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Posts posted by Wrathoran

  1. If I recall correctly, macro support for the game is coming sometime in the future.


    Since Guardians are known for their excessive number of abilities, I was wondering what macros you are looking forward to:


    I can think of a few off the top of my head:


    -Force Leap / Guardian Leap on a hostile / friendly target.

    -One button for adrenal and relic.

    -Macroing "FUS DO RAH" into my Force Push.

    -Sundering Strike / Strike macro

    - Hilt Strike / Opportunity Strike macro depending on the target's condition (not sure if that's possible)


    Any other ideas?


    i wont do fus RO dah because its a washed up internet meme that wasnt really funny in the first place (even for a die hard skyrim fan like me). Arrow in the knee was funnier.


    I would like to get..


    Dispatch/saber throw


    else then that you basically nailed the other i would like to

  2. Lol wut?


    that ^



    for the heavy armor, i had a heavy armor str endu blue chest dropping from the gold/silver droid in the heroic 4 in the cavern on tython where you need to choose between keeping the warrior legacy or the silent sage.


    so yes you can, it is up to you.


    Know that guardian suck at pvp under 25

  3. guardian are sub par to every class from 1 to 50. What you can do can be done twice better by another class. Tanking, dps etc. Does that mean we cant be good with it? no we can achieve a good result but other classes can do way better.


    Same goes arriving at 50 with no gear. Going pvp youll get @ss pounded so many times until you get gear and can try to catch up on classes that are better then you. Can you achieve greatness? yes you can.


    but an equally geared, spec, skilled vanguard will always eat a Jedi Guardian at everything

  4. Thanks for your response!


    I actually switched to a 14/27 build outlined by someone who responded to my thread and have enjoyed it since converting.


    As far as DoTs go, I actually just use my Corosive Injection Kit off Fabricator in HM KP for DoT procs now. The dmg isn't great but its a 30% chance to proc on any damaging attack and helps me boost my dmg numbers while still providing a nice tool to help stop people from planting bombs or capping turrets in PvP.


    the only thing i would change in your spec in the quote you said is stagger vs commanding awe.


    stagger = 1 more sec of immobilization with leap for 2 pts

    commanding awe = 4% resistance to ALL DAMAGE and 7.5 sec less on cooldown of an AOE STUN.


    one is clearly a winner. 1 sec immobilization is nothing, it is not a stun but a root.

  5. 11 point in trooper and you can heal everything up to 49 and heal in pvp quite well since their AOE is at 11 and at 6 you get supercharge cell to replenish some ammo and making your fast but with a CD heal instant for a couple of sec.


    BUT at higher level sorc get incredibly strong! With their bubble, aoe heal etc. they are really a pain in the neck but it take more time to get decent compared to a troopler


    sorc > trooper at higher level


    so usually i get 11 point in combat medic and the rest i go in gunnery so i can dps decent too when i dont heal. Around level 35 i was able to heal H4 alone while doing 1.5k crit each 1.5 sec with gravity round, pulling aggro from the tank if not careful. At max level though is kinda more tricky like build, its good for warzone but you cant heal a dungeon with that.

  6. Guys, we honestly need to stop QQing about our class. I'm currently a lvl 27 Jedi Guardian(focus), and I can say as a fact (imo) that we are one of the strongest classes in the game.(Also most of the classes are pretty balanced)


    Most QQers right now are around lvl 10-30, most of them complain how they get rofl stomped by other class ... Of course your going to get stomped on if your a low level class! Any class in the game will get owned by a higher lvl class. I have experienced this myself, however, I sucked it up and just lvled up some more before I pvp. And now I am having a ton of fun owning imperials who think they are good.


    And here are my reasons why our guardian class is one of the strongest in the game.


    (In no particular order)


    1. We have one of the highest burst dps in the game, achieved through the focus build.

    2. We have one of the best MAINTAINED dps in the game, through the Vigilance spec.

    3. We can tank pretty darn well, and off tank any time.

    4. The way we create mana ( focus, force bar) is unique in that we can create our own focus by just attacking guys instead of waiting for the bar to eiher to cooldown or regen.

    5. Honestly, you so called Tankers( Soresu ) "think" your weak. Think again. You guys take forever to kill, its disgusting. And don't get me started on how many defensive CD's you guys have.



    I just wanted to bring this to the Jedi community to stop the qqing monster which is in our forums. So please guys stop complaining and qqing.


    p.s ( this thread is about me qqing about qqers :p, bring it on trolls)


    says the one trick "force sweep" pony


    at level 13 with my inquisitor assassin i finished a voidstar with 190k dps and achieved a crit of 3.3k. I get to run around stealth, picking up my fight. At higher level i can disapear if something goes bad. I am as solid as an i even heal myself while hitting. I can dash really fast making a **** to catch up with in huttball. I stealth to the bridge on void star when you cross and manage to kill 5 unaware players in one blow. I can CC for 60 sec. etc. etc.


    I do play a guardian too and i dont say we are terribad (vigi/def). But i do find it is a whole lot easier and sometime funner on my vanguard (ironfist) or my assassin.


    The only thing i really like about my jedi in pvp compared to the other is the leap, force push and force stasis. It is so fun to stasis someone in fire, push someone in acid or leap to a dumb sniper near his own goal and score because im immune to pushback after the leap.


    But pvp from 1 to 49 really doesnt matter, everyone is equally strong in stats. So your opinion is not worth alot on these level, mostly coming from a one trick pony build

  7. hi there thanks for the vid.


    One thing i found out is you need to stop master strike after the second blow. Like near the beginning of your movie, i see you waiting for the third hit and the target got away (and it was dodge?) so you would to actually have to cc back / run after him. The two first hit are really quick but the delay for the third is just too long and make you lose your target more often then not.

  8. yes i am focus starved, i need to use the cd for focus point as soon as it is up. It is not "THAT" bad but still enough to be a concern.


    Well i do like to have overhead slash, speed the questing by X2, since i get the beating, point are less hard to generate


    edit: even with the focus point problem, i go from 4-5 medals to 8-9. I scored 4x time with huttball with relative ease. Compared to shien vigi(with focus) i could only walk a little bit with the ball before getting ripped to shred. Since def medal are easy to get, its like 2 each time and protecting healer really help having a succesful WZ.


    but my 2 next point will go in sunder focus point generation

  9. ive been trying vigilance + defense a little bit tonight. Mind you, my JK is just 30 so all my point are in vigilance for the moment.




    Im in soresu and with a shield. Of course since i dont have the talent to increase the point generation of sunder, it is harder. I get starved alot on focus generation in pvp at lvl 30 being vigi/def but i can top the medals and still top the chart in different aspect (sometime dps). As a pure vigi (at 30 too with shien) i was topping the meter but rarely the medals. Altought i was good a making passes in huttball , every time i carried the ball i was torn in half in a sec. With Vigi/def i can score point or defend door easily.


    The damage in term of number seem the same or almost. I was critting for 2.3k on overhead full vigi/shien and im critting for 2.1k as Vigi/def. BUT my output of dps is lower suffering from focus point generation. So i hit almost the same but i dont hit that often.


    Its funner then full vigi at the moment because i feel i can weight the balance win or lose in my team. I can distract 3 people for a while , staying alive longer or i can guard a door and still kill the oponent or give him a rough day (him escaping) in 1v1.


    Destroying healer though is almost impossible even with all the CC , im lacking enough focus to really make the kill happen BUT i can pressure it.

  10. well shien doesnt had that much more damage to tell the truth compared to survivability (im testing it right now). It is mostly the other talents in the tree like overhead slash etc.


    Soresu :


    reducing all damage taken by 6%

    increasing armor rating by 60%

    increasing threat generation by 50%

    increases shield chance by 15%

    taking damage builds 1 rage

    but all Assault abilities generate 1 less rage

    This effect cannot occur more than once every 6 seconds


    Shien :


    increasing all damage dealt by 6%

    All attacks that cost focus will refund 1 focus when used

    taking damage generates 1 focus

    this effect cannot occur more than once every 6 seconds.

    +talent 6% more


    So one you are less squishy , the otehr you do 12% more damage + generating focus points way faster, meaning you spam more attack.


    The point is, to help your friend healer, you will guard them no? If you guard them, you share 50% of the damage they take. So lets take a regular WZ crit of 2k. You take 1k he take 1k. When there is 4 people attacking him, your life will drop. If you are in shien form, first , you wont be able to guard him since you need to be soresu. So your friend will die really fast. If you are in soresu and guard him, with talent like Blade baricade , guard stance, warding call, saber ward, guardian leap etc. you can prevent ALOT of damage on you and on your friend becuase the damage you take go through your mitigation.


    Shield might not be that good but flat decrease in damage of those talent are god sent to survival. So the longer your healer survive, the longer you will too. Because if 3 people jump on your healer while you are in dps stance , he will die. If they jump on him while you are in tanking stance guarding him, there is a greater chance of survival.

  11. dont forget that they nerfed the switching. So each time you switch, you drop to 0 focus and need to build it up again.


    Im not really a fan of your build, i think it try to do two things but wont really get both of them well.


    Dust Storm : 5% accuracy at 50 pvp is not really much , i had some people do it on my mercenary and never really saw the difference, i wasnt missing either.


    Guard Stance : you wont really be using Soresu but i can guess it is a filler, still a waste since you will be in Shien


    Blade Barricade : Require you to riposte so you will need to be targeted and have done a shield or a defense like dodge/parry to have it activate, it will still come by but instead of costing 1 focus, it will cost three. It is not wasted but perhaps wont have the potential you will hope to have


    Blade Barrier : well i wouldnt drop point in it for pvp.. i cannot really say in theorycrafting how much it really produce and how you can change it but when you get it around lvl 30 even at 40 it was producing somewhere around 300 absorb? (really not sure). All i know is , it was really low and usually preventing only a single strike from a normal mob or a strong mob. In pvp you wont really notice it. it is not a life saver.


    The rest of the points are ok but it is not a build that seem really efficient in my opinion (for what it is worth). If you wanna be a ****** and peel from your buddy like a madman, you need to survive because in Shien when you get focused a little, you go down quick. So you better take a path with more survivability or more damage.


    perhaps this would be better?


    running around with a shield and most of your peeling abilities are lower in cd. It is still not something that i would use (not because it wouldnt be good but not my style of play) but you could give it a whirl


    edit: to be a real damage dealer , you need at least to go up to overhead slash. In the build you made, you heavy hitter is hilt strike. If you were counting on master strike , you can be interrupted or t he enemy can move away. Leaving you with less possibility to defend yourself or help capture a point while at the same time missing the AC from shield/soresu. Its like being weak/weak


    edit 2 : Since your friend dps and the other can heal, perhaps going with a full defensive build like that with a shield.




    You get all the CC/peeling ability while a good guardian slash is really decent dps and you will be hard to take down. I would go with a shield and soresu AND with dps gear on (crit surge). Because to generate enough combo point with the build you posted in Shien form, you need to be getting attacked but the problem is, you wont live to spend them mostly. With this one, instead of being an annoying mosquitos, you will be an annoying tank. If you dont survive, you cant peel. A sage that is guarded and heal like a madman is really annoying

  12. I did as Defense. Sic Kira on one of the weaker mobs, Charge in, Sweep, push away strong, blade storm=>Sunder=>Slash (I ran momentum - respecced for dust storm at 50 - and I levelled before Push reset the c\d on Charge. Moar momentum Blade Storms ahoy) weakling. Both weaklings are likely dead by now. DPS down Strong (Stasis optional). At 30-33 you'll also have Hilt Strike, which both, does good damage and stuns for 1 Focus with Solidified Force).


    That said, Guardians *are* the weakest class in the 10-30\35 levelling window.



    laying as a Vigilance Guardian is pretty rough till you get level 30 and over head slash. From then on it's alllll gravy. Hits like a freaking truck, and can take a good hit in return.


    Gear up T7 and life is much much much better, Kira is for tank specced Guardians, until you get Doc of course. Doc is your best friend.


    Both of you thank you. There is so much troll post all around. Those two paragraph will help newcomer instead of insulting them.


    red - let's go


    I roleplay a knight who was not certain of his life choice, who was not sure he really wanted to defend the people and was slowly falling in the dark path. Selfishness and greed.


    One day he meet a young sage who was meant to save masters from a dark threat and she try to make him see the light.


    He slowly begin to understand what is going on, no more afraid of his destiny

  14. I wish people would realize that fights like the Valis fight are more about survival instead of dps. This means you will spend most of the time interrupting key attacks and using your defensive cool-downs. As well as utilizing your med kits and stems.


    sorry but people who come from WoW dont know about interrupt. I had to teach 4 of my dps in my raid who were doing incredible damage that interrupt is more important...

  15. Focus is the big burst spec that everyone gets a ***** over but really it's not the end all be all it's described to be. It's good, don't get me wrong, but I'd still take a DPS specced Vanguard/Powertech or a Sent/Mara any day of the week.


    one trick pony aoe that you need to build up to do it and make sure not to miss it. I like it but it is simplystic

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