 mob : 400 aggro


    So there you see, you been neglecting the ranged in the corner , try screaming at him or just force charge , drop one or two hit , just make sure he keep under your control so the healer doesnt take healing aggro or dps get aggro from aoe. Then return to the focused target and keep killing in the order you want. Dont forget that communication is a huge factor and assisting really help out. If someone is on the #1 , another on #2 , another on #3, everyone going all out on them ... they are really not helping the group or the situation. Why? First every target die more slowly, meaning there is more damage going on the tank for a longer period or if the aggro is spread then some people take a beating, ruining the healer's mana (or whatever the ressource). So if your group play like *******, it will always be harder to AoE tank, even more if your tank is not the "king" of that domain.


    Its all simple and easy. Alot of people will write "I know about that, im no dumb ***". But clearly , why with green/blue gear from quest my pet never steal aggro? Why in group i usually have 95% of the aggro at all time. Of course i do mistake, of course i do get lazy etc. I might lose one on 100 but still, its fairly easy and doable as a jugg.

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